
Former New Orleans councilwoman starts petition for fewer strip clubs in the cit

Detroit strip clubs
How many of you will sign this petition?



  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Another politician. Go away, woman.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    From the article, "She notes that 25 percent of the residents at Covenant House, a local homeless shelter for teens, were victims of human trafficking and/or sexual labor." Once again, disinformation, misinformation and irrelevant details are used to create a "problem" for the government of the left to "fix." This attempt to close strip clubs is just another example of a liberal, big government, politician trying to regulate the behavior of her community by inventing a problem.

    The extremely liberal city government of NOLA has long been known for its corruption and for its failure to accomplish anything. During Hurricane Katrina, the only NOLA cops that news cameras could find - were looting. The investigation of why the levies failed revealed that NOLA and LA had paid hundreds of millions through their own Levy Commission to update and maintain the levies - but almost all of it went to democrat office holders and their friends. Contrary to the national news reports, and the HBO "documentary," local government was responsible for maintaining the levies - not the Corps of Engineers. To hear real NOLA citizens (not in politics) tell of their city, is to hear of rampant government corruption as a tradition going back over 300 years and for most of that time the government has been claiming their efforts were to "help" the people of New Orleans..

    This story uses, "sexual labor" to cover everything from dancer, waitress or shot girls in a strip club, to street walkers and escorts, to clerks in a store where Playboy is sold. And the source is NOLAs Coventry House whose mission is to take kids, 21 and under, off the street and send them home (They actually keep track of the number of bus tickets they have given to teens to "return home.). Coventry House does NOT have any statistic on how many young women were dancing in NOLA strip clubs! Coventry House asks these kids generic questions about what they were doing and admits that at least three quarters of the responses are likely false. Also Coventry House has NOT reported a single case of human trafficking to the NOPD, so the "human trafficking" part is is totally false.

    This "study" will likely gain enough traction to allow the city, parish and state to spend millions (almost all going to friends of the local government) and then fall apart after the next election!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    All those clubs suck anyway.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    True, dat, shailynn.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    As long as sex work is considered taboo or offensive or rong or whatever else, it will continue to be an easy target for politicians and those that don't like it/don't agree with it will speak out loudly and freely against it. That's just the way it is. I doubt it will change anytime soon especially in this era of political correctness(which I think is actually a good thing in that everyone against political correctness just wants to be offensive and rude and ignorant w/o any backlash i.e. the Donald and all his supporters, which I don't want).
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    More big government "trying to save us from ourselves"
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    "Kristin Gisleson Palmer, who served on the City Council from 2010-2014, said in a lengthy Facebook post that the strip club industry is known for a “culture of abuse against young women” who “lack capacity and resources.”

    Seems to me these are the girls who need the clubs the most!! Would she rather they go on welfare?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    In today's climate, I think it's best for SCs to be out of sight so they can be more out of mind - SCs being in commercial or residential areas will probably keep the haters on them - best for SCs to be low-key in appearance & not have big signs or fancy neon lighting drawing attention to themselves - w/ today's internet world SCs don't need to advertise themselves as much w/ big fancy signs & lighting.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Why try to solve widespread crime problems and a high murder rate when you can go after strip clubs?
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Again a politico is just creating more laws to grab headlines and make herself feel good. She is trying to eliminate the symptom without treating the problem.
    If women go into stripping because they do not have the skill set to get a different job who fault is that??
    HERS because of the schools and teachers union. Everyone MUST attend school until they are 18. If teachers had to do their job or be fired the kids might learn something. Because government officials are involved in school they SUCK now the union is in charge and in the words of the Chicago Teacher Association president "I don care if students can't go ta school while we be strikin they ain't my problem, mo money fo my membas is alls I care about ".
    In order to cut the number of girls turning to the "sex trade" they need some other trade!
    The other issue is boys abandoning their progeny and I say boys because men take responsibility. The government encourages youngsters to have kids with all the programs they have but then after they have kids they find out it ain't easy!
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