The Shift Change

avatar for TippingDollars
Just wondering what you all feel about going into a strip club around shift change time. I live up in Maryland and usually that means around 6 or 7 is shift change. Now I actually like going in at this time for a few reasons. One usually there is no cover charge before 7pm at most clubs. Two I get to see a maximum numbers of girls by seeing both he day and night shift girls. Now the draw back is seeing the night shift girls coming in a regular clothes with no make up which can ruin the fantasy of hot these chicks look. Three I still get some cheaper drinks before 7. Anyway just wondering what you all think about rolling into the club during the shift change.


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avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I like to hit the club late in the afternoon and stay thru shift change. As you say, there is no cover charge and you see more dancers. I don't mind seeing dancers arriving in regular clothes--some of them are very hot that way. The disadvantage of going late in the afternoon is that you may not have time to get dances from a hot afternoon dancer.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I agree with jackslash.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I often go in the afternoon and stay through shift change. It's a different world at night.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Shift change is great if you are a variety guy, or if you are not a variety but you are shopping for a new CF.
1. You get to see the most girls by spanning both shifts
2. You get to see the night girls walk in wearing civilian clothes, which is fun
3. Your trip is perfectly timed to call an audible: if you hit it off with a dayshift girl, you can OTC her right after the shift. You can wander off to the local bars where you know the strippers pre-lubricate and hang out with incoming nightshift girls before their shifts (I used to do this all the time).

But if what you want is to spend the maximum amount of time with a stripper, getting the maximum mileage, for the least $, I'm less enthusiastic about shift change. For that, you want to make an appointment with your stripper during her least busy times.
1. Nightshift, 7pm-10pm is her slow time
2. Dayshift, the time between the lunch rush and after-work rush, is her slow time: 1pm-4pm

avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
I usually stay for both shifts of fun...16 hours baby
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Going early to be there for the shift change is often a lot of fun. And I like watching them come in wearing street clothes. But usually I can't make it early and have to just go for the night shift.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago

I agree with what most have said.

The one drawback is at mismanaged clubs.

Many times the early shift girls shut it downearly and just hang out for their last hour and the late shift girls show up late. It leaves a span of almost 2 hours when the club is virtually dead.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I have noticed what flagooner said. That was the few times I saw shift change.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
If I'm still at Follies at shift change somebody check on me to see if I'm still alive. :)
avatar for JohnBoehner
9 years ago
I'm with flagooner. There are obvious advantages to shift change - you get to view twice as many shifts worth of dancers, you usually get in cheaper, and often they have happy hour pricing on drinks. But, the downsides can hurt. The club may let the dancers off shift early, in which case you may miss them altogether (and in my experience it is usually the better looking ones, because they have been in demand). Or, you often need to make an immediate decision on a dancer without seeing the whole shift. I have been in this second circumstance. Usually while waiting to see the rest of the shift I end up watching an earlier target in her street clothes heading out the door. So, if nothing else, I would recommend that you do not cut it too close on your timing.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago

Being the cheapskate that I am...

My strategy is to start early, 4pmish and stay until the day shift starts the exodus. I get my hand stamped or tell the doorman/girl I'll be back after I get a bite to eat. Then I return and enjoy the evening shift without paying the cover.

I maintain a good relationship with the staff which probably helps with this plan. Since I usually only hit the SCs every 3-4 weeks I like to extend my visits.

avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
Shift change around 6 is ok but it has some drawbacks. obviously the dayshift is leaving so you won't spend much time with them. And the night shift is trickling in but they won't all be there until about 9 or 10. my experience is it is best to go in right in the middle of either shift.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
--"my experience is it is best to go in right in the middle of either shift."

Butterman, I definitely agree with this when it comes to dayshift. The girls make most of their money during the bookended lunch rush and happy hour rush, so right in the middle of the shift is perfect -- all the girls are there, and it's the least amount of customers.

