The time and money devoted to strip clubbing

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
A very close friend died recently. He went to sleep. And he didn't wake up. He was several years younger than me. Nina can tell you exactly how old that is, but it's much too early to die. This was a great guy too, not an enemy in the world.

This has got me thinking. One of many things I've been thinking about is all of the shit that I've done over the past couple of years with strippers. DS insanity, trips around the world, making porn with video girl, the blow job queen, and so much more. I've had more fun, and tons more sexual satisfaction, in the past two years than in my entire life up to that point. I never before dreamed that I could do even half the fun shit that I've now done dozens of times.

But I spent a vast sum of money to have all of that fun. I need that money for retirement. If I make it to retirement. And I spent huge amounts of time that could have been productively used elsewhere.

In the end, heres how I see it. I'm glad I did it all. I wouldn't change a thing. And it was worth all of that time and money. I will never regret it even if I end up needing that money in retirement. Cause if I die tonight I'll die happy and content. I think that's more important than an uncertain retirement. Who knows if we'll even wake up tomorrow?

While I'd like to have the money for retirement, I'm willing to give it up. I'd much rather have the memories.

Just my perspective


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avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I had a great job, made great money, spent it freely exploring the world in many of its' aspects including clubbing. The only regrets I ever had were a few ROB's. You never know when you are going to die. Make yourself happy, that's one of the keys to success.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
YOLO. Carpe diem. Seize the day.

avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Interesting perspective and I agree with you.

A few weeks ago my dads best friends mom passed away leaving him and his only sibling close to a million dollars from her estate, before taxes.

My dad and I were having this debate of how insane it is that she left all that money behind and lived 1 level above poverty. Granted she lived through the depression so those people had a different mindset. But, her and her husband worked hard and didn't get to enjoy any of the spoils of their labors and instead their two cunt grand daughters who have never even worked since college will blow through that money quicker than Juice going through $20 worth of Arby's slider sandwiches.

There's a balance somewhere in there but a lot of times I think people need to be told "quit being such a tight ass, you only live once. Buy the nicer bottle of wine, buy the car with the fancy options you want, buy the bigger tv."

You can cut back in other areas to balance it out. after all PLs, there are strippers depending on us!!!
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I never made a concentrated effort to save money for retirement. I didn't piss it away but always spent the money when a good time was looking me in the face. I had great retirement plans and a good real estate investment.

Now I have the time and money to enjoy retirement the way everyone wishes for. No regrets.
avatar for TravelingGolfer
9 years ago
I can relate to this perspective, especially when you see so many people dying at a young age. I think there's a balance between living for today and planning for tomorrow. I feel like I've spent most of my life planning for tomorrow, even though I've had a good life and a lot of fun experiences along the way.

I'm currently in the middle of the biggest sc binge of my life though and the past 8 days have been a fun and wild ride, where I've had 5 visits and countless dances from more dancers than I can remember. I even got to play with two of them ITC and they are the two hottest women I've ever been with. I spent over $1,000 this past week at sc's which is way more than usual, but it's been a very memorable and enjoyable ride. I think sc'ing in small market areas with lower prices and higher mileage really has it's advantages. Your dollar goes a lot further.

Anyway, yeah, appreciate today and enjoy the moment as much as possible. If you can do both, enjoy the moment and prepare for tomorrow, even better.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
Party on! No judgement here.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
I think that my perspective is a bit different, JS. My mom and dad were both young children during the Great Depression, while their parents did their best to keep them fed with a roof over their heads. Those times left scars of varying depths, and having enough money for the future, and taking care of their children's needs after their deaths, was one of the most important things in their lives. Basically, if they couldn't do that, they couldn't be happy. Every expenditure was carefully thought through. They weren't cheap, but they didn't blow a lot of money either.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
When I look back at the tens of thousands of dollars I've spent on strippers over the last 30 plus years, all I can say is, thank the gods I didn't waste it!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
I like to play with young chicks, strippers or civies but I'm also aware that I have to maintain a balance of my funds between having that fun and being able to survive and pay bills in the future. I already have plenty of great memories and intend to have more in the future but I will continue to keep that balance. I suppose it's better to die with a surplus than die broke and homeless.
avatar for minnow
9 years ago
Even though you posted a "YOLO" topic so eloquently, I'll still be on the lookout for you playing bongo drums on a street corner, or a guy holding a cardboard sign "Be a good bloke, donate for my toke, god bless".
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
Generally speaking, upper middle income people and even folks in the lower rungs of the top 2%ers can only spend like ballers for so long before there are consequences. Besides the obvious, those who own small businesses are also diverting assets that could be used to help grow future income.

