
Where do you stand?

layin low but staying high
Sunday, May 1, 2016 9:10 AM
Sometimes I have a very narrow perspective. Take beautiful women for example. Before tuscl, I assumed that my vision of beauty (young, blond or redhead girl next door type) was pretty much universal. Then I get involved with tuscl and find fairly normal guys that are into huge black women that would crush my dick to the size of an acorn in a lap dance. And lots of other varied tastes too. Incredibly, some of you are not even turned on by my vision of perfection. Another example is my obsession with gorgeous strippers of an age that ends in "teen." Before tuscl, I assumed that every older guy would cut off his left nut to get a chance to fuck a gorgeous 18 year old. Then I share stories of just such a fantasy coming true for this old geezer, and several of you say you'd rather have a dancer who is a decade or two older. I was genuinely shocked at that revelation. So I'm just curious. Where do you stand on my obsession with fucking cute 18-19 year olds? Is it incredibly hot and one of your ultimate sexual fantasies, or wound you rather have an older woman who can teach you about sex instead of the other way around?


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    My knee-jerk reaction is: I can't blame anyone for being attracted to 18- and 19-year-olds. Man, what incredible bodies. That said, the downside of sex with 18- and 19-year-olds, is that you have to talk to 18- and 19-year-olds. Without a doubt, I zero in on the younger strippers first. But I find there's an awful lot of maturing that goes on between 18 to 22; that 22-year-old is still insanely youthful and beautiful, but she's got a far better chance of turning me on psychologically also, and we can have conversations on a whole 'nother level of maturity ... and, hell, I dig that, I do not even PRETEND to be a "use the strippers for sex then move on to the next" guy. In fact, back when I started SCing in my late 20s and early 30s, I always shook my head at the geezers who were attracted to late-20s strippers -- you old fucks, why go for that when there's such beautiful youth around. Now, I are one: late 20s is still an incredibly beautiful age to me, and I get it -- the maturity that comes with it is incredibly appealing
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I fucked a 14 year old. I knew she was underage. The statute of limitations ran out a long time ago. !8-19 year olds are legal. So what's the problem? I have fucked women all over the age spectrum, young, hot babes you describe, John. My last major girlfriend was 47. She fucked like a race horse !! All ages, you take your chances.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    You are absolutely right about different tastes all over the board. Girls guys find very attractive, you and I may not want anything to do with them - to each their own, everyone can have their own choice. I'm not sure what had pushed me this way but I have some theories. 1. When I look at an 18-22 year old girl, for some reason it just reminds me of my nieces who are in high school. Don't get me wrong, I find many attractive, but that image of my nieces, plus the difficulty trying to hold a conversation with them just does nothing for me anymore. I have also found that a lot of dancers that age haven't figured out the "game" yet and are always in a rush, hard to hold their attention, and aren't really interested in pleasing you. Mind you, I'm not saying all dancers in the age are like that, just most of them. I also find that if I tip a young girl heavy (say $20) on stage she will only come over about 25% of the time, if I do that to an older dancer (say 28 and up) she will come over almost 100% of the time. 2. I find dancers in the age range of late 20s to late 30s suit me much better. I can usually hold a meaningful conversation with them, they take their time, they seem to appreciate my contributions more and I can appreciate their flaws as they have aged, and hopefully they can appreciate mine as well. I am also attracted to dancers older than me, my retired ATF was 3 years older than me, my current dancer crush is 5 years older than me. There's something about a woman who still looks hot as shit at the age of 40 that really turns me on. It's rare. Yes it's not that hard to find a dancer pushing 40 inside a club, but to find one with a tight body and pretty face is tough, almost unicorn like. When I was 25 I wasn't into 35 year old dancers, so I seem to be appreciating dancers that are in the same age range that I am. Ageing with me, so to speak. I know that's going to end one day, when I am pushing 50 I will have to find younger dancers and who knows what age range I will be after then. 50 is a long way off for me so for now I will do my best to enjoy all the dancers I can find in the 28-40 age range!
