
Follies visit

Atlanta suburb
Thursday, September 22, 2016 7:33 PM
Great day at Follies today(Thu). Thisoldmanplayed1 was visiting me and we drove to the club together. RTP was there along with snowtime, Magicrat, VeryBigDawg and Papi_Chulo. The 7 of us kept the girls busy and I wound up taking my CF to VIP. Lots of Cuban dancers, Miami must have kicked them out. :) I'm going to sleep good tonight.


  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Sounds like a great time!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Glad to hear you're back -
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Papi must have felt right at home with all of the Cuban dancers. Sorry that Juice couldn't make it.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    thanks for the report, shadow. i'm so jealous, especially since there were many latinas in the building follies is awesome---especially this time of the year with football on follies on NFL Sunday= GODSEND!!!
  • snowtime
    8 years ago
    Follies is the best value club around. All of the positive reviews are not wrong. Even a better time with a group of TUSCLers who have a casual connection.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    That's what happens when everyone has me on ignore....u can't see me lol
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    What did you say Juice?? LOL
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Good job guys, The Follies tradition carries on.
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    I stopped in for an hour or so today as well. Didn't know about the party.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Yeah because shadow and magrat posted a thread and sent out emails two months back and unlike tuscl tradition your supposed to start a thread and send out pms at least one week out to remind partisans that it will be he'd as a reminder and confirmation Since this did not happen I figured they cancelled plains I'm not retirement like some of you old fucks. My time is valuable and I'm working 60-80 hours every week....I need a months notice so I can get off then a confirmation a week out so I can trust it's going down....if not I will just go back in to work and print more cash so I can retire one day
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    I was not there as long as some of the hard core Pl's, but it was a very strong day at Follies. I did witness a very enterprising young cuban dancer who was giving two lap dances at once. She was giving a very good grind to one guy while using her hands on another guy. She seemed to be very good at multitasking as both Pl's seemed to be getting great satisfaction. I was just sorry I could not find a way for her to use her feet on me. Fun time and great to meet some terrific guys.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    sc, Was Papi a good translator? I need to find a replacement for vm!
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Clubber - He wasn't worth a shit in that respect. I did introduce him to one young, tall and thin Cuban dancer that the rest of us found very cute. He shook her hand and gave her a cordial greeting in Spanish but that was it. I could have done that. LOL. She would have needed an ass twice as big as the one she had to get his interest. :)
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    sc, Papi is a friend, but I don't think I would trust his translation. We are so very different in our choice of women. VERY DIFFERENT! :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    We don't have many Cuban girls here. Interesting. SJG
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    sjg, If you have extra Asians, I'll trade you Cubans 2 for 1. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    We have more Asians than you could possibly imagine. :) SJG
  • VeryBigDawg
    8 years ago
    Great time yesterday! We manned the Shadowcat corner for most of the day. Incredible turnout of strippers too. All in all one of the best.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    I have not been in a few months. :( Thinking about going tomorrow. (Saturday) Wish I had known about Thursday, But then someone else must have, my quick client visit wasn't so quick. As far as Asians go. She would have to be special, I have sworn off Asian women 15 years with one will do that. Wouldn't mind trying a latino.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Mr.Bater - I prefer latinas. La·ti·no ləˈtēnō/ NORTH AMERICAN noun 1. (in North America) a person of Latin American origin or descent, especially a man or boy La·ti·na ləˈtēnə,la-/ nounNORTH AMERICAN 1. (in North America) a woman or girl of Latin American origin or descent LOL.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    sc, You know why the "O" is masculine? Cause when it's time, we go OH OH OH... [view link]
  • aroundtown
    8 years ago
    I was there from 1pm til 10pm Thursday and honestly wasn't my favorite visit. I've experienced a slight dip over the past few weeks.
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    RTP: Are you talking about the small Cuban girl wearing pink on Thursday?
  • ime
    8 years ago
    MR Bater needs to talk with SJG I am sure he can hook him up with a slim latino
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    rentz - I don't remember what color her clothes were but I wouldn't call her small. Nice build with a pretty face.
  • aroundtown
    8 years ago
    Rtp - I saw her too. If we're talking about the same one, she's actually from Philly. Super sweet girl. Made my dinner plate Wed and Thurs.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Yeah I saw this bitch as well ...hell she even sucked my dick
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Clubber, Saturday was really sunny. Lots of people out and about, including some Coffee Shop Grade Asians. Sorry, even though we have so many, each one of them pulls at my heart strings. So sorry, I can't trade any, even getting 2 Cubans for each of them. So it you want to send some Cubans fine, but I can't part with any Asians. SJG
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    sjg, You bastard! [view link] :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I just couldn't stand to part with any of them: [view link] SJG
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    Don't blame you at all!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    [view link] The down side with Vietnamese girls, and with most Asians, is that they are conservative, conformist, materialistic, and parent pleasers. And usually they are drama queens and quite difficult to deal with. Ever notice how Asian men are completely cowed by them? Asian men deny this, but to me it is completely undeniable. But then it is rare to find many of the typical Shit Head variety, which is so common among whites. I think of one in particular, total lifetime involvement with alcohol very small, untouched by drugs, psychiatric meds, born again Christianity, or the Recovery Movement, a stunning beauty and quite intelligent too. Being Asian she will be rather outer directed, but the White Shit Heads are in their own way completely outer directed too. I've often tried to figure out why I like Asians. I do not think in the same ways which they do, at least not as I can see. An online and telephone woman friend of mine has listened to lots of the stories and says, "There must be some mutual attraction." She is right. But I am not quite sure what it is, maybe besides otherness. When people see the other as "other", then they treat them with more respect and make more allowances for them. It will be more the non-conformist Asian girl who steps forward and starts getting in my face. Certainly like that at the Coffee Shops. But this does not mean that it would be easy for she and I to have a relationship, definitely not. And still, on the whole, though they are flirty, they are still slower moving than the general population. And then maybe it is just that our local strip clubs have always been zero touching. Where as at our local AMPs, its always just between me and the girl, and I always treat them like civilians, so it becomes like a first date. So maybe it is just familiarity. Last night I was thinking about all the white girls I've gotten along with at our local hands off clubs, and imagined what it would be like if I had encountered them at an FS-ITC establishment? Just some basic getting to know each other and some GFE, and then go. No outside relationship necessary. Most issues of cultural incompatibility neutralized. I have much to look forward to when traveling to other places. Anyway, everyone who follows me in the organization I am building will get all they could possible imagine of girls of every color and ethnicity, and on a daily basis, and the girls being scheduled according to their lunar cycles. SJG
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    sjg, I can't say one way or the other about how they are in "general". I've only really known two Asian women, one was a co-worker years ago with whom I had little contact. She did play poker with us a couple of times, but no one on one contact at all. The other, my ATF. No problems with her.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The problems will usually be more, the more conservative the girl is. So if she is a stripper or sex worker, then the problems will probably be less. But if she is embedded in a world of family and friends, then when you deal with her, you are also dealing with all of these people too. The SJ Coffee Girls are normative and conservative girls, nothing like sex workers. They like things like houses and expensive automobiles. So they can be difficult. SJG
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