
When I was a young man ....

layin low but staying high
When I was a young man there was no Tinder or other hook up aps. No internet porn. Strip clubs were not nearly as much fun. Virtual reality sex existed only in sci fi. There were some slutty women but not even remotely like it is today. And most women then didn't do the shit they do now -- oral, anal, threesomes, etc. I got regular sex in college but I had to get a steady girlfriend to accomplish it. Then I had to marry the bitch.

Is it just cause I'm not smoking pot tonight that this seems grossly unfair? Seems to me like young men today have 1000 times the opportunity to get their dicks wet than I did.


  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Shit, JS. Four hundred years ago when shadow, jackslash, gawker and I were in college, they hadn't even invented sex. Don't snivel to us!

    And get off my lawn!!!! ;-D
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    You should have smoked weed when you were young. There were hot stoner chicks back then
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Yeah Mikey I have a lot of regrets about not smoking weed earlier. But on the plus side, not smoking weed as a young man meant I could finish college successfully and get/keep a well paying job.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I dunno. We had National Geographic magazine, the Sears catalog and 16mm black and white stag films. No Aids and birth control pills became common usage. I have no complaints about my sex life back then. That was until I fucked up and got married. :)
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    No AIDS was nice. But I suspect that's the only advantage we had. Unless you're into a hairy bush.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    It is definitely unfair. As a boy I did not have the easy access to porn provided by the internet, and blow jobs were not invented until I was 25.

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    My hand worked fine back then, it works fine now. Stop whining, John.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    AIDS really messed up strip clubs.

    It's hard to say if strip clubs are better or worse than 30 years ago, but they have changed. In the early 80's (pre Rock Hudson death) dances were either non-existent or they were air table dances. (I'm only speaking of my midwest area). But stage tipping was so much better. For only a dollar, you got a 10-15 second sloppy DFK. What are bargain if you like kissing.
  • FTS
    8 years ago
    Not having high definition internet porn as a youth is nothing to complain about. If anything you should be thankful.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Yeah your points are valid JS69, yet keep in mind costs have increased so much from 20-30 years ago that pretty soon guys will be priced out of pussy. Girls won't be giving that shit away and opportunities to make the cash flow to pay for it is getting more difficult. Very few of the youth have the foresight to understand the economics and get ahead of the game to pay for that pussy, except for you and a few others. Thanks Obama!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    My only complaint is I wish they made yoga pants when I was in college. Also today it's nothing for college age girls to wear Brazilian style bikinis where their butt cheeks hang out, back when I was in college that was considered very risqué.

    Porn has somewhat ruined this you get generation of guys, there's multiple articles out that these young guys have been watching porn since puberty and can't even get aroused by a real female anymore. Maybe that's why these young girls like us older guys.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Sucks to be old.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Sucks to be young. You could get strip club sex here in Boston in the old Combat Zone in the 70's and 80's, but not now. When I was in college aids and herpes were just becoming part of life, but sex was so free and easy that if you only had sex with 6-7 girls a semester people assumed you were gay. Smoked weed every day too and pretty much 350 days a year since 1973. I know it fucks up your chance at success, because all i am is a divorce lawyer and imagine what I could have been had I not gotten high..............................................
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Bullshit. Pussy was still readily available when you were a young man. You are pushing 60 yrs old, so you were a young man throughout the late 70s (maybe) and all of the 80s. The 80s was full of dancing, coke, partying, and fucking. If you had trouble getting laid in the 80s it wasn't because of the times. Perhaps you led a more conservative lifestyle and had trouble expanding your horizons.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    You're wrong on multiple counts, John. Not only were strip clubs fun (with sex available), but women were almost just as willing to do weird shit as they are now. The major difference between then and now is that people *talk* about it more.

    Read Kinsey sometime.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I feel like as someone in my mid-late 30s I got to participate in the transition. On the one hand I had a threesome in the late 90s with two girls who had never seen hardcore porn, and my own exposure was just old magazines and still images from online. But when I started dating women a few years younger than me post-college, I did notice a different attitude about sex, porn, threesomes, anal, even shaving. My hypothesis is women born after 1980 are overall more sexually open than those born before.

    Of course there are prudes and sluts ofor every age.

    My biggest frustration relates to nude images of exes and former fuck buddies. My younger Co worker has nude pics of almost every girl he's ever hooked up with. I caught the very tail end of that, when girls started all having smart phones removing the technology and effort barriers to send nudes.
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