ever had a stripper get mad at you for forgetting her name?

So I'm at the show club in East st. Louis(country rock cabaret). Its early maybe 6:30 pm. I go to the stage and chat with this 30 y.o. dancer. A solid 8. She's super cool. I'm feeling her up(normal at this club), convo is good. She's a real cool chick. But not necessarily a 10. The rest of the dancers aren't exactly knockouts and Im bored so I leave and head over to penthouse a stone's throw away.(they usually have better dancers and the music at crc is unbearable at times). Well, I'm not impressed with the shift there either so after a few beers and some bullshitting with a couple dancers I head back to crc. So the 30 y.o.(dj nicknamed her booty butt cheeks) is on stage and I go over and tip her and she's on my lap(I'm the only one at her stage), pinching my nipples, rubbing my hands all over her, so I ask her for a dance. We head back and the dance is awesome. She's rubbing my dick, getting real close and personal, putting her lips real close to mine like she wants to kiss me.(this is not an extras club for reference). Anyway it ends and she's all "so you gonna come back and see me?" I say yeah every time I'm in st louis( in all seriousness). well of course.. I forgot her name at some point so I ask when she works(weekends) and her name again. At this point it all goes sideways. She gets visibly mad saying she might cry. She's rubbing on me saying "I'm rubbing your dick and you can't remember my name?" meanwhile I'm drawing a blank and eventually "ashton, damnit." I can see the shittiness in her face and now I feel 10 times as shitty for forgetting. So I pay her and we split but i can tell she was still really mad or upset.
So now I'm salty because I feel I blew a chance for an atf/ds at the least. I never knew I could feel this shitty over a stripper. I had no idea she would get so shitty over me forgetting her name. I doubt she will ever want to talk to me again after this. Anyway, rant over(I'm still mad at myself for fucking up what could have been.)
Thoughts, advice? Can I fix this? Has this ever happened to anybody else?
last commentYes, and we'd fucked recently. In my defense I've fucked a great deal of people recently so there's that. Lol.
$50 tip shall ease her mind.
I'm a big advocate of honesty. Without being too cheesy, find the words to tell her that she was awesome. Tell her you like her alot and definitely plan to see her again. Also tell her you feel really bad about forgetting her name and that you'll make it up to her and won't forget again. If she sees you're sincere, feel bad, and really do like her, I think she'll appreciate it.
No I'm more likely to get pissed at them for forgetting my name!
She was just fucking with you!
Had one here in Japan deny me a dance because I forgot her name and her back story and her phone number.
Tiffany. They're all named Tiffany.
If it's ESL, just go with La'Shaquanishia and you'll be good
Or Taneesha,what the fuck,they all got Blackish names.
It can get worse. There is a girl who jumped from my #1 club to my #2 club and she blew a gasket over me forgetting her name at her previous club. Never mind it had been a year since I seen her and she has a different name at club #2 than at club #1. It's too bad because she is far and away the sexiest girl there currently, but my current club favorite for that club told me she has mental stability problems, which is a weird thing for a stripper to say, but she does seem like she's headed for a psychiatric ward or an early grave at some point.
She's just upset because the last guy who fucked her kept saying, oh Maria, and she kept saying, my name is not Maria!
As far as getting mad for forgetting her name, no. just mad at me for forgetting her phone number the previous night.
Sounds like SS.
As long as you like her, she can still be your DS.
All they care about is if you got money to spend on them.
^this wasn't ss. I'm almost 100% positive. I know ss and if this wasn't it. I don't think money can fix this one.(maybe a small fortune I guess.)
Let some time pass and then go see her again. By then, she'll probably remember your face, but forget all about the name mixup. You'll probably have a clean slate.
Why would I care if a stripper gets mad at me, just like busses in NYC, another one will be along soon enough.
Probably. But who gives a rat's ass.
Nope. I've never had a dancer get mad at me for not remembering her name. Besides the stage names are made up anyway. So what's the difference?
I have had plenty of dancers forget my name though. That doesn't bother me either.
I'm bad with stripper names - so I've forgotten many. I've only had one or two strippers actually get offended.
I think it goes with the territory. You stick your boobs in a guy's face - and tell him your name - guess what the guy will remember? So unless her stage name is boob, bazonga, melon-y, etc. she's out of luck.
Pretending to get mad is just SS to try to guilt you into getting dances.
If I forget a new dancer's name, I just ask. Never had an issue. I always tell them my name too because "sweetie" etc. gets old fast with me and they're too embarrassed to ask if I've told them.
Flagooner, you misunderstand. We had just finished 3 dances and everything was great. When I asked her name it went from 100 to zero. I don't think she was pretending. If this was ss, this a new impratical form of ss.
Definitely stripper shit. You should have asked her you can make it up to her; let her take the lead and see where it goes.