What Are You PLs Doing For The 4th

They never tell you what you need to know.
I will probably slit my wrists by Sunday night because I will be knee deep in relatives and in-laws, some of which are staying at my house. All starting at 5pm tomorrow. Yay for me!!!!!
last comment^^^^Remember its up and down not across ;)
If you want to get rid of them, invite Juice over
Probably a movie or two and just chillin at home. No club visits this weekend.
No strip clubs for me. I'm taking a trip and bringing my fav stripper with me.
BBQ with friends. Gonna try to bang the DC sometime this weekend too
I cannot invite Juice over, he'd eat all the chicken nuggets and my little nieces and nephew would have a fucking meltdown.
So kick him in the nuts, shailynn. :)
I'll be chillin at home. No desire to drive or hit the clubs. I may make my first strip club visit this next week since my surgery 2 months ago.
Then my nephew would beat Juice at Mario Kart and I could see juice ripping the flatscreen off the wall and pouring BBQ sauce all over my couch in a fit of anger.
Swim in the pool, grill some meat, blow stuff up..
grilling food and chilling outside with the neighbors. lots of darts with be thrown (both lawn darts and inside darts).
I was going to be riding in the Tour De France but my bike broke. Then the band was scheduled to play Wembly Stadium in Britain but we only sold 3 tickets, and 2 were to my mom. So I'm going to barbecue, play some poker and shoot off fireworks.
^^^ eh plan b sounds easier anyway.
Blowing shit up
Family coming over. Ribs on the smoker.
I put a cannon ball in the mayors house
Joe, that sounds like a bomb threat...?
I'm putting myself in a self-imposed rehab at a nice hotel on the 4th. Grab dinner out or room service and watch fireworks from my balcony or on tv. I probably spent less than $2k total at strip clubs in my entire life, before this month. Somehow, I managed to spend about $3k at strip clubs, this month alone, over the course of about a dozen visits. It's been a lot of fun, with some crazy stuff happening, and lots of good memories, but I need a break. At least a week off anyway. :)
Always pressing on local political matters, every spare moment I get, until there are results.
I still allow myself TUSCL though.
Led Zeppelin: No Quarter, Earl's Court 5/25/1975
Sitting on my front porch with a cooler of beer and a Fillet Mignon on the grill enjoying the fact, I am not in a hotel room in some shitty city, that I live in the way out of town, have no close neighbors and NO One comes to visit which is the reason I moved to the country. To get to my place you go to Nowhere Junction, MI and turn south or is it KY and turn east...
Maybe I drive a couple hours to the nearest club NOT. A quiet holiday away from people with the cell phone OFF.
In San Diego with the kids. We'll hit the beach and watch some fireworks.
Staying at home with my niece since I just got laid off (company went out of business) We may go to my Mom's house and hangout there since her and my aunt are cooking.
Tell juice you have a better bathroom than MC'd's. If someone. can cause a plane to have an emergency landing, juice might clear the house real quick. :)
I'd hate to see the cleanup though.
Shailynn - break out your stamp collection, I'm on my way...
It's going to be a beautifully sunny day here in Detwaa, I'll be on a bud's boat, and we'll make a stop at our local metropolitan area park for a piss break for sure and eye the babes sunning themselves by the boat docks.
I'll be on the boat doing a cookout for my wife and all of my kids and grandkids. I'm really looking forward to it. My one daughter and her daughter live in Greenville SC and we only see them 3-5 times a year.
One extra reason to celebrate this year - the last item in my Dad's estate has sold after six years of haggling with the franchisor! A total win for us. That will mean about $1M Canadian in my SC kitty. (That's like $2.50 US, right? ;-))
Sometimes the club is pretty good the Friday of a 3 day weekend like this weekend. Maybe I should check it out and report back? There could be some good deals to be had since it is slow season for the girls.
^^^^^^^^ Not to be mean or anything, but I survived a horrid marriage. So here I read this post from a guy who seems to be, or at least claims to be, happily married.
And the more stuff you co-own, the more you are going to need lawyers. If not Divorce Lawyers, then Estate Lawyers. Lol!
Mexico City, could there ever be a better place to live?
I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. Not making any plans yet.
Tonight's plans are watching sci fi and then sleeping in tomorrow.