Fuck you Dugan! I am calling you out you pussy!
What the fuck is this shit that I hear about you supporting regressive bathroom laws? My bud just told me about your posts before our latest HJ session.
You do know that most trans women, regardless of whether they are post-op or (like me) pre-op, just want to take a piss or shit in peace, don't you? Fortunately, I'm tough enough that if some mouth-breathing conservative christian tries to fuck with me I'll pepper spray the moron and kick his ass like it has never been kicked before. But my trans sisters and brothers aren't as tough as me. We just want respect. So fuck you Dugan!
And I am zero danger to your daughters. If you have actually had a daughter and aren't lying to us she already has a handicap. Specifically, she has a transphobic asshole whoremonger as a father.
Dugan, if you come near me you will receive an ass kicking the likes of which you've never had before. And they way you act I bet you've had your share of ass kickings.
Fuck you Dugan
You do know that most trans women, regardless of whether they are post-op or (like me) pre-op, just want to take a piss or shit in peace, don't you? Fortunately, I'm tough enough that if some mouth-breathing conservative christian tries to fuck with me I'll pepper spray the moron and kick his ass like it has never been kicked before. But my trans sisters and brothers aren't as tough as me. We just want respect. So fuck you Dugan!
And I am zero danger to your daughters. If you have actually had a daughter and aren't lying to us she already has a handicap. Specifically, she has a transphobic asshole whoremonger as a father.
Dugan, if you come near me you will receive an ass kicking the likes of which you've never had before. And they way you act I bet you've had your share of ass kickings.
Fuck you Dugan
Stick with the valid points and avoid the ad hominem, and see how it goes, eh?
I love the smell of napalm in the morning
Live and let live. Truer words have not been spoken.
Meat, I bet the proportion of people who like strip clubs is low too. Why doesn't the majority just shut those down too?
I don't want to get in anybody's face, but you guys do realize that women's rooms don't have urinals, right? I dress like a woman. I have titties like a woman. I also happen to have a dick. I'm not going to whip my dick out in front of your wife or daughter. I just want to go into a stall and piss or shit in peace.
Now I do have a problem with that transphobic lout that my HJ buddy told me about. That guy is putting everybody in danger with the way he drives drunk all of the time.
It's the intelligent people who realize that everybody goes to the bathroom to piss and shity and then leaves vs the weird guys who think trans women hang out in the lady's room showing off their "man parts".
Those guys are the real weirdos. Not the trans people who just want to take a piss.
In my view - Target took a big step - with their policy. But I think they got the positive press (from the LGBT community) - possibly due to a cost effective policy. They didn't take the step to add a third rest room to each store. They could have left the men's and women's rooms for their current users - and they could have added a third gender neutral rest room.
"Transsexuals can just as easily be tolerated using any bathroom IMO as long as they are law abiding."
But while normally I'm sympathetic to the LGBT side of issues part of me just shakes my head when we argue about signage at the shitter when in the third world there are people who are lucky if they have a tree or a bush for privacy from the common hole in the ground where the whole village defecates. And I think that the people who are raising the biggest stink about 'family values' are the ones who seem to be pressed on sending the middle class back to third world living standards (my call).
I do care about a law that says anybody can use any bathroom.