Sorry for the political thread. But I thought this was so funny.
A local young man is a Bernie Sanders delegate but can't afford his travel and hotel expenses to the Democratic Convention so he started a Go Fund Me page. He wants us to pay for it.
Please contribute to my strippers, booze, and blow gofundme at least I will put your money to good use and support single mothers…
Personally I would be embarrassed to have to resort to asking for a handout. But here I'm looking at my sibling and my in-law as they have a GoFundMe page for their family vacation. Rattle the tin cup, why don't you? smh.
These guys don't see it as a handout - they are entitled to it (paid with someone else's money of course). Hell, elect the right guy and everything will be free!! Even a 2 trillion dollar wall. Fucking idiots.
More and more corporate America operates by expecting people to donate their time for wages they cannot live on, and then it puts its cash into right wing think tanks.
It makes sense that a Sanders supporter, or Clinton's too would be asking for handouts. Isn't that the main reason people support them? So they can get on the handout gravy train.
BTW, Sanders endorsed Clinton today so the dragon lady appears to be our future.
And I'll do anything and everything in my power to help the poor, scapegoated, and marginalized organize and start standing up for themselves, and teaching those who try to denigrate them lessons which will not be forgotten.
Not yet. Need a place to start. Getting a conviction and a long sentence for the Pentecostal Daughter Molester I consider to be my first scalp. And a scalp is bragging rights.
What I wrote in my final communication to the DA and the Court, to try and influence sentencing, was about how huge a role this guy's Pentecostal Church had in the case. I went on to explain that if these girls had listened to their church and just acted like nothing had happened, and that really it was their fault, then very likely they would have endured the hard lives that most of the scapegoated children of that church do. Failed marriages, failed attempts to get an education and build a career. Could well be that within a decade they could have been the targets for that very same church's outreach ministry, where they tell people that Jesus loves them so much that he wants to give them a second chance, if only they will admit that it was their fault for screwing up the first chance.
I don't know how much difference my statement made, but I've also explained the idea to police officer after police officer, and they are well aware of the social menace which that church is, and they say so. And that perpetrator, he will not be getting out for a very long time.
Child abuse comes in many forms, like the medical, psychiatric, and developmental disabilities kind of abuse. Like here:
I say that the parents belong in prison. And then the doctors are into Josef Mengele territory, so they should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity in International Court, and then executed by hanging.
Just like I did with the Pentecostal Daughter Molester, I will not hesitate to do anything I can to make this prosecution happen.
I am always telling the Evangelicals who preach Recovery and Coming to Jesus and implicitly are saying that people are sinful, "If someone has been treated with dignity and respect and given the chance to develop and apply their abilities, then it is very unlikely that they would ever have a serious problem with alcohol or drugs."
But the problem is that the survivors lack political consciousness. So they believe the Evangelicals. It is easier to believe that they are at fault than it is to feel the actual pain. And then our own County Health Care keeps people on psychiatric drugs, to prevent them from ever coming to political consciousness. So it is hard.
And then there are psychotherapists, some who put kids on drugs, and some who try to mediate between the child and the parents and get the kid taken off. I say that both, are guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, as well as just violating the mandatory reporting law for suspected cases of child abuse.
Most middle-class family child abuse involves a whole string of doctors of every type who are complicit. Mandatory Reporting is supposed to stop this. But so far it hasn't, and these therapists market themselves to the parents. So of course reporting is the last thing they would ever want to do.
So I have a couple in my cross hairs right now. We will see if I can make anything happen.
And then on a positive note, some people are listening to Gabor Mate.
Most people with contact in this realm are always talking in terms of Recovery, Compassion, and Tolerance. My view is that this is horrible and the very worst. It feeds the Right which follows the bogus pseudo sciences of Social Darwinism and Eugenics. So you have to go the exact opposite way, organize and attack as forcefully as possible. And zero tolerance for pity seeking. Want criminal convictions, civil judgments, CPS actions, and to be using the power of citizen's arrest. And of course getting people fired from jobs. I've done lots and lots of this, along with business closures, in my days.
