
Define ATF

It has been said that what I have described is not an ATF. I don't understand how someone can set the criteria for another's preferences. If she is that to me, she is exactly that to me, I accept the good with the bad, it's the total package that counts... in bed.


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Seems simple. All time favorite. If she's your favorite, then that's that.

    The one tricky thing here is that it's your ALL TIME favorite, so there should just be one. But, we've been a little lazy and often just use the term to mean "one of my most favorites ever", rather than "my one and only most favorite ever". That's certainly how I use it. I call my favorite a CF is she's my fave at some point in time; she gets a boost to ATF if I'm wild and crazy about her.

    What threads have people been arguing with you about how you use ATF?
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I take the side of one can not label a ATF until old age so one can look back over your career in the hobby then in thuth lable that one bitch.

    most label what we call a CF aka current fav as a ATF aka all time fave

    some have been so blasming as calling the DS dream stripper then adding more then one lol

    but not ever one has the same logic or reasing so I would say without a divine word from founder the creator and God of our blessed site its all realitive

    its up to your own def being honest
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I've been going to strip clubs for almost 35 years and my ATF is my ATF. I met her in 2006 and no one else is even close.

    That's how you define an ATF.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    See, my one and only all time fave, I call my ATATF. Partially, that's just to annoy the more anal retentive members of our tuscl fellowship

    Even worse, I have my ATATF stripper, but my true one-and-only out of the entire sex industry, is an ex-bodyrub girl, not a stripper.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    As others have said you define it for yourself I have 2 one since 2007 and the other since 2011.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    I'd imagine it's all relative and everyone will have a different opinion. I'm younger, but have been going to clubs for about 10yrs now and only recently broke out the ATF tag for a dancer. I've usually avoided being anyone's regular, but have had club/current favorites in the past who I knew I would move on from, usually quite quickly.

    The GFE business relationship / friendship with my ATF is one that not only puts every past one I've had with a dancer to shame, but I honestly cannot fathom any future one getting close to it. I personally think that concept is what makes a dancer an ATF, even if time proves me wrong. That's my opinion on it anyways, though others will feel differently.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"The GFE business relationship / friendship with my ATF is one that not only puts every past one I've had with a dancer to shame, but I honestly cannot fathom any future one getting close to it."

    So young, so naive :) Seriously, almost adorable how you think this way, I remember when I had that mindset, way back when. Now, having gone from "never to be repeated" to "never to be repeated" experience, I realize that unless YOU decide you no longer want such experiences, they are out there to find. It might not be EXACTLY the same experience, of course, but you'll find just as amazing and mind-blowing relationships. And not only that, but you'll get better at identifying women who might be more open to such things (of course, strippers are hustlers, and they can fool anyone, but you'll develop skills at upping your chances).

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I hate to agree with Reck, but an ATF should at least be an amazing sexual freak who fulfills your sexual fantasies on a consistent basis. She's just one step below a DS. And to motorhead's point, maybe you haven't been doing this long enough to find a genuine ATF.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"the reason some here don't see her as an atf is because she doesn't treat you worth a shit. the reason my atf will (probably) never be equaled because she treated me very well. your aft doesn't sound anything like mine. "

    Ah! Is that the issue? With the term ATF, there is definitely a connotation that she treats you well. I suppose if she's truly your fave, you can technically say she's you're ATF even if she treats you badly, but it's cringingly pathetic.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Thank you. I never even knew I could have understood such a concept until we met, then I knew she was exactly that. And 'all time', to me, means all time - past, present and future. As far as treatment, she's hell to put up with, but passionate people usually are. Even if or when we do arrive at an expiration date, I might have other favorites but never another ATF. Is this difficult to comprehend?
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    Subraman, I consider myself adorable as well, thanks for noticing. I don't doubt time may very well prove me wrong in me tagging this current girl as my ATF, though it really is hard for me to look that far ahead right now.

    Slowly but surely with age, mid(ish) life crises, money and maturity, I am broadening my horizons. Give me time. I've never looked for longer term investments in dancers before, so despite my time invested in the hobby, this is a new playing field for me.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    a2: went exactly that way for me, too. In fact, I spent half my SC career in extras clubs, a sworn variety guy, who technically never had an ATF and was never interested. Within a few months of switching to no-extras clubs, I snagged that first ATF, and it actually was pretty special, and was pretty damn bummed when it ended, because I was certain I would never see the likes of her again. In fact, I had one or two more rounds of going through the same thoughts ("can't believe I was lucky enough to find that AGAIN -- definitely won't be repeated though").