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    JS, are you insinuating that Papi_Chulo, who is clearly "into huge black women", is actually a ""fairly normal guy" :) ? I don't share your fascination with 18- and 19-year-old strippers. I find it vaguely creepy that a man of 55+ years is so obsessed with fucking teenagers. But in this, as in every aspect of life, I say: to each his own. I'm not the least bit interested in teenage strippers. Their pretty little heads are even emptier than those of strippers in general, so that conversation is awkward. My own sweet spot in strip clubs is women in their late 20s and early 30s who have been around long enough to know something but not so long that they're jaded. My only OTC activity has been with a 43-year-old and I look forward to upcoming [proposed] OTCs with two women in their early 30s.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ah see? one for my team, MrDeuce. That's "2" votes for the geezer stripper squad!!!!! lol
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    I prefer women that are at least the legal age of drinking. A lot of 18-20 are still girls mentally in my book and they are still experimenting abou life. I like older women because they are less likely to be around the bush and fucking you over. Plus, they are better at engaging in conversations and satisfying the customer.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    LMAO, geezer stripper squad. I knew a dancer in her 50's. I always wanted her, but she was always busy. :) Finally one late afternoon, I walk in the club, and take my seat. I spot her in a booth with a geezer like me. I think, oh fuck, I'll never pry her away from the whale. Finally she gets up to go to the ready room, when she passes me on the way back I say to her that I'd like to get some dances with her. She gives the whale some reason to leave him and we go to VIP where some great dances start. She just sits on my cock and we fuck. What a babe !!
  • serrano
    8 years ago
    JohnSmith69, you have refer to your tasteful ephebophilia? Believing in you, it is normal biological response of normal man, as you would guess such beautiful and fit 18 and 19 year old would compel normal man with the inviting radiance of her peak fertility. And, then, we then would agree you and I are normal man. However, constructs of laws and culture are essentially rob modern man from enjoy full range of a woman perfect fertility, yes? Myself, I have felt sorrow for my several younger colleague in present dating world deal with chasing so many ugly, entitle, subfertile 30-somethings year old females as those women are perhap just years and calories from becoming just like overly adiposic waste of oxygen, nutrient and moneys known as my hateful wife. Meanwhile, so many beautiful young women who are eager yet inaccessible, amongst us all, yet seeming world away.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Regarding the fertility comment(s), women hit their fertility peaks in the mid to late 20s. Not during their teenage years.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Like you, I used to assume that all guys wanted what I wanted: a busty blonde bimbo. TUSCL taught me that men have all different preferences. This is good for us, because if all of us went for the same type the competition would create a scarcity and drive up the price of the universal ideal stripper. Some men prefer small boobs or natural boobs or thick dancers or big black asses. These men will not be fighting me for the Pamela Anderson look-alike that I want to bang. I prefer dancers who are blonde with small waists and large tits. I don't care if the tits are natural or enhanced. A well-done boob job looks, feels and tastes good. I also prefer their age to be between 25 and 35. Women of this age have something interesting to say. I'm not against fucking girls of 18 or 19; I just don't want to talk to them.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    I will never say never but in general I am not attracted to 18-19 year olds. I prefer women with a more mature look and perspective.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Count me as one who appreciates more age and maturity - most of my favorites have been late twenties to mid thirties, but my two favorites ever are well into their 40s. Both of my recently-met unicorns are in the 22-23 category. In my own defense, both are quite mature.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    18-19 is too young for me. Most of the times their bodies aren't fully developed yet. I like them anywhere from 21-30.
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    Over the last 3 years, I have had 4 favorites. 2 of the girls have since quit and 1 only works a few days each month. Their ages at the time were 28, 30, 36, and 37. The younger dancers are definitely beautiful, but it is so difficult to carry on a conversation with them.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Most 18-19 year old girls I see are not yet ready for a man my age. Too immature, but there are exceptions. Besides, the topless clubs I visit don't allow dancers under 21, so, as far as strippers go, this is not an option. And I really don't have a "type". If I find her attractive, age, hair color, size of her tits, etc, have very little to do with it. Although I do have a weakness for tall, slim women and also beautiful black women. Otherwise, I'm an equal opportunity fucker.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Oh, and I usually stand at the bar, but sit along the back wall.
