
OT: The Last Word on the Presidential Campaign

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I usually do not make New Year's resolutions. But this year I resolved not to engage in political arguments. Such arguments are pointless because I have never convinced anyone to change his vote and no one has ever convinced me. I admit I've broken my resolution a couple times. Here is the last word on the presidential campaign.



  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    This goes for most topics discussed here. It is pointless to waste time. I usually write things anonymously to
    vent frustrations.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Pretty much sums it up.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    When people tell me that I'm wasting my vote by choosing a third candidate, I ask them if they'd like a kick in the balls, or a punch in the throat.

    Same choice, really.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Yes, you're throwing your vote away by voting third party.

    I don't even consider these discussions political. It's more about whether we should let someone with mental illness occupy the White House. And make no mistake about it --- this isn't about economic anxiety. Trump's rise is all about race and the changing demographics of the country.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I made up my mind a little while ago. I don't care for either candidate of the two party system candidates so I am going to vote for one of the two third party candidates this time. My wife is also going to vote for one of the two as well.

    I am so done with it. Times are changing. Demographics are changing. I only talk politics she I can have a rational discussion in person.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Every vote has meaning, even a 3rd party candidate.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    As a long-time Republican voter who has favored the Libertarian candidate in some recent elections, I find the argument that a vote for a third party is a vote for Clinton ludicrous. If I cast my vote for Gary Johnson, then I am explicitly *not* voting for either the utterly corrupt leftie Clinton nor for the authoritarian nationalist (*not* conservative!) Trump. Why is that hard to understand?

    As a matter of fact, I'm finding Gary Johnson pretty thin gruel as a standard-bearer for the libertarian cause and will probably, for the first time in my adult life, vote for *nobody* for President.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    A third party candidate is not going to make amerikkka great again. Sorry.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    The only thing I know is one candidate is for controlling everything and will put supreme court judges to enforce her reign. Promising every group that she will subsidize them for their votes! Where is that money going to come from?? Since her base does not work or is so wealthy they pay no taxes (like her) it must come from the rest of the country where you work your ass off and CURRENTLY have taken in taxes is around 60% of what you make to the government!
    Do the math:
    Fed Income tax(max rate of 37.5) use 22% + State Income tax 11% + State sales tax 8%(average) + State Property tax(you pay it even if you rent the landlord has to pay so he adds it to your rent) 10%(low average) + Utility usage tax 1% + State personal property tax (car etc) 2% + Gasoline tax (depending on how much your drive-low estimate) 2% + Various 'sin' taxes (booze/tobacco) 1% (does not include various other taxes like Obamacare, travel and entertainment taxes that most cities have) = 57% and that is a low estimate, it does not take much of an income bump to jump to the 25% tax bracket.
    What happens when she bumps the top tax bracket to 50%, drops the lower brackets and the average working schmuck now starts at 30% instead of 20% and she bumps utility taxes and gasoline taxes as she has promised to to support her green energy cronies(Solindra) pretty soon you are at 70% in taxes. She has also proposed to tax us based on net worth so if you have a retirement account, stocks, savings account, money market account, car and a house you now have to pay a tax based upon their current market value.
    I think I may just fall into the basket of deplorable s because I don't think every group needs special treatment, immigrants need to come in legally, pastors should be allowed to speak their mind from the pulpit without the threat of IRS retribution, government is to big and needs a 50% staffing reduction(LE and military not so much), Congress must abide by the laws they impose upon the rest of us and believe in TERM LIMITS.
    Where I grew up there were term limits on the governor, sheriff and most mayors. This help stem the good old boy network somewhat but did not go far enough.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Sound like TiredTraveler is NOT voting for Trump, but is voting against Clinton, as am I. I guess that makes us both deplorables.
    Listen to Gary Johnson's appearances on all the talk shows -radio and television- and he is clearly a drug addled lunatic. He literally foamed at the mouth on Fox News Sunday. Jill Stein is simply a clueless idiot.
    There are white racists and xenophobes voting for Trump. As an American, I am ashamed of them; but every country has racists and nationalist zealous. Trump is none of those. Trumps ascendancy is really about bucking the system. Johnson and Clinton are both career politicians. Political office should be about public service, not career progression. Trump first flipped the tables on the Republicans. Then he rattled the cages of the media. Now he's flipping the script on Hillary and the democrat party. I am loving watching the symbiotic parasite network of the establishment panic about everything he's doing. Do I think he'll be a good president? Probably not. But he'll be a helluva lot better than any of the other three, and maybe even be a catalyst for the dismantling of the establishment network.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I have to admit that as much as I hate Donald Trump, I hate progressives more, so I am sending him some money. Tired of t he hypocritical bigots pretending they are superior when they are simply lowlifes, for the most part. Still voting Gary Johnson and to all who bitch about the two party system and t hen whine about us third party voters throwing away our votes, a hearty Fuck you. As far as demographics changing? I understand they are changing and that is why I no longer care about the future of whatever country the demographics create. Zero interest in the future so I will fuck up the environment and use as many natural resources as possible.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Kill them both and llet's put a homeless guy in.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If I was on the ballot as None of the Above. I might stand a good chance of winning. Then go WTF was I thinking?
    There will be no winner. Just more arguing among congress, the people, and the president whomever it is.

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    "Zero interest in the future so I will fuck up the environment and use as many natural resources as possible."

    That's the spirit!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    "Zero interest in the future so I will fuck up the environment and use as many natural resources as possible."

