
Bareback only?

avatar for Mate27
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!

I have this stripper who likes to fuck. I've done it covered with her upon my insisting it, however now she refuses to go covered and will only go bareback stating "It feels like I'm fucking plastic!"

Anyone else run into a stripper refusing to use cover? If so, did you hesitate, because I'm sure she only does this with me, right?


last comment
avatar for Imamutt
8 yrs ago

Yes. Turned it down. Shailynn says its bc I'm 'worried' about stds

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

You guys are such pussies, what's a little pain when you pee and so what you have a 3rd nut?

avatar for sharkhunter
8 yrs ago

Maybe she has a latex allergy.?

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

"Anyone else run into a stripper refusing to use cover?"

Only syphilis Sally.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

^^^ Imamutt had some lapdances with her the other night. He was fussing at her to wash her hands before the lapdance, she was laughing saying "if you only knew..."

avatar for JamesSD
8 yrs ago

I would never fuck a sex worker or a civilian slut uncovered. But that's just me. And in 20 years my opinion may change; I feel like I have a lot more to lose at almost 40 than I will at almost 60.

avatar for Imamutt
8 yrs ago

Shailynn, you know I'd never do that bc I'm scared shitless of my atf, she'd tear out my larynx and gut her like a fish if that ever happened.

avatar for RandomMember
8 yrs ago

I had a dancer pull the cover off at her house once and I went for it. Had my vasectomy about a week later.

avatar for chessmaster
8 yrs ago

Fuck her right in the pussy.

avatar for mikeya02
8 yrs ago

It's a trap!

avatar for a21985
8 yrs ago

As tempting as the offer may be, the wife is the only woman I will go uncovered with. Health reasons aside, I may be an ass of a husband with loose morals, but at least I try to stick to the few principles I do have, goddamn it!

avatar for JohnSmith69
8 yrs ago

Video girl told me that I could fuck her bareback if I want to cause that feels better to her. With one exception, however, I declined the offer. The exception was one night right before I came I pulled out, ripped the condom off, threw it in the floor, and plunged back in just to have the experience once of cumming inside her without the jacket. I was only inside for 20 seconds or so. It felt great obviously but I doubt that I'll do it again anytime soon.

avatar for RandomMember
8 yrs ago

"I feel like I have a lot more to lose at almost 40 than I will at almost 60"

Yeah, at John's age, you're a essentially a corpse , anyway.

avatar for rh48hr
8 yrs ago

I wouldn't do it. Only go BB with girlfriends.

avatar for Bwsmith
8 yrs ago

Ain't worth it, u aren't the only dude she hasn't asked to go BB.

avatar for NinaBambina
8 yrs ago

If I were a man who paid for sex, I'd be very weary of any prostitute who was insistent upon going bareback. Women like that obviously have very little sexual hygiene and little regard for sexual health.

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

I agree with you Nina any woman who has so little regard for her reproductive health has issues I never want to deal with. I think it might have something to do with self esteem and trying to please others while not caring about herself.

avatar for georgebailey
8 yrs ago

Whatever happened to 'never fuck anyone crazy than you'.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

AIDS/HIV has been around for 30 years now and that has made us live under a sexual dictatorship of sorts where our penises are like political prisoners not allowed to fully live life as they were meant to.

Kinda sucks that something so natural and meant to be so enjoyable has to be done in such an unnatural way w/ a piece of plastic on - but those are the times we live in at least for now and as the TUSCL glossary states BBFS is aka "Russian Roulette" - and as TUSCLer lopaw stated in another glossary w.r.t. unprotected sex - "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" - i.e. don't do it if not willing to deal w/ the possible consequences - and a dancer that fucks for $$$ preferring to go bareback is def food for thought.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

"... and as TUSCLer lopaw stated in another glossary w.r.t. unprotected sex ..."

glossary was meant to be thread

avatar for bang69
8 yrs ago

If you are going to go BB only. Then leave your sperm in her vagina. And PRAY that you don't get an std

avatar for Mate27
8 yrs ago

Some interesting points being made, but I need to make it clear that this isn't a pay for play situation. She just likes to fuck me as I've been told she has intense orgasms with me.

Then she has also said she's not a whore, and she is safe and clean since she was married for 10 years. I insist on the condom, but she says she wants to go without from now on. I've never had sex ITC, and the way she screams everyone would know about it. So since she is a stripper and probably truthful and monogamous, maybe I should break my rule of only fucking with a condom! Otherwise I may have to go without until I find a new slut.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

It's a bit of a tough call b/c sex w/o a condom is sooooo much better and thus more tempting - but stripper or not we all know unprotected sex outside a monogamous relationship will always carry risks - the fact that it's not P4P and she looks like she wants to be a fuck-buddy makes it a bit different but as you know not completely different - one can't fully trust what anyone says about "being clean" and the fact that she's willing to fuck you BB and you are just an acquaintance still leaves room to be wary.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Don't you guys every listen to me? Douse your johnson in Listermint after bareback sex, it will instantly kill all germs. Just like Windex in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."

avatar for GoVikings
8 yrs ago


avatar for sharkhunter
8 yrs ago

What could go wrong?

If things don't work out, you could pay child support for 18 years.

