
Remind me: are hand jobs an "extra"?

Avatar for JamesSD

I feel like they are because they aren't assumed when you buy lap dances. But I also think they're the junior varsity of extras.


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Avatar for crazyjoe

I would say they are where i live but it depends on the club

Avatar for GACA

Any time the dick comes out it's "extra".

Avatar for footballguy

Yes, it's an extra as long as it's a direct hand job (her reaching into your pants or taking it out to do it). Now is she gets you off by rubbing it over the pants I would consider that high mileage and not an extra.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

If the little head is breathing fresh air, it's an extra.

Avatar for twentyfive

Depends whether she washes her hands before or after.

Avatar for impala

Any time there is skin to skin contact with junior, its an extra. That being said, I knew a place years ago that it was pretty much a given and almost always included with standard tip and therefor didn't have to pay "extra", but IMO it is an extra (and LEO definitely would consider it an extra!).

Avatar for DaOnion

Will most girls that give you a hj also allow you to touch their vaj?

Avatar for sclvr5005

Yes, but it's on the very lower end of the scale. To someone who clubs in a hands-off area it might be the most that they can hope for. For those of us that are fortunate enough to club in brothels, it is foreplay.

Avatar for Subraman

Fuck yes. I'll pick a handjob over a covered BJ much of the time.

Avatar for larryfisherman

Agree with Subra, except with much of the time, I'll change that to every time. I don't consider a covered BJ a extra.

Avatar for Ugluck75

Handjobs certainly would be an extra. Although at some clubs like Follies they are plentiful. At many clubs handjobs are not so easy to find or nonexistent.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ 'san_jose_gay' I an impersonation troll, just a jackass.


Avatar for flagooner

If you consider it as one then yes. Who cares what the rest of us PLs think?

Avatar for 72_os

I agree with football guy

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

10 out of 10 strippers would say yes


Avatar for Cashman1234

I think they are extras. It's beyond the regular grind - and it involves pulling a cock out - and it involves completion - so it seems to qualify as an extra.

Avatar for londonguy

If a girl touches your dick with her hand whether it's still in or out of your pants then to me that's an extra.

Avatar for HungryGiraffe

A high percentage of dancers don't allow vagina touching. So, FIV should be considered a low end extra.

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