what can i say. stupid internet troll. @rickthezoo aka @cashman aka @4got2wipe aka @mikey aka @zipperhead you keep creating new identities but i know who you are. i am pretty damn amazing that way
and @TheeOSU, my eyes are on you too. i suspect your one of @rickthezoos identities too. i am not sure, but that guy thinks he is so smart if your real i apologize but he is crafty and obsessed with new identities
I think the nasty-ass vulture self services his own Cloaca, its how these birds normally clean themselves. Notice 'RicktheVulture' has a fetish with his Cloaca that matches 4gottowipe's rimjob Fetish??? Yeah, sometimes these alternative personalities little twisted 'fetishes' are telling . The Ricks are taking over nothing except possibly the bathroom troll's job at a club near you. While we're at it, Doctor Phil with his 'interesting' life is a bottom feeder like the rest of the lot.... I'm betting his 'interesting life' is probably trolling Craigslist Rants and Raves in Hicksville, where he lives in his mother's basement.
last commentyour welcome
You'll always be foul.