
Tinder vs. Strippers

They never tell you what you need to know.
I have talked about this awhile back and wanted to share an experience with all the PLs.

First off, I would only recommend this for guys under 45 and preferably unattached. Since I travel a lot I started playing around with the Tinder app, never ever opening it in my home area, since it only searches for companions in your area. You can pay $20 a month to have the app search an area you are not in, and I tried that one month as well. There are also companion apps that help you search which will allow you to see many more women on Tinder, but it really didn't help me get more matches. I said it before and I'll say it again, it blows my mind how many smoking hot women are on Tinder. Several girls just photograph really well and aren't that hot in person, but several other appear to be the real deal.

As an experiment I tried focusing on 1 single city. For one thing I was at a major disadvantage because if I "liked" someone and they "liked" me, they still saw that I was 100s of miles away even though I paid extra on Tinder to show up in their area. Sadly it still showed I was 100s of miles away which I think really hurt me with a lot of my matches. One thing, there are a million airline stewardesses that show up on there all the time because they are staying the night in that particular city (just a fun note).

After messing around with the app I had 24 matches all within 5 years each way of my age (the way I wanted it) all in 1 city. All the girls were cute, some were hot, and a few were smoking hot. Using a more conservative "civvie" scale over a "stripper" scale I'd say 2 girls were a "6" 2 were a "9" and the rest fell between a "7" and "8." I had small talk with 4 of them, the rest I would assume just play Tinder as a game and see how many matches they can get with a cute guy, never really intending on making contact. I can't blame them, I was almost the same way trying to get this collection of "hot" girls that I probably would never even talk to as well.

Fast forward to this weekend I finally secured a date with one of the girls. My very first one btw. She was a 7 and the same age as me. Certainly not the stand out on my "matches" but very cute and a great personality to match. If she changed one thing about her she could be a high 8. Anyway I thought I had nothing to lose, if things fell apart I could ditch her and still hit a strip club and get what I was looking for.

I met her for drinks at 9, and she insisted on helping pay for things with the night. Usually I fight that pretty hard, but I realize women want to be more equal these days so I agreed to split our tabs through out the night. At the end of the night, I spent a grand total of $20 and brought a bottle of wine with me and ended up spending the night at her house having sex all night. Much cheaper than a stripper, same end result. For my first Tinder date I couldn't ask for anything better, but I am assuming most wouldn't happen that easily. She was really embarrassed that we went that far that quick (or at least acted like it) but I told her "we're just busy people that needed to have some excitement for once, it's no big deal." One thing that helped is we had talked on the phone and txted an entire week before the date, learning a lot about each other. She appears to be a work-a-holic like me and just was excited to actually get out with a normal guy (little does she know) instead of spending a Saturday night on her couch drinking wine watching Scandal.

I know we all talk about ITC, OTC, relationships, etc. but this is another route some (not all) of us here can explore. It's a whole lot cheaper but it takes a lot more patience and effort. I can tell you one thing, if you establish communication with these girls, they will actually return all your calls and txts unlike most strippers! lol

Happy Hunting


  • K
    8 years ago
    You make it sound very tempting. But I'm a about a decade above the age you suggest as the cut off.
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    Interesting. Thanks for sharing this. Do you plan on hooking up with her again? Man, getting laid for the younger generation is so fucking easy compared to my youth. Limits are only imagination and balls.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Great story. I've got more money than time, and since I'm 58 (at least according to Nina) I guess I'll just stick to my DC and overpaying strippers for sex. But part of me wishes that I was young enough to play on Tinder.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    that's awesome, shailynn. i think you just got lucky, tho. most girls on tinder are so unresponsive, that it usually doesn't go anywhere/amount to anything

    don't get me wrong, i've met two girls in person from tinder. but the vast majority of them appear to be on there for attention seeking and what-not.

    even the other guys i've talked to have asked "why are girls on tinder so boring?"

    just my 2 cents
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    i have considered tinder since i travel. but ive always thought these online sites a waste of time.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    I have thought about tinder but you have to have a Facebook account and that is just something I won't do. Even a fake account. And I've heard more stories like goVikings then yours unfortunately. I hope it works out for you though.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Once I'm off work and back at the house I'm going to talk about this option and my experiences. Until then good thread
  • bang69
    8 years ago
    great thread
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I would try Tinder, but something tells me that hot young women would not want to hook up with a retired guy in his 60's. Strippers, on the other hand, seem to have no problem with my age.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I know I got lucky.

    And I can back up with GoVikings said since I had 24 matches and only messaged with 4. If you want to break it down even further of those 4 I only really had a meaningful conversation with 2. Choosing between the 2 on which to meet, 1 always talked about her kid and the other didn't have any kids and talked about how excited it would be to go out "for a night on the town" so you can figure out why I chose the one I did even though the one with the kid was a little hotter.

    I have a close friend that's divorced and he uses Tinder locally all the time. He has pulled a ton of ass off of there and had even banged a few married women. He will do anything and has gone to women's houses in the middle of the night for hook ups. I joke him that he may wake up in a bath tub full of ice with his kidneys missing, but hey that's the risk you take I guess
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    shailynn....that's great your friend has had so much success with tinder. I use it locally too, but have only met 2 in person because most girls are so unresponsive. Women want to feel safe, and thus most of them probably aren't hooking up with random guys they don't know. Don't get me wrong, I know it happens, but it's probably more the exception than the rule.

