Rio Olympics: Beach volleyball or standard volleyball?

avatar for 4got2wipe
Which do you prefer watching?

Both are brilliant but I actually vote for the standard sport but it would be better if they wore skimpier clothes. Maybe thong bikinis!

And it would be the most aces sport ever if there were minimum hotness and cup size requirements! ;)


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avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Well, you are not going to get DD cup gals. They'd beat themself to death with those things. LOL
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
Yup, not much boob, but great legs and asses!

I was almost sorry that the US team beat the Swiss last night. Both of those girls had pretty nice racks!
avatar for etsutwigg222
9 years ago
I agree, but that is what dvr is for. THE REPLAY AND SLOW MOTION!!!!!
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Women's beach volleyball.

Who cares about small tits when they have legs, asses, and flat stomachs like that? :D

4got2wipe serves an ACE with this post!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I like the indoor game better.

Back in the day (80s, 90s), tqhe indoor players would wear very short shorts barely covering their glutes, it was pretty-sexy
avatar for jsbach
9 years ago
Gotta go with the indoor game too. 1. More chicks to look at. 2. I actually think the boy - short style is sexier. Bikinis are great, but the other shorts wrap around the ass so nicely. 3. Seems like you get less trees. I could be mistaken about the numbers or percentage of very tall players, but it seems like it's less than with the beach players. Women over six feet tall are rarely hot to me. It did seem like in years past the shorts were even sexier too. I think there was more "ride-up" creating lovely thong wedgies.
avatar for Player11
9 years ago
Beach women's volley ball if in bik. Plus like women's water polo. Understand Rio Hookers having $25 special for one hour so some poontang in between.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
i like them all. butt it would be much better NAKID!!!
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Naked wins !! Firm, tight asses and breasts. The women are fine, indeed !!
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