this should be fun:

avatar for gammanu95
Now that we are in the home stretch, was Obama the black Jimmy Carter? or was Jimmy Carter the white Obama? Discuss.


last comment
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
What came first the chicken or the peanut? In this case the peanut spawned the chicken.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
And the chicken continues to squawk. Currently, el Presidente is here in Michigan. May the asshole governor of Michigan get bounced for fucking up my Michigan, Flint will resonate for a long time as the failure of government to protect its' citizens. Obama is squawking about it. Let's see if the chicken does anything meaningful. :)
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Jimmy Carter was pretty bad I agree but Obama has not done any harm and has done well enough considering the opposition to every proposal he has put forth. I believe the main problem is this permanent in election mode form of governance. If the opposition would work together they might actually accomplish something. Neither side wins when they go into my way or the highway mode.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
Don't forget, Obama is a two-termer. Carter was only given a single term.

Who has the biggest boobs in America?

Lillian Carter: Jimmy and Billy

Why is Rosalynn always on top when she and Jimmy are having sex?

Because Jimmy can only fuck up.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Obama has not done any harm? You are redefining what it is to be a clueless idiot.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I'm not the clueless one my freind. Your single minded ideology is showing all of you pseudo conservatives are ridiculous. Vote however you like but obstructionism is not conservatism no matter how you try to dress it up. BTW I am not a liberal and don't try to discuss politics if you can't show respect for the views of another person.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
History will be very kind to Obama, much to the dismay of conservatives.

He enabled 13 million people to get health insurance, he joins Clinton as the only 2 presidents in my lifetime to cut the deficit, he has shrunk the size of government, he killed Bin Laden, he avoided a catastrophic depression, he's avoided new expeditionary wars, he opened the door to Cuba, and he has not done a single thing to take your guns away besides making speeches.

Inflation is under control, corporate profits are at record levels save for energy, but $2 gas is like putting a few hundred bucks per year in everyone's pockets. We have become a net exporter of oil which reduces our need to play nice with OPEC countries that we previously had to kow-tow to.

What's not to like?
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
^^ Unfuckingbelievable! Totally fucking clueless! SMH
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
OSU: If you want to address any of my points with that wonderful OSU education you got, I'm game. Name calling isn't going to engage me though.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
Rockstar is it any wonder Trump won the Republican race with those base of non-intellectuals xenophobica
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
And non-intellectual was just a nice way of saying "retards"
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
Why address anything you say, when you can't see the forest through the trees. Nothing I say would ever penetrate your skull but I'll add that you are really out there in space cadet land. Possibly too many drugs combined with your bad guitar playing?
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
Look in the mirror CACA!
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
And what's with the grammar? "those base" LOL
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Nice job OSU. You sure got your money's worth at that football school.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
Way ahead of you my man! Bank on it!
avatar for IronFox22
9 years ago

With all due respect, what the f-ck did you think was going to happen starting a political discussion in which you bash the president? The crowd here, like America as a whole, is probably split about 50-50. It's just going to end in people screaming at each other.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Carter was ineffective for one term, Obama was mildly effective for two. I suspect that history will continue to scorn Carter but will, eventually, start to honor Obama. I used to run the Bob Evans on Olentangy Boulevard across the street from the OSU stadium. Whenever we were filled with OSU fans I always felt really smart. Big people down there in Columbus but not too swift. They sure liked their bacon.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Ironfoxx22- read the title of this discussion. I knew exactly what would happen! I love it!
stir the pot stir the pot stir the pot stir the pot stir
avatar for PontiacGuy
9 years ago
Gammanu: You are a retard!
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Rockster - put down the kool-aid and look at the facts! To save time, I'm only going to your DNC talking points, rather than list all of Barry's lies.
Millions lost insurance when Obamacare was enacted (CNN and CBS). Millions more people have been losing health care, not getting it, as providers have begun to lose money and
pull out of the exchanges. (MSN, CNN, ABC)

A $1.3 trillion deficit in 2016 alone. Obama has accumulated more national debt in his two terms than all other presidents combined. CBS

Government growth: 22% or $452 billion!

SEAL Team Six killed Bin Laden.

More jobs have been lost under Obama, and more families are on food stamps than ever before. Every president except Herbert Hoover avoided a catastrophic depression. Obama created a prolonged double dip recession. Obama is the first president since Carter to fail to achieve 3% job growth.

American soldiers have been killed in Libya and Iraq in expeditionary wars that Obama began.