I told the DA and the Court that that church is saturated with child abuse, and the way you find it is simply for listening for the animosity. And then also, in other kinds of churches there is also some there, and the animosity is expressed in different terms. I've learned to listen for this.
And then, it is going to be easier to find people who will act against their psychotherapist and psychiatrists, and especially against those working for the county, than those who will act against their equally deserving parents.
But then psychiatric medications have a strong appeal, the same appeal that street narcotics do. So not everyone wants to get into the fight.
But one way or another, I will be getting some more scalps to show off. And then from there I can build a bigger movement. I think the most important thing is some precedent setting civil court victories. These will have more effect than things done in the criminal courts. And then once a pattern is established then private attorneys will jump in, and then things will really change.
Capitalism used to need cheap labor, even slave labor. Today this is not needed, all it needs is a large group of people it can subject to ritual humiliations. So where it used to be Bourgeoisies versus Proletariat. Today it seems to be First Borns versus Scapegoats. And I don't mean First Borns in a literal sense, but more in the ancient sense of those who are favored by the family and who go along with it and generally come to own and run everything. They need to be able to point to the Scapegoats in order to maintain control and discipline, and so the middle-class family provides them.
It used to be that we used third worlders, immigrants, and racial minorities as out scapegoats. Today we turn to the middle-class family to supply them.
Decades ago, people felt that they could fight psychiatry, while still supporting psychotherapy. R. D. Laing, Loren Mosher, and even Peter Breggin, all thought this.
Today, I think people are starting to see that the entire mental health edifice is politically motivated. Capitalism used to need cheap labor and slave labor, and so it could get this from colonies, or neo-colonies, and from immigrants, and from a designated racial minority. This public spectacle would in turn maintain discipline in the work force.
Today this cheap labor and slave labor is no longer needed. But Capitalism still depends on societal acceptance and on keeping people in harness. So it needs people it can ritually humiliate. So to get this, it turns to the middle-class family, and the way it has always been predicated on making children into private property. So with the medical, mental health, developmental disabilities, and religious establishments, it creates scapegoats.
And then these scape goats are kept powerless with alcohol, street drugs, evangelical Christianity, psychiatric medication, recovery, and psychotherapy.
So today if you say you are fighting psychiatry, but you are still supporting psychotherapy, the concept of Recovery, and the premises which underlie evangelical religion, then you are fooling yourself, you are supporting the justifications for psychiatry. And the middle-class family still gets to produce scapegoats.
just remember. no h8. If u feel h8 just eat some candy an watch a porno. i'm smoking week right now thru an apple and i have a bag of jelly beans open. all I need is a good porno. what kind of porno do u guys like?
last commentwho ever thought of that site is brilliant though, I wonder how much of a cut they get?
BTW, Sanders endorsed Clinton today so the dragon lady appears to be our future.
What I wrote in my final communication to the DA and the Court, to try and influence sentencing, was about how huge a role this guy's Pentecostal Church had in the case. I went on to explain that if these girls had listened to their church and just acted like nothing had happened, and that really it was their fault, then very likely they would have endured the hard lives that most of the scapegoated children of that church do. Failed marriages, failed attempts to get an education and build a career. Could well be that within a decade they could have been the targets for that very same church's outreach ministry, where they tell people that Jesus loves them so much that he wants to give them a second chance, if only they will admit that it was their fault for screwing up the first chance.
I don't know how much difference my statement made, but I've also explained the idea to police officer after police officer, and they are well aware of the social menace which that church is, and they say so. And that perpetrator, he will not be getting out for a very long time.
Child abuse comes in many forms, like the medical, psychiatric, and developmental disabilities kind of abuse. Like here:…
I say that the parents belong in prison. And then the doctors are into Josef Mengele territory, so they should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity in International Court, and then executed by hanging.
Just like I did with the Pentecostal Daughter Molester, I will not hesitate to do anything I can to make this prosecution happen.
