Exposed: Shocking FLAW in The System(tm)

avatar for Subraman
From SW:
crystalize-->"Do you go up to the guy who looks the wealthiest, or the guy who has given you signals that he is interested in you, first?"

We Had a Rabbit Like You-->"I don't put much stock into guys who "look" wealthy..they are often cheap assholes who want the attention but have no money , like the guys who brag about how much they make..when you have money you can show, you don't need to brag. Guys in suits make me uneasy, haven't had good experiences. "

Leica-->"If I had a lap dance for every broke asshole who wears a suit to try look wealthy...I'd own a club not work in one."

Danni-->"Wealthiest "looking" doesn't mean jack. First off, just because he's nicely dressed, doesn't mean he has money or is willing to spend whatever he does.
Go to the guy that you pretty much know is a guarantee."

EastCoastDancer01-->"if I do go up to a custie on the floor, it would be the guy who looks at me and gives the vibe of being interested in a dance. The way he dresses or how "rich" he looks does not matter to me one bit."

It was "fuck the guy in the suit" in a landslide! Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger. I apologize from deep within my loins, for challenging this sacred PL Axiom. Of course, it makes me wonder: what if the guy in the suit IS the one who is showing you attention? What then? Hmmmmm?

:) :) :)…


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avatar for jester214
8 years ago
Exposed: Shocking flaw in Subraman

He believes what he reads on SW is true.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
^^^ There is no way those busty beauties can tell an un-truth.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Damn Subra you really must be bored, all of that shit from the pink journal dont you have some laundry to do or something......................;..)
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Reading SW is my guilty pleasure. It's FABULOUS! You think I should discuss this with my therapist? :)
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^^Probably wouldn't hurt, but fuck her in the pussy might be more fun !
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
I honestly think this is the first post I have read from stripperweb where most TUSCL members and stripper can agree with what the strippers are saying.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
As long as you're truly a RICH STUD like me you could wear basketball suits or sweatpants and it won't affect your chances. They're just whores after all.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Fuck that faggot RickyBoy, btw!
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
shocking flaw is...suprising. HAHA you thought I was going to say shocking....damn
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I wore a suit to work for a couple years and if I was clubbing afterwards I would change first. I can't say I got any more or less attention than wearing usual sport wear. Where you sit makes a bigger difference; less girls come up to you at the bar than at a table.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Dougie makes a good point, once they KNOW you have money, you could be wearing a shit covered suit and it wouldn't matter
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
You mean that I wasted $99.99 on my white polyester 3-piece suit???

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
This was funny yp
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I believe that The System (tm) developed when Rick Dugan was doing business traveling and just kept his usually suit attire on.

I can say first hand that it does result in preferential attention in strip clubs and AMPs. In strip clubs though I do not purposely wear a suit. In AMPs however I do, and it makes a huge difference in the GFE level.

But yes, in other places it is known that a guy trying to impress in a suit is a jerk. And if you are really rich, you can dress however you want.

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