
LDK Survey for PLs

They never tell you what you need to know.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 9:08 AM
Okay, there has been extensive talk about LDKing on this board and it's seems a clear divide of guys who do it and like it, versus guys who pass on it. Myself, well I can recall 2 times in my entire club career where maybe it could have had it happen had I continued getting dances and concentrated hard. So my question is: "If you were in a non-extras club getting lap dances and a dancer miraculously got you hot and bothered enough to LDK, would you let it happen?


  • maho
    8 years ago
    No. Regardless of how worked up I may be, the idea of walking around with jizz running down my leg or wondering if it was showing through my pants would stop me.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    if a stripper could get me to LDK----yeah-----i'd let it happen. but i don't think it would ever reach that point---not from strictly a lap dance. i've never even come close to LDKing---not even during some of the best VIP's i've ever had.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    Never had it happen. So no. If I wanted extras and she was hot enough, I'd just probably pay for ITC action.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    It takes me 15 minutes to cum from a handjob from a beautiful woman so the chances of ldk are zero.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I've gotten close a few times(in non extras clubs) but stopped the dances short(not necessarily cuz I didn't wanna nut in my pants but just cuz). Would I let it happen? Possibly under the right circumstances. I would have to be extremely desperate and extemely horny.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    I'll never say never, but I'd highly doubt it. The level of desperation for me to be at where an LDK sounds like a good idea is the same level where I'd be willing to throw the wallet wide open for any sort of more worthwhile action...or better yet, I'd be willing to simply leave and go somewhere more extras friendly.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Most of the time I would not LDK. However I might make an occasional exception if: 1. I'm exceptionally horny or the dancer is DS hot, 2. I'm very high, and 3. I don't have an OTC date the next day.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    There's been so much talk about it, if I didn't have anything else lined up and I was extremely turned on by the dancer - yeah I'd let it happen just for the experience, but I'm the type to try just about anything once, except for gay sex and heroin.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Shailyn would you try Molly or a tranny hj?
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    And I agree she would have to be extremely hot(and thick!).
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    They can get me hot and bothered but I can't LDK without LTD (lips to dick), HJ or FS.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "Shailyn would you try Molly or a tranny hj" In my book, tranny is the same as gay so no. Already have done MDA/extasy - pretty much all the same shit.
  • PastaWithLink
    8 years ago
    I'd like to LDK, but I'd rather have a condom on or the strip club shorts product to catch the jizz. I also think it's crude to do it w/out warning the dancer. A wet spot on your own trousers is bad enough! So, it becomes not only a hot enough dance, but also talking it over to set the stage. All in all, an HJ at an AMP works better for me. Both parties know what's coming.
  • PastaWithLink
    8 years ago
    Also, an LD where you are close to LDK but not quite is rather enjoyable to extend for a song or two!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "Both parties know what's coming." It's always nice to keep all participants informed! Lol
  • dabiggtipper
    8 years ago
    That's what they all say. I say people just haven't had a good enough grind to make it happen. I LDK all the time. At my favorite club the girls know what I want and they take it as a challenge. 10 songs x $5 =$50LDK. In some markets I know 10 dances would be $200. In those cases I'd juse go HJ or FS.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Yeah if it's a good grind it can happen well within 10 songs. I've cum close within 3 dances before but that doesn't normally happen.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Yes, although these days I rarely LDK with a new girl and my CF provides a certain level of extra effort
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    It only happened to me once and I knew it was happening and let it go. The funny thing is that I always prefer spinners, but this gal was really kind of chunky, but also a beautiful face. Her dance included blowing on my crotch and I was traveling commando, so I was well primed when she started grinding away. I told her I was cumming, she laughed and kept on grinding. Like Skibum it usually takes me quite awhile, even from HJ or BJ, but this gal worked me just right. I never saw her there again.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Would I let it happen? I couldn't stop it if I wanted to.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Pasta, Im guessing you're somewhat new to clubbing. There's no reason to be so shy about it. Dancers at good clubs who give a good grind fully expect to make you cum. Some keep an LDK batting average. Unless they are very new it's no big deal.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Yes, of course I have, countless times, and still do. I just never ever refer to it as "LDK" (a ridiculous addition to the glossary, as I've pointed out before), ask for it, or discuss it in any way -- it just happens sometimes. If you're not an OTC guy and extras clubs are far away, you do what you gotta do.
  • PastaWithLink
    8 years ago
    JS69, I'm back to clubbing after a 15 year break. Separated from my wife and headed to divorce. Yeah, it's $ for fantasy, intimacy and sex. Just not the rapid fire I used to be and maybe not quite as single as I think I am. Also trying to get my game back and communicate directly. Happy clubbing!
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    It hasn't happened yet. I doubt I would let it go that far. Not to get too graphic - but I wear boxers - and it sounds a bit uncomfortable - as I'm guessing it would soak through my pants - and run down my legs. I try to never say never - so who knows.
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