
Getting rid of a leech

layin low but staying high
A leech is a dancer who won't leave your table no matter what you say to her. I've had three in my life -- one in PP Columbia, one in PP Greenville, and one in some shitty club in downtown Minneapolis that I don't remember the name of. I started out telling them nicely to leave, Then I was an asshole demanding that they get their skanky ass out of my view, but they wouldn't leave. This may have been because they were fucked up on drugs, or it may be because their business model is to coerce guys into getting a dance to get rid of them. Have you ever experienced such a dancer, and if so how did you get rid of her? In my case, all three leeches were sitting in my lap and wouldn't get up unless I agreed to buy a dance.

In all three of these cases I said that I was going to the barroom. They reluctantly got off my lap where they were sitting without any invitation or permission. I then walked to the other side of the club and sat down as far away from them as possible.


  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    Yea ive dealt with a few leech fuckin strippers in my day. I almost went to the club manager on one of them because she wouldn't get up...LOL!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I'm one of those guys that gets guilted into buying a dance as long as they're not butt ugly or smelly. I think only once have I had to directly say, "Look, you're not my type, I'm not buying a dance, please entertain someone else".
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    What do you do with a leech? Simple, pull out a lighter and burn them off. :)
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    A long time ago I used to travel for work a lot with a co-worker and he loved strip clubs. He would go to any strip club and I think the shittier the better for him.

    For some reason he got off on pushy girls like what you explained. It was a challenge to him to see if the dancer (no matter how ugly she was) could convince him to go get some dances from her. He was the type that just loved to banter with anyone.

    I would imagine since so many strippers do this, my co-worker is not the only guy that enjoys such an interaction.

    My keys for avoiding a dancer like that is to never make eye contact and even if they sit down when I am talking to them, I never make eye contact, almost like I am talk "over" them. Most of the time they usually get the hint but in the rare instance they don't, I do what JS69 does, get up and go to the restroom.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I still don't get it how does a girl in underwear, intimidate grown men ?
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I can't recall having one not go away after I got rude. 90% of the time they'll go away if I'm just clearly disinterested, 5% of the remaining time they go away after being told nicely but bluntly that they aren't my type and I'd prefer to be alone, and the rest have always gone away when being told to leave me the fuck alone you <insert relevant derogatory names here>. I've had to say it a few times, sometimes loudly enough to cause a scene and have the floor guys come over, but I can't recall them not leaving.

    I've physically prevented a number from sitting in my lap, reaching out and pushing them away as they tried. I've rolled my chair back and watched them fall on their asses as they've tried.

    I always wonder how the girls who resort to those tactics make it. I mean, can they really make enough after house/tipout to out-earn a regular job that way? Sure, maybe 2-3 guys a shift are gonna buy a dance but that can't be enough to put food on the table.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah; like Dolfan, on rare occasions I have had to physically remove them off my lap - but if they are sitting beside me then there's nothing I could but either move or grab a dancer that I like as she is walking by and ask *her* to join me - if she says something along the lines of "oh you're with somebody" I just tell them "no I'm not" and that has pretty much worked in the few isolated instances I've had to go that far.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I would not aggravate tensions or insult them. Just say that I'm still getting acclimated, and maybe later.

  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    I always start off polite but do escalate up as needed. 1st w a verbal "don't wanna waste your time, but not interested" followed by signs of disinterest such as looking away, avoiding eye contact, etc. Most get the hint, those that don't gets more direct. A "get up, you're crushing my legs/keys/phone/w/e" (and lets be real most of them are also fat too :) followed by a physical barrier. IE legs cross, chair turn, etc. By then all of them have gotten the message. Never had it escalate any further, and if I did I'd probably scold her that it's not happening no matter what she does.

    Makes me think they know what they're doing. In her mind either the guy buckles or he leaves. Shit she cares if she scares away another girl's custie.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    Never happened.
    Maybe you are irresistible.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Seriously, I just tell them I'm not interested and get up and go to the men's room. They are gone when I get back. I'm not their paycheck, so what the hell. I have no obligation to do dances with them. I pick who I want, and that's the way it is.
  • mark94
    8 years ago
    I find that "I'm waiting for someone" always works. No dancer wants to be known as someone who steals other regulars.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    The way they counter "I'm waiting for someone" is "Ok, I will leave when she comes back"

    The problem with that is that when the one you're waiting for sees you with the other dancer, she might think you are taken for the night. Either that, or gets jealous.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Never had them sitting on my lap and refuse to leave. I have had at least 3 dancers not take no for an answer. One argued with me for 15 minutes in spite of the fact I kept saying I wasn't going to buy any dances from her, no , no thanks. I think she was new. I ended up getting frustrated with her sitting there arguing with me so I just got up and sat at the stage. She sat in a corner the rest of the night looking really rejected and I never saw her again. I might have just simply said maybe later in hindsight. Another one was a maybe because I kept smiling when I told her no which might have made her wonder if I wasn't serious. What she did one night was offer to dance for free, pay if I like it, then after a no, a free dance no strings attached. I said no. then she offered to take me to her home. I said no again thinking why if I refused dances.

    A third I told no to right away. She started doing a table dance. I wasn't going to pay but something strange happened which I enjoyed so I paid her $10 since I weirdly enjoyed her dance in some way. She didn't bother me again.

    I haven't had to resort to getting extremely rude but one dancer who was probably new, probably would have argued with me instead of walking away. Actually getting up and walking away from a dancer who doesn't leave might seem rude to some. I believe most dancers learn fast, just walk away, ask again later on. I might have ended her stripping career on her first night. no idea.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I also have asked them, "How long until you are on stage?"

    Then I'll say, "I'll come sit at your stage", and of course this implies tipping, and sometimes it has resulted in a dance.

    But other times I get involved with another girl, so I don't sit at the first one's stage.

    I try to do it the way girls do, which is brush the party off, but without insulting them or making them feel that they are totally shut out.

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