    Anyway, wasn't criticizing you, you should savor the experience. But when you get super bummed when it ends, take solace in the knowledge that there's just as good -- if not better -- coming.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    I appreciate the advice.
  • jojojo897
    8 years ago
    I'm curious as to how long you know a dancer before you label her as an 'all time favorite/current favorite'? Or maybe you automatically define her based on how you start actively seeing her on a routine/regular basis.

    In my two newbie months at the club scene, it feels like finding a 'favorite' is like a goal or achievement to accomplish. I've taken dances from a total of five dancers thus far.

    A petite Latina who is just fun to be around with her cheerful personality.
    A thick Asian/Latina who has a natural beauty but with strict rules.
    A petite Latina/Black who is sexy and rough in her own style.
    A petite Asian mix who is wild and adorable that I connected best with.
    A tall Black beauty who is the most intelligent that gave the most contact.

    The funny thing is that every time I come back, the last lady I've had my dances with wouldn't be working the night which is how I'm just experiencing a different dancer each visit. I'm probably close to finding a favorite at this club but unless I achieve an experience that both the petite Asian mix and tall Black beauty would actually coincide...then I may have to check out the other local clubs. Still a long road until that happens though especially when I'm not sure if I've had their full experience based on a single visit. However, I may just take it for what it is and enjoy my time at this local club because of the convenience of having the bouncers/hosts/bartender know me. Can't beat the 3-5 minute local drive either.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    How does a LDQ aka Lap Dance Queen fit in ?
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I've never had an ATF, although if I start shelling out to fuck CF OTC she has ATF potential.

    I feel like it is something that takes years to establish. If you could replace her in 6 months, she's not an ATF.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" I'm curious as to how long you know a dancer before you label her as an 'all time favorite/current favorite'?"

    For me, it's not so much time, but how I feel about her. If she's my fave girl at the club and I look forward to seeing her, I call her my CF. If I"m crazy about her, not really interested in seeing anyone else, can't wait to see her again -- she's probably reached ATF status. Typically, that'll be 10-ish trips? Keeping in mind that I probably spend 4 hours per trip, that means I've spent 40 hours with her (!!!). That many trips might take anything from 2.5 to 6 months. I've had at least one ATF who, by the time I'd seen her 5 times or so, I already knew.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    This is all very interesting. It makes sense that everyone's experience and definition is varied. My experience is far from perfect, it is volatile at times. Most guys wouldn't have any part of it: But that whole fire and ice thing really makes for a wild ride. I feel more alive than I have in a long time.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    My ATF is just that. As JS69 said, she's a sexual freak who continues to break boundaries. I'm a lot closer to the end of my career than the start, so I've got perspective. She uses me and I use her. She pisses me off frequently, is self centered and narcissistic, is unpredictable and at times unreliable. But in my experience, most strippers fit this description. In my ATF's case the sex, the challenge, the enjoyment when she's on, is unmatched. I've had many CF's but there'll never be another who'll be my all time favorite.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Hey stamp collector,

    ATF - All-Time Favorite.

    Plenty of people gave a great definition, but I will explain my ATF compared to yours.

    For starters she has retired from the stripping game so I will refer to her from time to time as my Retired-ATF.

    I think it is highly unlikely that I will ever find someone else that I had the same connection with. She loved me, she fucked me for free and to this day we are still friends even though we live on opposite sides of the country.

    She was a stripper so of course there was drama at times, but she was never malicious or mean to me, EVER. That, combined with that she would fuck me for free, and was hot as fuck was the reason she was my ATF.

  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Shaylnn did you get into John Smith's bag of unicorn weed ?

    I think he laces it with Angel dust
  • ime
    8 years ago
    And wrappers made of DS permission slips to leave school early
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ATF - All Time Flake
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Never had an atf, more like otatf(one time all time favorite) because of all my favorite strippers so far I have never seen any more than once. Does this count?
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I agree that an ATF usually is a dancer you have a long term relationship with. Nonetheless, the DS was my favorite after our first date. But it took me 20 years to find her.
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