Unfair Competition

avatar for jackslash
My CF Jenna complained to me about Trixie, a dancer who used unfair tactics. Jenna had been sitting with a customer and hoping he would take her to VIP. But while she was on stage, Jenna saw Trixie go over to the customer, pull her thong aside to show him her goods, and lead him upstairs. This happened twice in one week. Jenna talked to one guy after he returned from VIP, and he told her Trixie had offered him FS for $100.

Trixie pulled this trick on a number of dancers, and they were unhappy about losing their income. Finally they confronted Trixie in the dressing room and told her she had crossed the line. They did not give her a beat down (this being an upscale club), but the dancers made it clear Trixie would be having an unpleasant time if she continued this pattern.

Being a close friend, I sympathize with Jenna and think Trixie should not steal her customers while she's dancing on stage. That is unfair. But as a customer, I believe price competition is a good thing. It is not unfair competition to sell your coochie for less.

The dancers, however, regard their club as a premium establishment with premium prices. They have, in effect, formed a cartel, and they have fixed the prices for their goods (within some negotiable limits.)

I will not bring up the fact that cartels are against the law and that the dancers could be charged with illegally fixing the price of poontang. It seems unlikely that the Federal Trade Commission will step in. The strippers can get away with it.

I am still unsure how I feel about Trixie's unfair competition. Should a stripper be allowed to use any tactics and pricing in the strip club or should the other dancers have a say in what the dancer does?


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avatar for grand1511
9 years ago
The cartel seems to neglect the fact that they each need to seal the deal before they get called away to be on stage. A little better marketing can hook their customer before they are forced to leave the negotiation and open up an opportunity for another marketer.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
yes. it's a free market.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
Forming a cartel may be illegal, but then, so is offering FS in the first place.....
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Typical Stripper Shit it is just a hustle on her part to get you to pay more than the market rate, I see it as a scam.
avatar for TravelingGolfer
9 years ago
Jack, I will answer your question with a question.

How hot is Trixie and what's her schedule?

avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"How hot is Trixie and what's her schedule?"

avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
No honor among thieves. Or whores.
avatar for maho
9 years ago
As a customer, I could have easily told Trixie I was "waiting for someone" - which is a very common line in a strip club - if I was truly into Jenna but just had to wait 10-15 minutes for her to get back from her stage set.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I first thought this was a joke, or is it a "theory" question or actual situation?

Anyway didn't the girls at Flight Club a few years back try to pull this? Where most agreed not to go all the way in VIP for less than four or five hundred?
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I've always had a better time in clubs where the dancers could set their own prices, etc over clubs where the management controlled things.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
If a custy is alone then he's fair game, fhere are only so many custies to go around & if Trixie sealed the deal then that's on Jenna - it's a bit of a delicate act dancers have to navigate b/w not being too pushy and sealing the deal - some dancers will wait for the custy to bring-up dances/VIP but I think that is a risky move, IMO at some point the dancer needs to pull the trigger if the custy hasn't if she has already spent an acceptable time w/ him - or just let the custy know that she'll come right back post-stage & to wait for her if he'd like to spend more time w/ her
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I kinda doubt Trixie is doing FS for $100, everybody lies in strip clubs including custies, so it could've been the custy lying, or SS, or could be true but I have my doubts.
avatar for ime
9 years ago
It's all in the game ya heard.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Trixie will have trouble pulling that kind of thing, any strip club she goes. At a dive club, she could expect a beatdown.

That said, while I understand why dancers are upset with her, I love her... or, to echo TG's pithy reply, how hot is she and what's her schedule? As a customer, I love the competition, I'd rather have more choices.

Of course, my personal M.O. is to sit with a girl for a few hours, I commit to her totally during that time, and expect her to sit only with me. As a result, Trixie's little stunt wouldn't work on me, and I'll note girls who do that kind of hustle are famous for over-promsing and under-delivering. But in any case, I stick with the girl with whom I have an appointment; if Trixie catches my eye, I'll make an appointment with her for a different day
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
All's fair in love and stripping.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
9 years ago
The smartest dancers play nice with the other chickies, avoiding conflict.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Jeez, bitches selling their pussy for 100 bucks now?
avatar for sf_payday
9 years ago
Trixie: It's possible she's doing 100FS in order to establish a book of OTC business, make money fast, or maybe doesn't know she may be able to price higher.

Price Floors: When dancers collude on pricing, this means custies pay more and some demand is unmet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…

The highest price floor I've seen is at MBOT, where there's a price floor on VIP dances and tips vary widely based on the dancer's uniqueness. Over time, this has resulted in some interesting workarounds and customer-client dynamics.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
It seems to me that Jenna is recommending that you try out Trixie. That is the next logical move.
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
How long had Jenna been sitting with the PL? Had she even offered to go to vip with him?

I only ask because some PLs are shy and wait for the girl to offer vip. If Trixie was able to talk him into it within the time Jenna was on stage he may have been waiting for someone to ask.
avatar for Tiburon
9 years ago
I don't sympathize with Jenny. If Jenny has prices that can be easily be beaten, then that's her problem. IF she doesn't seal the deal befo re she leaves, that's also her problem. If she isn't as hot as Trixie and customers think so, too bad. Free market trade. Trixie does a better job and its not like the same can't happen to trixie. Just be better salesperson.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Yes, the more aggressive the girls are the better.

And you know that at the places where the girls lead with DFKing, the reason is so that they can eliminate the competiton right on.

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