    Actually, I can sort of respect the nihilistic undertones. If posters like this would only take it to the logical conclusion.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Logical conclusion is to fuck all the bitches.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    pretty much, fuck it all. it implies discarding all religious and moral values. Yay! We get gay marriage and family bathrooms for trans people! Fucking all the bitches. Yep, implied too. :)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I disagree though. I believe our purpose here is to worship God, find salvation through Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and leave the world a better place for me having been here. That pretty much sums up why I must vote against Clinton.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I thought Giant Douche had some pretty solid policy arguments.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Vote Turd Sandwich!
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago

    Calling Hillary a "leftie" may be the most absurd comment in a totally absurd thread in a totally absurd forum. She used to be a Republican Christ sake (voted for Goldwater) and she's to the right of Obama in nearly every way.

    You're truly a suck weirdo, but there's something about your honesty that I admire. At least you don't post about fucking Hillary while hurling insults at her. Yes, lets destroy the environment for future generations, since you don't have any progeny. Good thing, too. We sure don't want your gene pool on planet Earth.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Well, you're right, SJGay. Saying that's she's to the right of Obama is still correct.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Saying Hillary is not a liberal shows what an incurable moron RandomMember is.
    Universal healthcare
    A ban on guns
    Government payment of higher education
    Refusal to acknowledge Radical Islamic Terror
    That's just the tip of her LEFTIST iceberg
    Let's not forget: She believes herself to be better than the electorate and privileged to all the benefits she would deny the rest of us. Nothing sums up Socialism better than "some animals are more equal than others."
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    She's a liberal, @Gamma, but to the right of Obama and far to the right of Sanders and Stein. It's hard to understand the hatred and that angst leveled at her.

    Universal healthcare is the issue that I personally care about the most. Insured Americans are at an all time low, which is a great achievement. However, Obamacare seems to be failing, with big insurers unable to underwrite the sickest Americans. So you might get wish, with Obamacare failing on it's own.

    Clinton is for more intelligent universal background checks. Saying she wants to "ban guns" is inflammatory gibberish.

    Sort of liked your initial post, @Gamma. However, if you spend any time looking at the Trump campaign and polling data, it's pretty clear that Trump is a bigot, without the patience or intelligence to understand the complexity of some of these issues.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    You got me on the Goldwater comment, @Gay. Believe it or not, I try as hard as possible to look at the facts :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Hillary Clinton was an inspiring presence back in 1992 when Bill was running.

    Nothing has changed, except she is older.

    She would make a find President.

  • minnow
    8 years ago
    @gmd- I like to say that voting for a 3rd party candidate is like pissing in your pants. You get a warm feeling after doing it, but nobody else cares. And I'd add that you'll still get a punch in the throat or a kick in the balls.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Yeah, Hillary was a 17-year-old Goldwater girl on Election Day 1964 so she's not a leftie today. That makes complete sense. She may have been superficially less leftwing than Obama when they were both in the Senate, but it's obvious that her hard-fought campaign against Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination drove her distinctly -- and permanently -- leftward on a number of issues. I maintain that she would be an even more leftwing president than Obama has been.

    Leftists (I tend to avoid the term "liberal", as it used to be a good thing) make the mistake of calling Hillary "conservative" because she is (a) in the pocket of Wall Street and (b) a warmonger. Neither of these is intrinsic to conservatism, and neither precludes her from being a leftist.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    The next little tidbit that is about to come out is that Donald Trump's excuse for not showing his tax returns is a lie, a blatant falsehood. He is not at this time being audited so what could there be in those tax returns that he doesn't want to show us.
    Don't like Hillary Clinton , I don't blame you, I don't either, but no fucking way on gods green earth am I voting for this con man.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    So what's "intrinsic" to conservatism, @Deuce? I take it (1) privatizing social security and (2) turning medicare into a voucher system. Is that right? Good luck.

    @25: It could be that Trump simply doesn't want the Democrats to sift through his lengthy returns and pick over them like a vulture over carrion. However, my best hunch is that his returns will show that he's worth much less than he's reported to be worth. For Trump, this would be like pulling down his pants and showing that he has a nano-dick -- more embarrassing than any form of tax fraud.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I will say that 2016 is really stretching the practice of "voting for the lesser of two evils" to the extreme. JFC.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Random you could be right, I personally think that he has dealings with other countries that put his interests at odds with being president of The United States. Bet his tax returns show some evidence of fraud as well.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    RandomMember --> " So what's "intrinsic" to conservatism" --> end quote RandomMember

    "Fuck you, I got mine, AKA The American Dream." -or- "I Got Mine. Screw The Rest Of You."

    Tune in next week for "a bad eposide of The Rocky and Bullwinkle show" -or- "Skibum explains politics to Millennials."
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I think along twentyfive's suspicion WRT Donald J. Trump's tax returns. If everything were on the up and up, he'd release them. Why? (1) To dox Hillary Clinton and set an example. (2) to publically display and measure his "ePeen" (e-penis). What dude would not WANT TO BRAG that he's worth 10 BILLION DOLLARS? #2 plays into his hand that he's qualified to be POTUS because he's a successful business man. And TEN BILLION is a really big penis, I mean a really big number.

    If I was worth $10B, and a public figure, I'd brag about it. Hell ... I pay Larry's stripper crush and fuck her in front of him. $10B allows you to do a lot. It shows you can do a lot.
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