Instead of inflation, we have stagflation.

Corporate profits? Not true, and you know it. Even McDonalds is down.

I live surrounded by Cubans, who object to relations with the dictatorship. Dissidents are still being arrested and executed. Just last week Fidel and Raul told Obama to fuck off.

Thousands of oil workers have been losing their jobs since the energy sector collapsed , so your $2/gallon boast is hollow.

We are a net exporter of LNG, not gasoline. This has no effect on OPEC.

Rockster, I am not in the habit of insulting people I disagree with, but you really are too stupid to be allowed to vote or breed.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
I've been Pontiac, IL. A redneck town if there ever was one. Even Virden has fewer married cousins.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
9 years ago
Carter? Obama? Clearly a demonstration that incompetence comes in all colors. Carter's lasting impact was getting Reagan elected. Hopefully the voters won't compound their errors and vote for Clinton this fall.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
"Rockster, I am not in the habit of insulting people I disagree with, but you really are too stupid to be allowed to vote or breed."

It's a noble effort trying to get through to him but he's too dense to realize anything beyond what MSNBC claims. Even if your words penetrated his skull they would get lost in the vacuum.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Obama has "cut the deficit" WTF! Are you serious?

At least the USA is still, currently, a democracy. And god help us get through the next election cycle.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
I shot beer out of my nose when I read Rockstar's claim "Obama has cut the deficit"! Holy shit, I wonder where he got that idea from? That's funny shit right there, and I don't care who you are.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
OM fucking G! I almost missed where Rockstar stated Obama has shrunk the size of government. Does he even...?? Never mind he just is off his rocker. Apparently someone has hacked into his account. No one can possibly that ignorant. I say we give him a pass until he sobers up a little. This could possibly be the funniest thing I've read on TUSCL since SJ Guy and San Jose Gay posted.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
I think Obama was recognized as a great statesman before he actually accomplished anything. I think that was a mistake.

There are dangers to hiring a person for a powerful (senior) role when that person has a limited history of accomplishment (and limited work in a high stress environment).

It was a gamble - when Obama was elected - and it didn't pay off. The best thing he could have done was to not make huge changes - and just look and act presidential. No, he made big changes - and most became huge mistakes!

Carter - was different - as he kept thinking and thinking - and not acting. It made his administration look timid and indecisive. It was maddening to witness. But we were lucky he didn't fester for a second term.

Two different presidents - one acted and made a big mess - the other didn't act and let the mess fester. Not a fan of either guy.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
OSU: No worries; I'm snipped.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
gammanu95: If you can't see how much better America and our economy is now than under Carter, I can't really say too much. Under Carter energy was expensive (relatively speaking) and massive gas shortages, we had double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, and let a two bit dictator push us around.

Under Obama, we have low inflation along with low interest rates, cheap gas, and your economic stats are very suspect. Unemployment is very low, and having more people on food stamps is a GOOD thing in that they need the food!
avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
Historians will look back on Obama as being the worst President in history. He has caused the deaths of 250,000 civilians in Syria, first by im potently backing off the line in the sand and then by giving Iran billions to finance Assad, in exchange from a promise not to build nukes, which is beyond ignorant since the sanctions were put in place because they promised not to build nukes and lied. That alone should qualify him for a beating, but add in he fixed the bankruptcy system and screwd all GM creditors; bought GM stock on the taxpayer dine and then for no valid reason sold it as a loss and let us Wall Street buddies make millions with the new GM ipo. Cars for cash screwed the taxpayer. He made the criminals called illegal psuedo americans by allowing the criminals to stay here. he freed drug dealers. he supported Black Lies matter. He is a racist. Let China walk all over us. Went on a tour apologizing to the depicable garbage called muslims and alienataed all of our allies. Affirmative action failure. The best part of his selection is that I no longer feel compelled to report all of my income and I no longer volunteer 10 hours a moth of my professional time to benefit the poor. They voted for the cum stain so fuck em all.
avatar for jester214
9 years ago
We don't know how historians will judge Obama. Number one his term isn't over. Number two we won't see the impact of everything he did for at least a few years. What a lot of people don't like to consider is that the president isn't responsible for everything that happens immediately upon take and leaving office.

I personally think in the future Bush and Obama will both be seen as mediocre presidents.

On a side note... Rockstar did you really try and argue, in the same breath, that the economy is great AND more people being on food stamps is a good thing??
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
When speaking of the economy - it's not always a president that can take credit if there is prosperity during his term. Likewise it's not always the president who should take the blame for a recession.

