
Gem from stripperweb



  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I have posted this conversation I had with a former CF, in the VIP. I don't remember anymore the exact thing she did, maybe she waved her coochie or ass around my face... the rest of the conversation:

    Me: "You smell good!"
    Her: "I know, I smell good, right?"
    Me: "Yes, awesome! And not all girls smell good down ther--"
    Her: "The black girls."
    Me: "What?"
    Her: "The black girls. They come in without showering and just baby wipe themselves down. I see it in the locker room every day."
    Me: (glancing around nervously) "Ha ha! Just a couple of white people talking about how black girls smell!"
    Her: "I'm Mexican."
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    What the fucking fuck? Seriously how long does it take to shower? I understand girls with long hair it may take longer but... They don't even have to wash their hair everyday.

    Fuck, it's noon EST and I've already had 2 showers since 10pm last night. So I've had 2 showers in less than 10 hours and this girl is claiming she doesn't have time for a shower in 3 days? I tell ya what, cut down on the weed smoking, video games and Instagram selfies and cut out 7 minutes of your day for a shower, your customers will thank you.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I'm actually enjoying some of the frustration in that thread. Summary:

    Gross Stripper: "Sometimes I don't have time to shower before my shift. Anyone else?"
    Princess Stripper: "No, I always shower. Even if you just rinse yourself off."
    Disgusting Stripper: "I agree with Gross Stripper. If I shower, it takes me at least 45 minutes, have to do my hair, loufa my coochie, etc. Instead of showering, I just use baby wipes when I get there."
    Pretty Stripper: "But why can't you just do a 5 minute shower to rinse off? I agree a real shower takes a long time, but why can't you do a quick rinse, don't get your hair wet?"
    Gross Stripper: "You girls aren't getting it -- showers take 45 minutes."

    It's like some of the stripperweb girls, are getting a dose of what it's like for us to hear stripper reasoning. It's awesome lol!

    On the other hand, I have to think all these stinky strippers are getting away with it because we, as clients, are gross, and put up with grossness. There's a girl at my club who I think is stanky, and not one, but TWO of my buddies really dig her. One of them even told me, "you would never put up with how she smells", so it's not like he doesn't smell it -- he just doesn't care. Groooooossssss
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Q. What is the difference between a stripper and a hockey player?
    A. A hockey player takes a shower after three periods.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Isn't that a Mexican shower? There's the pot calling the kettle black.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    SW post from "Jaylenn"-->
    Are we serious here ? lol
    There are so many smelly pussies in the clubs nowadays & now I can see why..
    I worked day shift one time & this dancer smelled terrible . She had the audacity of bending over in front of guys & they didn't seem to mind it . One of her high paying customers talked so much shit about her smell & still dropped the money on her . At the end of the shift she told me she was going straight to a bar right after work & I thought, WITHOUT A SHOWER ?! ---------->

    Jaylenn dropping some truth. In particular:
    - "There are so many smelly pussies in the club". I am cursed with an almost preternatural ability to smell stinky pussies, I can often smell a girl's vag when she's grinding on my lap, and my buddy will have the same girl wave her pussy in front of his nose and not smell it at all.
    - "She had the audacity of bending over in front of guys & they didn't seem to mind it " Absolutely. We as customers are as fucking gross as those coochpocalypse girls. Maybe our brains shut off our olfactory senses when the blood rushes to our dicks.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Smelly girls in the dive clubs is not uncommon.

    Running into one at a higher end club is more rare, at least in my experiences.

    My retired ATF who I met on a busy night in Vegas years ago. She was grinding away on my it was summer and hot. She actually had sweat dripping from her face when she was done. She said "I'll be back in 45 min, please don't leave." I didn't, and she went and took a shower and redid all her make up. I guess there's the opposite of the spectrum and just one of the many reasons she was my ATF.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    That is gross. I've never come across a stripper with body odor, I've come across a couple of smelly pussies though.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    I have come across I think pretty much everything. it all depends on the girl and what she's been doing just prior to sitting with me. if she is directly off the stage I'm going to be not surprised for some perspiration and odor from a good thorough work out. butt I do have to say... anything beyond a mild genuine female fragrance... Can be negatively distracting. i'm probably just like most pathetic losers... that we prefer a girl that is as clean as a whistle as can be.
  • Timbuck12
    8 years ago
    There is no bigger turn-off to me than a stanky pussy. I've walked out of VIPs less than 10 minutes in due to rank smell. There is one dancer at Follies with a great spinner/toned body that I won't get near anymore due to constant body odor and no deodorant.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    In my CF's absence, I have started to sample other dancers. Man, there is some rank pussy out there! Makes me appreciate my CF's immaculate hygiene even more!
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    you mean a hooters finger wipe ain't enough?
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    The stripperweb bitches make it well known how much they despise the customers so it would be no surprise if they don't shower on purpose.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    I have had a few at Follies that could have used a shower.

    Then I had one that kept smelling me, complimented me and said it was nice that I smelled good. Made me think about all the guys that come in and probably need a shower.
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