I've gotten a little good-natured grief from a few on here for over the years for setting hard OTC payment limits and negotiating accordingly, making pity hustlers earn their money, mostly staying out of pointless LD rooms and avoiding places that charge hefty sums for drinks. But cautionary tales like this, along with gawker's recent issues and all the other things I've seen in real life over many years, with guys losing their minds and even going bankrupt trying to get closer to strippers, are all exactly why I approach things the way that I do.

Sometimes it's good to just be a dolphin. It may mean being outgunned every so often by a guy acting like a whale (whether he is one or not), but ti is good enough to get the job done most of the time and far more sustainable.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
They say money spent on experiences brings the most happiness.
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

I look at money like I can't take it with me, so why leave it?

I'm divorced, so I sure as hell ain't giving that no good POS any more of my money.

My kids have college paid for by my putting away plenty of money for them (unless they want to go to Harvard or Yale).

I suppose I could leave it to charity or a cause I feel strongly about.

But my perspective is, money is made to be spent. And I'll decide what I want to spend it on to bring me happiness....

And boobies make me happy.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
I hear you JS. I've been out of work the most part of the last two years so had NO funny during that time. I've been back to work for three months and now I'm in heaven! I've fucked three different/ new girls and one ATF and just have the pussy coming at me left and right. If I died tomorrow I'd die happy!
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I believe it was W.C Field who said “I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.”
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Would you rather save money for the chance that you live to see your 80s or 90s? Or, spend it to ensure you have fun in your 30s and 40s?

All things in moderation.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Very few of us have the exact play-book for how to exactly live life - plus not all of us are wired the same way.

For the most-part most that live to 80 I would think would look back on their lives and have fund memories for the things they were able to-do/experience rather than how much $$$ they were able to save - money is a tool and tools are to be used - so if one is fortunate enough to have sufficient funds to enjoy doing what they enjoy doing; then perhaps one should enjoy themselves and feel fortunate they got the opportunity to do so.

Tomorrow is def not guaranteed as we all know - especially for those 50+ - it is understandable in one's 20s and 30s to focus on getting established in life; but by 50 you might as well start enjoying yourself b/c one has already kinda "paid their dues" - not to mention that is not uncommon for people in their 50s to suddenly drop-dead when they o/w seemed just fine.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
As some of you know, I was born in Cuba and immigrated to the U.S. (Miami) w/ my family as a young-boy (9).

My mom grew-up in Cuba as upper-middle class (pre Fidel Castro) - her dad was a very successful businessman - they had a big house in town; 2 beach-houses; car, jeep, cooks/maids; etc. - all this was taken away and evaporated when the communist Fidel Castro took power - so my mom and her family (as well as many Cubans) went form living comfortable lives w/ a high-standard of living to rationed communist living (hugeeee change).

I recall once we were in the U.S. having a convo w/ my mom and me asking her if she thought it would have been better for her to never have-had her comfortable upbringing since then it would have not been as hard a transition for her once they lost it all and the life they knew (kinda not missing what you never had) - my mom said "no way - at least I got to enjoy a good life for a-while while we could"

i.e. most Cubans did not for-see how their lives would change for the worse 180--degrees post Fidel Castro - so for those that did not enjoy what they had prior to Fidel Castro then they certainly never got a chance to enjoy a good life after he took power- enjoy it if you have it and while you can and feel fortunate if you are able to.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I'm not sure that enjoying ourselves while we can and are able to means we are sorta gonna have to pay the piper later on - just as not-enjoying ourselves and living frugally means bad shit won't happen - i.e. you can live frugally "for tomorrow' and still end-up poor and broke for a number of unforeseen circumstances.- perhaps the ideal would be to focus on making as much $$$ as you can to put oneself in the best position possible to both be secured financially and be able to live life well (vs counting our measly pennies and not enjoying life - it's a one-way trip y'all).
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
My own view is that strip clubs and P4P sex are very expensive. They can give you a window of how life could be different. I mean if the women can be like that with you for money, then at least in principle they could be like that with you without getting paid.

So the strip club is where you go to get an education. But in and of itself, it is not a solution to anything. To have that solution, we have to find some other way, some kind of partnership or understanding between men and women.

avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
Sort of arbitrary, but I've been spending about 1% of net worth on imaginary girlfriends (dancers and now Seeking Arrangements). I figure you can get 4% relatively safely on corporate bonds so 1% still allows growth. Of course it all depends on how old you are.