If she had HIV, she could share with you out of the kindness in her heart.

Nothing to worry about since you are in a committed relationship and she has your back.

Reminds me of hearing stories about sex workers angry that some HIV guy fucked her and gave her HIV and some of these sex workers were going to have as much unprotected sex with as many guys as possible as revenge.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 yrs ago

Just remember, she's a stripper and she always tells the truth and you can trust her. Let us know how it works out in 6 to 9 months.

avatar for Cashman1234
8 yrs ago

This is an interesting discussion - because we normally have posts about dancers who say they rarely go bareback and they are making an exception. I appreciate the dancers honesty about only going bareback (and not telling a different story).

My simple rule is that I always wear a condom - regardless of how safe a dancer might seem. No offense to the girl - that's just my rule.

avatar for 4got2wipe
8 yrs ago

"Don't you guys every listen to me? Douse your johnson in Listermint after bareback sex, it will instantly kill all germs. Just like Windex in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding.""

So windex works too? Brilliant!

avatar for Mate27
8 yrs ago

If she was kinky enough to let me douche her with Listerine maybe I would, maybe I would.

She does give bbbjcim, so there's a start.

avatar for rockstar666
8 yrs ago

Meat: I've found an amazing willingness of women in general to go BB once they find out I'm snipped. I can count on one hand the number of times I've used a condom since the procedure. I've never had an STD and yes, I'm tested from time to time.

Granted, I don't fuck high mileage whores like streetwalkers, C/L sluts and the like. And no IV drug users. But I would say our collective fear of STD's is vastly over rated for the vast majority of the population.

avatar for K
8 yrs ago


For many it isn't the fear of the std. It is the fear of bringing it home. Divorce is expensive in many ways. If it was just about taking an antibiotic, I think many more would risk it.

I've known more than one woman that had the retirement plan of getting pregnant and being supported by the baby's father. This may not apply to you but it does apply to many here.

avatar for rockstar666
8 yrs ago

K: Good point. Since I haven't had sex with my wife in over 7 years and don't expect to any time soon, I don't worry about that. My g/f OTOH would be pissed though. But she's having sex with her H from time to time so I'd just blame him!

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

If I hadn't had sex with my wife in seven years, i don't know that I'd have a wife

avatar for Mate27
8 yrs ago

Lol, Rockstar! I didn't know that about you and thanks for sharing. We only go once around this world and you should have no guilt. I'm sure she (girlfriend) doesn't have any either. Party on.

avatar for stripperlover777
4 wks ago

_👽 It's Nonsense. If You Have Concerns

With Bareback, Just Avoid It & Know Dat' It's Only Wet Skin, So Why Risk The Factors, Right?
I Would Rather Just Have Her Vagina & Boobies In Mi Face & Not Have Da' Worries!
How Bout' Da' $Strippers Bareback Hygiene In Overall Body Scent Being Nude/Close With Ya' Or Bareback High Heels Scent If Their Not Wearing Them?
$Stripper Hygiene, Natural Body Scent & Chemistry Is Important & Vital For More $Dollars!!! _🤠

I Might Make Discussion On
$Stripper Hygiene/Body Scent

avatar for rickdugan
4 wks ago

If I had to put latex on my penis every time I had sex, I'd probably stop having sex. When I was younger that was fine, but the older I get, the more it sucks.

The odds that a hetero male is going to catch anything serious from regular vaginal sex are near zero. I will be forever angry with all the people who hyped the paranoid AIDS hysteria for so long in order to keep it from being viewed as a "gay disease." I spent my 20s and early 30s paranoid about regular sex. Then, when high sped Internet became widespread and the numbers were published online, we understood how duped we had been.

Also, do you guys really think a young girl is ever going to admit that she was impregnated by one of her sex work customers? LOL. That's assuming she even knows who the father is, LMAO. She would be a pariah for life with much of her family, friends and potential future SOs. Assuming a girl even carried the kid of a customer to term at all, it's much more likely that she would tell her current SO/FWB that it's his.

avatar for rickthelion
4 wks ago

As usual, the dugan is spot on. Besides, you can always dip your dick in listermint. Do it fast enough and it both kills the STD and makes your pole all minty fresh.

avatar for rickthelion
4 wks ago

ADDENDUM: this rick has just remembered that he is supposed to write a disclaimer stating that if you act on his health advice you’re acting on the advice of an frickin’ lion that post on the interwebz.

Evaluate that fact any way you want. Jus’ sayin’


avatar for ww
4 wks ago

Another sad thread bump from yesteryear.

avatar for rickdugan
4 wks ago

Fuck, I just noticed the age of this thread. Get a fucking life stripperlover777. fucking A.

avatar for skibum609
4 wks ago

I put him on ignore because of his doing this.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 wks ago

@Founder - Can we start auto-locking threads past a certain age? (say, 1 year, to be generous)

avatar for Mate27
4 wks ago

But how will we learn about the system (tm) if threads were locked?

avatar for Jascoi
4 wks ago

I have no problem with old threads. But I am learning to note to date early on.

avatar for Jascoi
4 wks ago

and as to the date I prefer the calendar date and time to the general 'a year ago, a month ago, a day ago' stuff.

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