In my view - the best thing a president can do is to not fuck up - and limit growth - or cause a recession to get worse.

In Carters case - the interest rates were already high - and the federal reserve had a very different president and focus at the time. You could also earn a pretty impressive return on a simple savings account.

In Obama's tenure - he took office when things weren't good - and things have moved up in the past 8 years. The big butt here is whether they would have recovered more if he didn't push some of his policies? He's definitely expanded government and spending -

One other thing is the unemployment number. Remember - this recession was so deep that a significant part of the potential workforce didn't get back in. There are still many folks who aren't part of the unemployment statistic due to their opting out of the workforce. So the country isn't doing as well as one might want to believe. It's difficult to measure - but it's an important factor in this era.

When I think of the Carter years - I think of how that administration ended - with the hostage crisis - and how Reagan came in just took charge. It was such a difference - the constant stalling of Carter vs the action of Reagan.

Too early to determine how history will judge Obama - but I think he will be a middle of the road president. I think the bad will be there -regarding the rise of Isis and his star power early in his term (and the killing of OBL) will be remembered too. Again - I think the Cia and military really got OBL - but I guess he gets the credit.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
how well a president did during his tenure has to be one of the most polarizing topics of all time. i understand people will have differing views, but its amazing how one individual can think he was one of the worst presidents of all time. and when i ask someone else, they'll say obama did a good job. talk about being at two opposite ends of the spectrum
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Sorry. My last paragraph is a little off. The bad was the expansion of spending and government and the rise of Isis. The good was his early star power and the Nobel prize and killing of OBL.

He still hasn't closed Guantanamo Bay - but he has gotten back into Cuba.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Meanwhile the markets are all over the place volitality is high, gasoline prices are rising again some of the blame goes to Obama,some of the blame goes to the irresponsible statements made by the Republicans during their primary season, and a lot of the blame actually goes to the dysfunction on both sides of the aisle. Sorry guys the government of this country is really fucking us big time.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
^^which is why we need a change. Clintin is no change at all. However, Trump or Sanders is not the change we need, but maybe the change we deserve.( the dark knight, I know)
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Gammanu95 - I agree. Although I'm not sure how well it will work - but there needs to be a change.

The system that originally was setup to keep one arm of government from running over the other has now become a system of gridlock. It's so difficult for anyone to do anything good!
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To gammanu, Cashman, and everybody else that weighed in on this,
If we really wanted change this ain't it, as the same old money rules the process, cycle after cycle. These rich fucks get what they want from anybody just because we do nothing about it. Case in point Cruz quickly after becoming senator decided to shut down the government saying that he had a point to make, well he did just that even the point wasn't his to make, and it was a disaster. If you have any memory of the budgetary shut down 3 years ago and it actually cost more money than continuing to fund the debt ceiling and all of those furloughed, overpaid bureaucrats got paid anyway, and we (the electorate) got the shit end of the stick. Remember when these fucks, both liberal and conservative, call for ideological purity they weren't sent there for that purpose, they were sent to do the peoples business which they have no intention of doing, as their paymasters would cut them off immediately. Their real job which they never perform, is to negotiate an agreement, which serves the purpose of keeping the country on track not derailing the government and enriching themselves in the process.
To effect meaningful change we need to get the money out of the process and all elections need to be taxpayer funded, allowing these crooks to raise money from private sources ensures that we will continue to have piss poor government run by hacks, ideologues, and self appointed overseers who believe that they have the right to tell us what to do even when they are guilty of breaking every rule or law that they have ever enacted.
Sorry for the rant but I don't like what is happening to my country.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Twentyfives recollection and understanding of history, government, and politics is irreparably inadequate. You see this is a common Socialist tactic, straight out of Saul Akinsky's Rules for Radicals. Spread lies and disinformation about the majority sprinkled in amongst widely identifiable "working man" platitudes.

The government shutdown was a message to the democrat party, who are more money hungry than any others, that the tax and spend policies have to stop. It was not that damaging, despite Obama's best efforts to make it so. Furthermore ,the Tea Party, Libertarian, and Freedom Caucus candidates were sent to Washington for the express purpose of stopping the liberals, socialists, and democrats from ribbing us of our sepf-government. They have mostly failed because of a liberal press agenda, activist judges, and an ignorant and apathetic electorate.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
To the original topic of this discussion, I have determined that Barry is the black Jimmy Carter, simply for the sake of chronological precedence.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
To the original topic of this discussion, I have determined that Barry is the black Jimmy Carter, simply for the sake of chronological precedence.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Twentyfive - your point is true (at least in my view). The truth is - a system initially setup to help the people has been perverted by wealthy special interests - and now it only serves a few.