With nightshift, right in the middle of the shift is the busiest time, where the girls have the most leverage, when they rely on making the most money. For me, absolute worst time to go for night shift. Yes, it's true, 6pm-10pm, the girls will be just trickling in, so you might miss some of the late arrivals ... but I don't care, I don't compromise on the experience I"m looking for, and can't afford what I"m after during the heart of busy nigthshifts. The only time I can get my 3-4 hours straight with the same girl, during nightshift, is during that beginning period. The ONLY time I'll go later than 10pm is to find a new nightshift CF -- but from then on out, I'll make 7pm appointments with her.

Anyway, not arguing, it's not a matter of right or wrong, just right or wrong for me (or you). For the experience I'm going for, I can't possibly afford it in the middle of nightshift (or, for that matter, the busy 4pm-6pm period of dayshift)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
LOL shadow
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
My experience is similar to flagooner's; i.e. shift-change is often the slowest and most boring time IME.

It may also depend on the club - down here in Miami most clubs close at 5:00 a.m. and some even 6:00 a.m.; meaning nightshift does not officially start till at the earliest 10 pm and most nightshift girls hitting the floor closer to 11 pm particularly on weekend eves when more custies tend to either stay late or come in late (2 or 3 a.m.) after they've hit the nightclubs or bars.

Thus in late closing clubs like the ones in Miami there are often 3 dancer shifts (day, mid, night) w/ dayshift normally being ~noon - 8 pm; mid-shift around 3:00 pm to midnight; and nightshift about 10:00 pm till closing.

Mid-shift is often the slowest custy and dancer-wise and often the least talent (many custies stop by in b/w getting off work and dinner-time thus the club starts thinning out past 7 pm and often the dayshift girls start hanging in the dressing-room or not wanting to hustle even if their shift is not over for another hour).

The clubs down here do not pick-up again till at least 10 pm and usually later than that more like closer to 11 pm.

IME shift-change thus not equate to seeing the most dancers b/c in the clubs I visit the most dancers are on nightshift and they don't arrive till later in the eve (and often the mid-shift talent is not that good).

And on dayshift in my Miami clubs I like hitting them past 4 pm when there is overlap b/w the dayshift girls and mid-shift girls and I'll usually stay till 8 pm the latest when the dayshift girls and a lot of the custies are gone (and when custies are gone around dinner time the mid-shift girls will often hide in the dressing-room till the clubs pick up later in the eve).
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Depends on the club. At alot of clubs the day girls can start leaving an hour or so before the actual shift change time, and the night girls are often late so if you don't time it right you could walk into a club with no dancers.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
In my network of clubs the best time to hit dayshift seems to between 2-3 pm. Gives you plenty of time with the dayshift since some of them start leaving at 5pm, tho shift change isn't until 7pm. I don't know why the managers let them get away with that.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I used to like to hit a club such as Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy late in the afternoon, shortly before shift change, so that I could see both the day and night crews. But as others have pointed out, too many day girls, especially the hottest ones, leave well before their shift ends so there's almost no one left to dance on stage.

My preference is to arrive in early to mid-afternoon and hang out for a few hours when there are very few other customers. On several visits to Club Rio in Indy this year, I've spent an entire afternoon with just one dancer (or maybe two), doing an early VIP room, eating and drinking, getting some lappers, and possibly hitting the VIP room a second time.
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
One advantage of getting there before shift change is the opportunity to set up otc for right after the dayshift ends. If it was s slow day they are usually more willing to get together for a quick session before heading home for the night.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Lopaw many of the dayshift girls have children, and in order to have girls working on the slower shifts where they don't make as much money sometimes unable to cover house fees and childcare costs the smarter managers cut a deal with some of the better earners so they can pick up children from school and other things that working women deal with when they are moms. One of my favs leaves every afternoon at 4PM on the dot, picks up her son from school I know this for a fact because a few weeks ago her car was in the shop and I took her from the club to her sons school picked him up, then we went to the car dealership where her car was and she waited with her boy until the car was repaired then, I assume she took him home and made dinner and such.
avatar for samsung1
9 years ago
Kahoots in columbus has mid shift to avoid the shift change problem. Shifts are 12-7, 4-11, or 7-2am.
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