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    I'm a 62 yr old black man,,, And I always say to myself .. When it come to strippers, I'm completely different from papi_chulo.... Big ass women of any color have never turn me on.. Where I stand,,, I love freaking (ITC) young petite white dancers ,,18-22 , c-cup breast,, small ass, brunette, blonde, brown hair, red head is ok... But they have too many brown spots on their skin... Their are exceptions,,, late last year, up to February of this year ,,,, I fucked two mother daughter combos, and a friend of the daughter,,,,(ITC) at my favorite club... Daughter & Friend between 18-19 yr old,,, mothers I would say late late 30's early 40's... I have to admit, upon entry all five gals were wet and juicy..... At this club I seek out, young white dancers with bright color wristbands,,, I very seldom get Dances from black dancers,,, they remind me of my grand nieces and cousins.... Now that's a perverted thought.... I can't get the black dancers to understand this....
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    @papi.. That was meant to be a compliment, in your taste of women☺
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I prefer women who have some years on them. There is incredible character in a woman's face when she ages a bit. They can also have a lack of firmness is certain areas of their bodies - and that's more natural to me - and my desires. If a woman has a bit more thickness - than the younger dancers - I enjoy that as well. I'm not searching for the classic beauty - but more so a woman who has lived enough to know what she enjoys. To me - when a woman like that gets her world rocked - it's a true compliment. I find some women who fit that description nearby. But some clubs are more factories for the young hotties - and they provide a nice visual - but they are a bit less seasoned for my tastes.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    I have to say that young, legal (18-20 year old) blonds and redheads are absolutely brilliant! So the JohnSmith69 way = the 4got way! Although my impression is that JohnSmith69 never uses the dachshund system! I bet you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between me and JohnSmith69 if he adopted a little wiener dog buddy! ;)
  • K
    8 years ago
    I must be odd. I like a variety of women. It is why I am in this hobby. I like young, old, white, black. A young woman has a certain excitement. I can help her discover new things. She can help me discover what the kids are into these days. An older woman usually brings experience with her. She is good at what she does and is a lot less shy. She has more in common with me. I usually have a younger and an older OTC companion in regular rotation. I don't plan it that way, but it seems to work out that way.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I've always had an appreciation for a broad range. But at 15, I preferred 26 to 30 year olds, and generally liked them lean and white. At 50, the age range is still the same, but there seems to be more chemistry with black women for me now. And if they land somewhere midrange between lean and Rubenesque, that works for me. I appreciate a combination of strength and tenderness, as well. All these things aren't essentially necessary, it all depends on the total package, and on an individual basis. As for now, I like that ass, and it's convenient to park a beer on that back porch!
