Feeling ignored by the Strippers?

avatar for Subraman
Let the sweethearts of StripperWeb learn you some good manners!

Selected excerpts from the thread, Customer Not to Approach

"Guys who wear sunglasses in the club. "

"Guys who lay their money out on their table. They just do it to bait the dancers. They don't spend a dollar of it. " (bad news for JS69)

"Anyone with pants so baggy I can see their drawers." (bad news for chessmaster!)

"I will typically choose Caucasian men first, foreigners are a last ditch resort. " (Hurray for me!)

"Anyone with a creepy vibe, women (unless they call me over), and guys who are just sitting around not tipping. " (bad news for LDK)

"Spanish speaking customer: (collecting my tips) "No hablas ingles. No dinero." (despite the fact that I saw him with several Benjamins in his wallet)
Me: (in English) "I'll let you fuck me for $100."
Alleged Spanish speaking customer: "Ok...si si!" " (Ha ha! Go Papi!)

"this might sound weird, but guys who are ridiculously overdressed at odd hours of the day. " (My bro Rick! Maybe the porkpie hat was too much)

"Guys that wear sweatpants!!!! " (bad news for the whole lot of us)

"How about the ones that IMMEDIATELY ask (im talkin right out thr gate) "so...do you dafe older men"WALK AWAY AND DONT LOOK BACKK " (Damn, jackslash, give a bitch a few minutes to sit down and talk first)

"Anything with a vagina that is not a stripper. " (sad face emoji for lopaw)

"The indians at my bar usually smell have a heavy curry-like scent to them. Once someone told me I smelled like a middle eastern man 4 hours after I did a dance with an indian guy." (I'm so sorry, Bangalore Movers! Don't take it to heart, you guys are the best. You hear me? The BEST)

Lots more fun to come!
"The gay guy that just wants to ask questions about being a girl? (This happened lastnight)" (San Jose Gay! You told me you were going to give me a ring next time you went clubbing)


last comment
avatar for timothyjames55
8 years ago
Subraman, you are a truly funny dude. I always enjoy your posts.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Thank you sir!
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Being ignored by the cunts who post on stripperweb is a blessing in disguise.
avatar for Beaver_Hunter
8 years ago
Pretty fucking funny!
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
Sclvr it's not a blessing in disguise, is just a blessing.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Lol good point, rh48hr. Basically anything uttered over there is the polar opposite of what actually happens in stripclubs. It's comedy at its best.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
Can I sag my pants in a three piece suit?
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Oh subra, I was laughing so hard at your TUSCL member comparisons my wife asks "what's so funny?" "Uh nothing..."


Thanks for the good laugh
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Despite my gaydar being awful (go figure) my cuntdar is very good and very accurate. I steer clear of the anti-female ho's in clubs. Happily they are in the vast minority and I ain't missing nothin'
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Lol lopaw is "cuntdar" a new word for the glossary?
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
They forgot captain save-a-hoe
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Dancers have told me they won't go near anybody in a turban.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Funny. But I don't believe much of anything those dumb whores on stripperweb say.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Probably more accurate would be "guys we'd prefer not to approach but ending up doing it anyway".
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Does this mean I can put on sunglasses and be ignored by dancers until I want some attention? I might try it one day but I suspect even more dancers would come over and ask why I'm wearing sunglasses. My eyes are very sensitive to bright lights in strip clubs and outdoors. If clubs are ok with sunglasses, I wouldn't mind wearing them at times.
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
"Dancers have told me they won't go near anybody in a turban."

Sikh and ye shall find.....
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I sat with someone who started with money on the table. It worked better than deer urine.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Lol ATACdawg...that's a real groaner
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
As the saying goes one should not judge a book by it's cover but gonna play devil's advocate & say that a lot of those SW comments may have merit to a certain degree (after-all many of us probably pass certain judgements on dancers we see)
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