I've meet some aggressive bitches before but this bitch is the Queen bitch.
I first arrive to the club and all I want to do is let my eyes adjust and order up some of my famous buffalo chackin fangers with dipping sauce of ranch dressing.
Before I know it this sweet dancer comes over and asked to spend time with me. I let her know I just got in and I'm about to eat. She said that's fine then she orders some food herself.
At this point some of you are probably thinking juice just found his DS but unfortunately she physically just is not my type but I don't mind the conversation from a kind person.
After our buffalo chackin she gets up and starts giving me a table side dance. Maybe she didn't see how much I had to eat (double order) but I needed to just watch the stage show, tip and let my food settle.
But this bitch can't take a hint. I say I'm not buying...she said its ok it's free baby. At this point I'm looking for a bouncer, dj or manager to save me but to no avail.
So I go to stand up and she shoves me back into my chair then flops or elbow drops my gut.
I quickly get rude and say...look bitch...I said no and get the fuck off me
She looked shocked....you could tell she had that thought like how am I getting rejected by this fat ass....so she blows the fuck up....calls me a fagget and all kinds of shit.
Luckily she is a traveling stripper and has a bad reputation with this club and management took my side got the bitch away from me then made things right with a free double order of buffalo chackin.
Feel free to share your story of rude and over aggressive strippers
I have learned being polite in a SC is not always a good thing. I received a text from a dancer I met over 3 months ago wanting me to visit with her next Sat. night at my favorite club. I have no desire to see her again. I simply ignore her text. But, that is my story. Some girls try to hard. I was too nice to not exchange numbers. My mistake.
Several years ago a dancer came by and asked me for a dance and I politely said "no thank you", even though she continued to shake her ass in my face and asked again "Are you sure?" I said no thanks again because like you o just arrived and had barely received my first drink. She proceeds to shove her ass an inch from my nose and shake it and I gently pushed it away to give myself some space, then she finally walked away.
2 minutes later a bouncer came over and told me I had to leave for touching a dancer inappropriately. I almost freaked out and was ready to start screaming as I explained the story to the bouncer, and during my explanation he calls over the dancer. When dancer arrives she says that I smacked her ass and grabbed her, a complete embellishment on her part. And then she quickly walked away.
When the dancer left I was pissed and told the bouncer she's lying, upon which the bouncer said "I could throw you out because it's her word against yours, but you can stay as long as you keep your hands to yourself!"
Well I stayed for the rest of that drink and made it known to the bouncer and other dancers I had a few hundred dollars in my pocket that I was going to take to another club, and I pointed out to everyone the reason why and who the dancer was for me leaving. I never saw the dancer again after that night.
was trying to avoid the race of this lady but fuck it
in my almost 20 years of clubbing all over the south east I have not found one super aggressive Euro, Asian, Latin. The African ladies have been the only hyper aggressive strippers I have meet. this sucks because they are also the most affordable, open to providing sex and have the best curves. for the most part I avoid them due to their bitch personalites.
I have enjoyed a lot of great sex with women from the African lands but I understand why their men seek out the Euro women. they are a lot more passive and lade back. not saying that other races don't have bitches or am I not saying that all African ladies are bitches, but what I am saying it seams to be at least in the south east of America that these seam to be the biggest trouble makers in the club.
that's my two cents
and the girl that made me ldk that night was a very sexy mixed yella bone
Granted I'm in the midwest, but the chillest dancers I've come across have been AA. Most down to earth, easiest to talk to, and quickest to take a hint. Now, I am mixed myself so I imagine I am treated differently by them than you.
To overgeneralize my experiences, latinas on the other hand I've found to by the most overly agressive and at times obnoxious/rude when rejected.
thanks for adding to this thought of mine. I have often been curiouse if my race being Euro decent affect the AA when I say no I do not want a dance. I have pondered some just think I'm a racist. I mean just by looking at me I look like I love country music and drive a jacked up truck lol... truth is I love rap more than any kind of music and drive a subura car with a system in it lol...
yes I often only buy from Euro looking ladies but that is what I like. with that said I realy enjoy the lite skinned or mixed girls if they can be relaxed and loving.
The ones who are decendents from the monkeys they sent up to space by NASA, those are the strippers who've become the sweetest and most laid back on earth. Something about the water in that Tang they drink. Those strippers love that juice.
They're rare, but I usually pass on "the first one is free" girls unless I was planning to buy anyways. They are just trying to up sell to VIP, and the actual free LD is just a sales pitch
I think you simply got a girl who either didn't know how to read a customer - or she decided to not read the customer and try to force a few dances out of you (whether you wanted them or not).
It's good that you stood your ground. Possibly - other customers will give in - and buy a few dances just to get her to go away.
I don't think I've ever declined a free dance. I also recognize it for what it is. It's simply a promotion hoping I will be enticed to buying some. I have no problems with settling for just the freebie, but I have purchased additional dances if I otherwise would have been on the fence and her freebie was convincing.
last commentI received a text from a dancer I met over 3 months ago wanting me to visit
with her next Sat. night at my favorite club. I have no desire to see her again.
I simply ignore her text. But, that is my story. Some girls try to hard.
I was too nice to not exchange numbers. My mistake.
2 minutes later a bouncer came over and told me I had to leave for touching a dancer inappropriately. I almost freaked out and was ready to start screaming as I explained the story to the bouncer, and during my explanation he calls over the dancer. When dancer arrives she says that I smacked her ass and grabbed her, a complete embellishment on her part. And then she quickly walked away.
When the dancer left I was pissed and told the bouncer she's lying, upon which the bouncer said "I could throw you out because it's her word against yours, but you can stay as long as you keep your hands to yourself!"
Well I stayed for the rest of that drink and made it known to the bouncer and other dancers I had a few hundred dollars in my pocket that I was going to take to another club, and I pointed out to everyone the reason why and who the dancer was for me leaving. I never saw the dancer again after that night.
Dancers take money from the club
Customers bring money to the club
With this basic logic clubs really should learned to side with the customer
Or better learn to be more objective to solving customers dancer relations
in my almost 20 years of clubbing all over the south east I have not found one super aggressive Euro, Asian, Latin. The African ladies have been the only hyper aggressive strippers I have meet. this sucks because they are also the most affordable, open to providing sex and have the best curves. for the most part I avoid them due to their bitch personalites.
I have enjoyed a lot of great sex with women from the African lands but I understand why their men seek out the Euro women. they are a lot more passive and lade back. not saying that other races don't have bitches or am I not saying that all African ladies are bitches, but what I am saying it seams to be at least in the south east of America that these seam to be the biggest trouble makers in the club.
that's my two cents
and the girl that made me ldk that night was a very sexy mixed yella bone
To overgeneralize my experiences, latinas on the other hand I've found to by the most overly agressive and at times obnoxious/rude when rejected.
yes I often only buy from Euro looking ladies but that is what I like. with that said I realy enjoy the lite skinned or mixed girls if they can be relaxed and loving.
It's good that you stood your ground. Possibly - other customers will give in - and buy a few dances just to get her to go away.