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Well said Mr Duece. My feelings are the same. An 18 year old might be nice to look at but I don't have much interest. 28 to 35 is the perfect age for me I don't find black women attractive. But I don't find fair skinned freckled red heads attractive either. I guess I like it right down the middle
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Here's s hint for those who think 18-20 year olds are hot to look at but too immature to carry on a conversation or have any type of relationship with. Find some who were homeschooled. They mature more quickly and are much more comfortable interacting with older adults than are most teenagers.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    I'm all about 18-19 year olds in the club, preferably white and curvy. In general, I just find them physically more attractive and oozing with sexuality. Though, I do go for mid-late 20's if I'm looking for a dancer who'll not only be attractive physically but also someone I can actually hold some sort of conversation with as well.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    w.r.t. what type of women we are attracted to, I guess it's the nature + nurture thing - we are born w/ a certain disposition and are also greatly influenced by our environment and culture. For me, being a Caribbean Hispanic means good chance I will be attracted to curvy women and women of at least certain color - not necessarily black but at least naturally-tanned/olive-skinned. The Caribbean had a massive influx of African slaves and in contrast to the U.S. missing b/w white Europeans and black-slaves was more common in the Caribbean - thus why often times ones sees curvy Caribbean Hispanic women (e.g. Cuban; Puerto Rican, Dominican; etc) - thus often times in the Caribbean culture, curves; particularly a big ass and wide-hips; are often the most-desired (that's why one sees so many Cubans at Tootsies w/ big fake asses). So culture seems to impact what we find attractive along w/ other factors. w.r.t. younger vs older women; I've always been more attracted to women that look like women vs girls - since I like curves big-time it stants that older women often develop more curves and are thus more attractive to me. I also can't stand cocky people; people full of themselves; o people that just think of themselves and not others; which is often more common in young people - so for me I like the way older women look (curvy) and carry-themselves (less full of themselves) - a cocky "I'm the shit" young hot piece of ass actually turns me off vs on even if she's very attractive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... missing b/w white Europeans and black-slaves ..." missing was supposed to be mixing
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If you guys could just date the DS once, you'd understand. She has the looks of a busty teenager, and but the maturity and sexual prowess of a 30 year old. But no, she won't date you. Cause like everybody here knows, I'm the only one she does paid dates with.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"w.r.t. what type of women we are attracted to, I guess it's the nature + nurture thing - we are born w/ a certain disposition and are also greatly influenced by our environment and culture." Agree... although it's interesting in that to some extent it's predictable from both nature & nurture who I'm attracted to (i.e., slim white girls) and also who I'm not attracted to (e.g., black girls), That said, I also didn't grow up around Asian girls or girls from the Indian subcontinent -- and again, I'm not attracted to them very much, or at all, respectively. The oddball is latin women -- I did not grow up around latin women either, but I'm crazy for them, and I mean like whatever the equivalent of jungle fever is... rainforest fever or whatever ... to the point that just being latin is a little turn-on for me. No idea why I feel that way about latin women but not black or Asian women, even though I wasn't exposed to any of those 3 groups as I grew up.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Based on the stories you've told and drama you've endured, your DS doesn't sound anywhere near the maturity of a 30 year old.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    i'm in different when it comes to age. don't really care too much whether she's late teens or mid twenties. if she's pretty, she's pretty
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Physically it's hard to beat 18-20 year Olds. I had a 19 year old when I was 23 who was absolutely amazing in bed. That said, on average, total package, I'd take a 21 year old over an 18 year old. But obviously there could be exceptions. It's hard to beat natural, perky D cups, which is basically unseen after about 20 or 21.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    On the sidewalk
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I knew Nina would say that. I agree that her actions are sometimes immature. Hell she dates me so that in and of itself shows pretty poor judgment. But I make all sorts of poor judgments myself as well, and I'm a "mature" guy. Nevertheless, my point related to her sophistication and ability to engage verbally and socially with a much older guy. In that respect, talking to her is like talking to a 30 year old.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    If I feel a connection speaking with a woman, the next step is to check her out physically. If she is legal then I am fine with whomever she is.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I'm more about my type than age. Most strippers are under 30 and I'm good with that as they are still in their prime looks wise.
  • Daybreaker
    8 years ago
    Nina is correct in regards to fertility. Men and women peak sexually at very different ages, if I recall. Personally, girls who look less like women and more like "girls" don't do much for me. The underdeveloped thing, plus the fact that in a few short years they'll probably look like crap, is kind of a turn off. I tend to like dancers in their mid-twenties.
  • metaldude
    8 years ago
    25-35 works for me.
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    JS, I am about your age, but I prefer my dancers 25 +. I know of two dancers who I really enjoy getting dances from who are well into their 40's. I am in no way judging you, I just think we all are looking for something slightly different when we go to a club. Even the hottest 18 - 20 year olds do very little for me. Perhaps that is because I have a 21 year old daughter, perhaps not.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Looks like I don't have much competition from this crowd which leaves the young ones just for me at the next meetup.
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