I Call a Meeting of the Rick's

avatar for RicktheBear
Grrrrrrrr !!!! We need need to kill and digest the imposter Rick_the_Bear. I find I'm guilty of such charges

1. Pretending to be a Rick
2. Insulting all Rick's
3. Being a Faggot


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If I can manage to get my friend Rick the Whale out of bed, he will be there.

Does anyone know where I can rent a 170 ton forklift?
avatar for RicktheBear
9 years ago
Grrrrr !!! You hairless Ape are all the same. I will make special provisions for all Marine Rick's Grrrrrrrr !!!!

Don't stand to close or I will turn you into a brisket Grrrrrr !!!!
avatar for Rick_the_Bear
9 years ago
Gulp !
Rick fight! Brilliant!
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
A bear is a faggot
I bet San_Jose_Gay would get along with RicktheBare very well! He and RicktheVulture are birds of a feather as well. Maybe he could even coax RicktheTurtle out of his shell. Ay-yup!
I think its time to make peace with the Ricks.... we'll get them a 'limo'. The Short Bus will do nicely!!!!
Smh. Hugh_G._Rection is such a sad name. Assuming that you're a hairless ape all I can say it rickthebarnacle's penis dwarfs yours. You're on the rick list. Someday you'll turn and see a lion wearing a suit an carrying an AK. Then it'll be wildebeest time for you. Aah...yup

^^^ Everything you need to know about Rick the Lion. Heavens to Murgatroyd, we should be shaking in our boots!


^^^ Rick the Lion in action- Going Wildebeest !!!!
avatar for RicktheBear
9 years ago
Huge Erection is it ? Well if I get to you first I will be the judge, jury and executioner. Wilder best time Grrrrrrrr !!!
RicktheBear or RicktheBORE ???? <yawn> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Short bus for sure!!!!! <snore>
I bet that San_Jose_Gay would like rickthelion's BSLC, too!
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I think I saw a Rick lion guy on YouTube today. His crap he talked about was funny. Maybe that wasn't him. He had a lion avatar though. He was talking crap about the soon to be released ghost busters movie and how he thought it was going to suck. Then I saw some females video posts about how they thought it was going to suck. Then I see a girl on tv right now doing some serious sucking. Just saying, lots of sucking going on.
rick_the_bear is the bus driver. because he takes all the other 'ricks to school!
just to be clear, I'm talking about the care bear one and not the bear in the suit one.
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