    And you're absolutely right.....it's amazing how many attractive women are on tinder. Most of them are in the cute to hot range
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    In my single days it was OKCupid. You could answer the questions honestly in a way that you wouldn't get the husband hunters and would get more hipsters and cute nerds. Usually I'd suggestate coffee or grabbing a beer. I had about a 50% success rate of a first date leading to at least a BJ, often coupled with her saying "I don't normally do this..."

    I've heard bumble is the new thing, sort of like Tinder but only the girls can message first. Obviously helps if you have reasonably attractive pics.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I spent my entire youth dating women so why the fuck would I want to now?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Shailynn, but are you looking for escorts or civvies?

    In my experience, usually the civvies who look for dates online are too old, and also they are neurotic. I mean if they wanted to fuck, they would be doing it, not screening guys online.

    They say online is how people connect. But to me with dating services it seems more like how women screen guys out. Either that, or they are too fat, old, and ugly for any guy to want them.

    I mean why not go to some singles bar or disco. You can pick up on a cougar, or maybe a young hottie. Eitherway, you see her and can turn on some charm and if it works, you'll be home in bed with her.

    f2f first meetings, either for stripper / escorts, or for civvies.

    Am I missing something?

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    San Jose guy adding his 2 cents and you can tell he doesn't even understand what I wrote...

    Go to a disco????

    When's the last time you actually left your moms basement???
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Yeah, when it comes to online dating, SJG expresses some pretty clueless opinions. This isn't 1997, almost every hot single girl is online and constantly on her phone. Yes, Tinder girls can be flaky and most of the paid sites are scams. But I have gotten my dick wet way more from online sluts than trying to pick up girls at bars and clubs. I did my best face to face at parties, the kind of places where there was a level of intimacy and social proof that are hard to develop cold in a bar.

    I get it. SJG has an off putting personality, and online charm and wit matter a lot. But he's also shit on alcohol and pot, and 90% of girls at bars are drinking.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I've had ZERO luck with Tinder. 0 dates, few matches.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Mr rock,are you in a big city or rural area? The latter is gonna suck.

    Your age and profile pics also affect your success.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Singles bars???? Sjg what planet do you live on? When did those even exist, or where a thing the 70's ?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Discos and bars where you could dance with a girl and likely pickup on her existed in the 70's and well into the 80's.

    Beyond that, there have still been some, and there are still the newer kinds of night clubs, and guys do pick up on girls. Some of these guys write books about it.

    I have found daytime indoor shopping malls, if you learn how to do it, good places to meet girls. Usually all you get is a phone number, but if you call it and take her out you will not be disappointed.

    Then there are these new Cougars, who might be of interest to some of our forum members, and they have their own places.

    But I have found that it is often just as easy to leave with an off the clock stripper at the end of her shift. And some of our Coffee Girls, never doing P4P, but still very often lonely young women, advertise when they get off work.

    So my comments and suggestions were directed to Shailynn and all amount to saying that f2f first meeting are better than online fix ups.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I'm 46 and not much at all into social media or apps so I hardly know anything about Tinder other than what's been mentioned here and there (never looked at the app).

    So is Tinder more of a dating type site or more of a hookup DTF site - are girls looking for potential BFs or just a guy they are attracted enough-to to fuck?

    Some guys can pull pussy and some can't - I'd "assume" guys that can pull pussy w/o Tinder will be able to pull pussy w/ Tinder and those that can't pull pussy w/o Tinder probably won't with Tinder - i.e. I don't think there is a silver Spanish-Fly.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    Someone else did a study on tinder now long ago. They had the best times to login and start swiping I think you were near the end at 9:00 p.m.

    I have a buddy that swears Saturday night somewhere between the Ice Cream and wine aisle is the best place to be.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Tinder isn't only a hook up app, but girls won't be surprised if guys on there are looking to hook up.

    I know a woman who met her now fiance through Tinder. They did fuck on the first date.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    @jamesSD Yes I'm in Phoenix Arizona. I'm 42 though and most ain there are 32 and under. So my age may be my biggest issue.
  • TravelingGolfer
    8 years ago
    So I should skip the disco and go to the mall instead? Where to, the arcade?
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I tried Tinder and there are nothing but white women on dat bitch. And I NEVER found frisky hoes on it. All just women wanting something special or want nothing at all. And I can never score a date on that bitch. I think strippers are easier to deal with.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    We have more than a dozen night clubs in San Jose's downtown. The Metro Newspaper has promoted this area as arts and entertainment for more than 25 years. These cater to young people and car parking is an issue, but when the weather is nice the women really dress hot.

    As far as places catering to older people, we have them.

    Slow dances seem to be something of the past. I think guys have gotten too frisky. But the more office worker oriented places are still here.

  • madgracy
    7 years ago
    "...In my experience, usually the civvies who look for dates online are too old, and also they are neurotic. I mean if they wanted to fuck, they would be doing it, not screening guys online...." - exactly I am sharing your opinion and you made me laugh! :) Tried those various sex apps (http://SexApp1.com, since most of apps recommended there, works on same way and don't be surprised when you find same people profiles in few different apps at same locations) But maybe few times there were some nice chicks, in most cases just stepped out from LTR.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    I have used tinder and while NY is vast and I visit different parts of the state (except upstate) I have only had ONE hookup and she was fat and fugly. Paid for dinner and never called her back. Never got a single pretty lady to talk to me on tinder. Probably because I'm black lol I don't know.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Besides most girls on tinder are ugly As shit
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