Would be interesting to hear PensionKing weigh in on this topic.

avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
1% per year, that is
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
Better to spend 10% or less of your budget annually on entertainment, which includes p4play or strip clubs. There would be nothing rong with earmarking 10% towards your hobby, as long as you don't have several other hobbies on top of paying sex workers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
It's more fun going w/ the "feel it" method than the budget method
avatar for jester214
9 years ago
As long as having fun now doesn't mean your later years will suck something awful then I don't really see an issue.

Just have to strike a balance.
avatar for silkypants
9 years ago
I only go out to strip clubs a few times a year now, but I usually do three nights at a time since I'm on vacation. I don't race cars, I don't have a golf membership or a boat. My expensive hobby is strip clubing. While it can be depressing to see how much I have spent, I'm not going to change. At least not until I'm back from detroit and maybe tj in the fall.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Fuck it. Its all a wink of an eye in the big scheme of things. I know a dude in his 90's served in ww2. Dude has bank. Gets in trouble for being a little too handsy with his care givers. Worked all his life at the post office saving every dime. No doubt he wishes he spent some of that cash on wine and women. All that cash is useless to him now.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
9 years ago
@JohnSmith you should just ask yourself "what would doctor phil do?" i have led such an amazing life that you cant go wrong with that strategy. i will even act as your life coach for a nominal fee. just pm me
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I've been spending more than 10% on my hobby of investing in stocks or etfs but I still have most of that money. Been spending less than 10% on strip clubs. In prior years I may have exceeded 10% on my strip club hobby but no regrets at least right now. I had fun. That fun is not available anymore because clubs aren't open like they used to be in South Carolina. I'm not even talking about sex, just care free lap dances from hot girls without a bunch of rules. Now you got a lot more rules and higher prices.

I suspect things will change. Either things change where I'm at or I end up moving within a few years. I'll be really pissed if Hillary confiscates our retirement accounts and puts all the money in US bonds with IOU's after working and saving a good percentage of my income all my life.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Papi - so true. I was frugal has hell until I started seeing people drop dead in their fifties. Then I hot loose. Way too loose. Oh well.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
"Don't count on cops to keep you safe???? Is that a serious comment? Cause if it is I hope the state at least allows concealed carry. That's fucked up."

When I worked at Trumpps I would drive to my mom's if I'd had a couple drinks, 'cause she lives in Detroit. One of the times, I saw a car speeding and thought it was some neighborhood boys trying to be cool and speed past me, so I sped back up and sped way past them. Then I see lights flick on. It finally dawned on me that I had just outsped the police. I didn't even pull over, just slowed down... They pulled up to me and gave me the "wtf dumb bitch" look, I mouthed the words "I'm sorry," they pulled a U-turn and went about their business.

I also blew a red light while hitting a bowl RIGHT in front of a cop and he didn't even pull me over. I've also smoked weed driving alongside narcs in Detroit and they still didn't pull me over.

My ex had a quarter of weed once before it was decriminalized here, the cop found it and threw it back at him and said "get your weight up."

For another reference point, back when I lived in Detroit proper, I can remember my parent(s) having to call the police four times. Twice they showed up after over an hour, once they showed up the next morning, and once they never showed up at all. So... Yeah.

They've tried to crack down but it's still like the Wild West.

MI is open carry btw.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
If living off $100k/annually and 10% of that is $10k or about $1000 or less monthly, I believe that is enough to buy you a good time with sex workers. A couple OTC encounters with another strip club visit monthly is more than enough for me. Twice monthly is as frequent # of visits needed.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
When it comes to beautiful young women that are fairly easily attainable ($$$) - it's hard to say when enough is enough (unless you're gay).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Wrong thread Nina - but you're hot so it's ok.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Way to stay on topic Nina. j/k
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I'm a way underpaid professional but maybe average pay for the low pay state of South Carolina.
Better than average compared to many others in this state.

If Hillary or Obama compared my pay to average teachers, waitresses, bartenders etc, she could probably say females were not getting paid as much as the males in South Carolina because it has never been an apples to apples comparison when they talk about that. Now throw Nina in the mix and I bet she makes more than me working a whole let less hours.

Compare female executives to male engineers pay and the pay gap would favor women enormously. Then we guys could argue about inequality between female executive pay and male pay like the democrats like to keep arguing visa versa.

Crooked Hillary's plan to get Trump to run paid off big time it appears. If she can escape getting convicted for breaking the law, Trump should give her a win with all his screw up talk.
A good way to let everyone know she conned everyone would be to name Trump to one of her cabinet positions as if she cared about how shocked everyone might be. She could just say fooled you all and you fell for it, haha, doesn't matter anymore.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Lol I posted in the wrong thread but it's still JS69's thread so he will see it. Haha
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
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