Ladies - What ever happened to "thank you"

avatar for ididthisonce

I just posted a review which was critical of a dancer that I tipped $10 on stage and never saw her again. I think I was one of two tips for her set. Also read another review in NC where the gentleman was "put out" with a similar situation.

The old protocol was that regardless of the size of the tip (even as little as $2) that as a dancer left the stage and came back into the crowd that she would seek out the gentleman tipping her and whisper thank you as she passed by. Even with other dancers sitting with him she was not an intrusion or were there a lack of manners.

What is up nowadays?


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

Not a thing. Dancers are what they are. Some are grateful, some not.

avatar for bvino
8 yrs ago

Expecting courtesy in this industry is bound to lead to disappointment.

avatar for rockstar666
8 yrs ago

Most dancers I encounter are polite. Maybe it depends on the type of club or area of the country?

avatar for ATACdawg
8 yrs ago

I can't remember any dancer in any club that I have been in that didn't say thank-you. That really is pretty shabby in her part.

avatar for ididthisonce
8 yrs ago

@ dawg - It happens to me more often than it used to.

@ rock - the clubs are in the South and are not dives. Just an…

avatar for JohnSmith69
8 yrs ago

I'd say maybe 10-20% of dancers in my experience go around and thank guys for tips. Another 30-40% at least say thanks on stage. The rest…

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

I could not agree with you more ididthisonce.

Here's the thing that infuriates me (and if I am wrong, would the dancers that participate on this site correct me).


avatar for GACA
8 yrs ago

I hate when they come and try the insincere thanks and hugs, I won't allow it. If they are truly thankful they'll take a seat next to mine…

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Everytime I bring Juice a Four Loko and a 6 Piece of Chackin Fangers he always says thank you. A true gentleman.

avatar for gawker
8 yrs ago

A couple of years ago I was at my favorite club and the dancer I went to see wasn't there, it was a terribly slow day and for…

avatar for motorhead
8 yrs ago

I don't think it's just dancers. It's the Millenials. (God, I hate that word)

When I pull into McD's for my Iced Tea and Filet 'o Fish,…

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

I think part of it is what motor said; kinda a sign of the times as most people in general in today's society are less polite IMO.

I also…

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

w.r.t. a dancer(s) not coming by one's table after being tipped and asked if they can stop-by; this has been discussed b/f many times and the consensus probably…

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

A thank you on stage is good enough for me.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

If they are hos; they're usually not polite - if they are polite; they're usually not hos - take your pick


avatar for s88
8 yrs ago

Different club to club and city to city. At almost-by-location-southern club, every dancer thanked you, and every dancer smiled. No exceptions. Come to my snowbelt city, half the…

avatar for K
8 yrs ago

I cannot recall a dancer saying "thank you" other than as I tipped her. I don't think anyone has every come to me after her set and thanked…

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

It doesn't really bother too much if they say thank you or not as long as they perform when giving dances, etc - and most of the time…

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

I don't need them to thank me, but I always thank them when I come.

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

Same thing that happens to everyones' manners. "me first" and "I'm gonna get mine" are the prevalent attitudes today.

avatar for Cowboy12
8 yrs ago

Dancers have always thanked me at the stage, unless there were a lot of other PL's tipping at same time. Very rarely do they come over to my table…

avatar for Cashman1234
8 yrs ago

It's stupid - to not thank a customer for a tip. It will make the guy think twice about tipping her again - and it will probably stop…

avatar for Ugluck75
8 yrs ago

A decent club will have several good options. If not, then it might be time to find a better club to visit. Stage tipping can…

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