I am always telling the Evangelicals who preach Recovery and Coming to Jesus and implicitly are saying that people are sinful, "If someone has been treated with dignity and respect and given the chance to develop and apply their abilities, then it is very unlikely that they would ever have a serious problem with alcohol or drugs."
But the problem is that the survivors lack political consciousness. So they believe the Evangelicals. It is easier to believe that they are at fault than it is to feel the actual pain. And then our own County Health Care keeps people on psychiatric drugs, to prevent them from ever coming to political consciousness. So it is hard.
And then there are psychotherapists, some who put kids on drugs, and some who try to mediate between the child and the parents and get the kid taken off. I say that both, are guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, as well as just violating the mandatory reporting law for suspected cases of child abuse.
Most middle-class family child abuse involves a whole string of doctors of every type who are complicit. Mandatory Reporting is supposed to stop this. But so far it hasn't, and these therapists market themselves to the parents. So of course reporting is the last thing they would ever want to do.
So I have a couple in my cross hairs right now. We will see if I can make anything happen.
And then on a positive note, some people are listening to Gabor Mate.……………
Most people with contact in this realm are always talking in terms of Recovery, Compassion, and Tolerance. My view is that this is horrible and the very worst. It feeds the Right which follows the bogus pseudo sciences of Social Darwinism and Eugenics. So you have to go the exact opposite way, organize and attack as forcefully as possible. And zero tolerance for pity seeking. Want criminal convictions, civil judgments, CPS actions, and to be using the power of citizen's arrest. And of course getting people fired from jobs. I've done lots and lots of this, along with business closures, in my days.
I told the DA and the Court that that church is saturated with child abuse, and the way you find it is simply for listening for the animosity. And then also, in other kinds of churches there is also some there, and the animosity is expressed in different terms. I've learned to listen for this.
And then, it is going to be easier to find people who will act against their psychotherapist and psychiatrists, and especially against those working for the county, than those who will act against their equally deserving parents.
But then psychiatric medications have a strong appeal, the same appeal that street narcotics do. So not everyone wants to get into the fight.
But one way or another, I will be getting some more scalps to show off. And then from there I can build a bigger movement. I think the most important thing is some precedent setting civil court victories. These will have more effect than things done in the criminal courts. And then once a pattern is established then private attorneys will jump in, and then things will really change.
Capitalism used to need cheap labor, even slave labor. Today this is not needed, all it needs is a large group of people it can subject to ritual humiliations. So where it used to be Bourgeoisies versus Proletariat. Today it seems to be First Borns versus Scapegoats. And I don't mean First Borns in a literal sense, but more in the ancient sense of those who are favored by the family and who go along with it and generally come to own and run everything. They need to be able to point to the Scapegoats in order to maintain control and discipline, and so the middle-class family provides them.
Clapton, Basel 2013…
Decades ago, people felt that they could fight psychiatry, while still supporting psychotherapy. R. D. Laing, Loren Mosher, and even Peter Breggin, all thought this.
Today, I think people are starting to see that the entire mental health edifice is politically motivated. Capitalism used to need cheap labor and slave labor, and so it could get this from colonies, or neo-colonies, and from immigrants, and from a designated racial minority. This public spectacle would in turn maintain discipline in the work force.
Today this cheap labor and slave labor is no longer needed. But Capitalism still depends on societal acceptance and on keeping people in harness. So it needs people it can ritually humiliate. So to get this, it turns to the middle-class family, and the way it has always been predicated on making children into private property. So with the medical, mental health, developmental disabilities, and religious establishments, it creates scapegoats.
And then these scape goats are kept powerless with alcohol, street drugs, evangelical Christianity, psychiatric medication, recovery, and psychotherapy.
So today if you say you are fighting psychiatry, but you are still supporting psychotherapy, the concept of Recovery, and the premises which underlie evangelical religion, then you are fooling yourself, you are supporting the justifications for psychiatry. And the middle-class family still gets to produce scapegoats.
Norm Stamper…