The difficulty (in my view) is that now the system is too much of a machine - and it does nothing for the common man. It's definitely broken - and by putting an outsider in office - I wonder if it will help - or if it will lead to more stagnation.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
You don't get it at all. I want all of the money in the system to be transparent then there is no hidden agenda, I want to get rid of George Soros and his agenda just as much as I want the Koch brothers out of the hidden donor super pacs. My understanding of history is way past your simple shrugging off the facts,and far from inadequate, the Tea Party and the others that you describe are just a bunch of fascists seeking to impose their extreme ideology on a middle leaning general population. You cant have it both ways like you are trying to, there must be compromises made or there will be a real fracture and trust me the results will be ten times worse than what you are seeing today. I hate to be the one to tell you how wrong you are, you are coming from an agenda as well. I don't see any respect from you for differing points of view and that is not where this country is. Either everyone gets some of what they want and accepts some of what they don't want or someone is imposing their will and that is where your view of history is distorted. I am not telling you how to live and I as a true libertarian ask how dare you tell me how to live and further because you don't agree with me saying that I don't understand, that my friend is the height of arrogance.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
^^^^P.S. unless you want to have an argument don't call me a socialist or quote Saul Alinsky to me again (BTW It's not Akinsky) I am a capitalist and proud of so keep your tone respectful if you want me to do the same.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Eat shit and bark at the moon twentyfive
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Above was to your second response, this is to your first. You are either in denial as to what you are -as many ignorantly socialist millennials are, or you are blatantly lying to me and this board. Maybe you believe what the media tells you, you are clearly incapable of thinking for yourself. The Tea Party are not ideological fascists. The Tea Party actually stands for what you claim to want: small, representative government. Government that responds to the people instead of forcing taxes, continuing spending resolutions, socialized medicine, and illegal immigration down their throats. The government shutdown is the purest demonstration of that, yet you use it to demonize the people who would help you. Congratulations! You have just joined Rockster on the list of people who are too dumb to vote or breed. You, Rockster, and your intellectual mentor Saul Alinsky. BTW, nobody like a grammar bitch when we all know that typos happen on phones.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Gammanu95 - I understand your point regarding the tea party. However, I differ with respect to the way they offer no compromise. I think it's a sad fact of the current political state that there are such extremes - and a lack of willingness to meet in a centrist position.

I don't find myself moving to the far right or left - but rather a bit right of center. I would rather see less government - than more. But I also understand the need for effective legislation - to prevent some of the perils of predatory businesses.

The system still seems broken - whether it's left or right - or the tea party - pushing their agenda - and remaining unwilling to compromise. My background is economics and banking - not political science - so my view is a bit different.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
This is how fucked up things are. Why does it take 1-2 billion dollars to run for president? That's the main criteria?
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
"No worries; I'm snipped."

Your brain stem?
OK that explains everything.
avatar for FTS
9 years ago
OP was right... reading this was fun :-)
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Thank you. Thank you very much.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Listen up you ignorant asshole, gammanu, I am old enough to tell you what is really up. I am well past millennial stage in fact in a few days I will be 64 years old. You haven't got a real clue you think the world revolves around your opinion. You expose yourself for the dummy that you are, I haven't got enough time to school you, so I will leave you to it. Fucking moron, wallow in your ignorance, I am done responding to you and arguing with an idiot, just makes me feel like an idiot. Adios motherfucker.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Where to begin?

If you're 63/64 now, then you were 18 in 1970. Prime age too be a post hippie Alinsky-ite. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Finally, as I have disassembled your paltry arguments and outed you as the socialist that you are, you devolve into insults and aggression. Just like entitled intolerant progressive SJWs that attack people at political rallies. You are like any progressive debating on Sunday morning shows: When the facts are against you, argue the law. When the law is against you, argue the facts. When both are against you, jump up and down and call the other guy names.

You could have at least done yourself a favor and retired from this discussion with a bit of dignity and grace. Sadly, it is only normal for a progressive activist to fade away kicking and screaming about the unfairness of it all.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I guess ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
I knew you wouldn't resist checking back, LOL. PWNed!
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