Need a term for this

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
On one end of the spectrum we have spinners. In the other end we have thick, followed by fat. What is a dancer called whose in the middle of these two extremes?

I like a woman who is a normal, average, healthy weight. Not a spinner who you can lift over your head with one hand, and not a thick girl who will crush my dick in a lap dance.

Is there a term for such dancers? If not, we need one. Any suggestions?


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Yeah - I often use the term "medium-build" but perhaps someone can come-up w/ something better.

Sometimes I subcategorize it further as “medium-slim” to describe a girl that is not skinny but thin w/ enough meat on her or “medium-thick” to describe a girl that is meaty but not quite thick.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
avatar for impala
9 years ago
girl next door maybe
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Thick spinner ?
avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Barbie strippers? Girl Next Door types? Athletic? I call them Barbie strippers.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Angel? Babe? Dreamboat? Beauty? Dream Stripper?
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
If a stripper looks like a barbie, she's far from average and probably thin.

The "average" woman weighs 166 pounds and wears a size 12. That gives us a reference point of what "average" is. Women who are at an ideal healthy weight are actually thin or lean (in comparison to the "average" woman), they just have enough meat on their bones that they look healthy and not like sticks.
avatar for CaraLynn87
9 years ago
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
How about "average"
avatar for aks451
9 years ago
I suppose if guys knew dress sizes things would be easier. Spinners would be what, 0-2? I'd guess a size 12 would be considered "thick" or "heavy" in a strip club, but then you have to factor in height and athleticism. Maybe a better descriptor would be model types: rail thin would be fashion model, curvy-athletic would be bikini or lingerie model, thick would be plus size model.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
What dress size does a Barbie stripper wear? I am thinking size 3-4. Does that sound right?

Is the OP thinking healthy women are a size 4? size 8? or size 12? I'm confused. I was thinking he meant size 4.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
In between skinny and thick? Maybe Fit?
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Yeah but remember, spinners are supposed to be short too. Not just slim.
avatar for ime
9 years ago
Extra medium
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Anyone have pics for a reference point on a thin healthy girl vs an average healthy girl? Is it almost the same?

I also think it depends greatly on the individual point of view.
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

How about "baby whale"?
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I see what Nina's getting at. Barbies (size 3-4) might just be "tall spinners." If we're talking a size 8-12 woman, I often call them voluptuous. Va-va-voom! Dangerous curves ahead!
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Average was a bad word to use. What I meant was the normal size/weight of an attractive young girl in college. Hot, young, but not unusually thin but clearly not even slightly thick.

I'll try to post a link to a picture of an example. And if you've seen a picture of any DS, that's exactly what I mean. Its almost thin but not quite there and certainly not spinner thin.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
To be more precise what I meant was almost skinny but not quite there. I didn't mean "almost thin." The girl I'm describing is thin, but you wouldn't say that she's extremely thin or very thin.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
So far I like girl next door best. Athletic isn't bad either, although I think that it might have muscular implications that aren't accurate.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
That girl is definitely not representative of your average woman. She's probably 30 pounds lighter, and yes, she is slender, which is another word for thin. She's not waif thin like Kate Moss, but her thighs have little fat and she has string bean arms. She just doesn't look as tiny 'cause she's not short.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
I would call her medium-slim as papi_chulo mentioned earlier.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
You can call them Baby Dolls strippers.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Nice looking.
avatar for aks451
9 years ago
Just for reference, how would you all describe the current Supergirl? She's 5'8, athletic but not the bodybuildng type, but not a spinner.
avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
Jack for the win lol
avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
I'd say she's pretty perfect. Maybe a size 2 or 4. Borderline spinner. Anything size 0 to 2 and some 4's are in my wheelhouse.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
I would say papi_chulo has a good description/term. After reading Ninas description of average - I'm thinking average is a reference to her build and body size - and not a reference to a demographic average American woman.
avatar for footballguy
9 years ago
I consider the girl from the pics JS posted to be thinner than average, I would put her in the spinner category. I wouldn't get dances from a girl that was any skinnier than this girl is, to me once you get skinnier than her it starts to look unhealthy and is not attractive.

I consider someone like Sunny Leone to be more of an average size and in general is what I prefer over a spinner.……

avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Unfortunately, I've been poisoned by hobby boards and dating sites, where nearly every term has all kinds of connotations. For example, curvy SHOULD mean curvy, but in provider ads and on dating sites, it means chubby.

Anyway, "average" sucks because it sounds so .... average ... and really we're describing a super-hot bodytype.

I've seen HWP (height-weight proportional) used... again, it is not as exciting a term as it could be, but it's better than "average"
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
How about "sensually pleasing."
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
Sorry John but your pics are of a spinner.

You can use average, athletic and HWP is always good. Curvy should mean they have tits and ass with an hourglass figure but a lot of times its used in place of BBW which is just wrong.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I thought there was only spinners and fat girls.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Da Onion and I had this discussion last week. He's into spinners, and mine are not exactly his type. Mine are a step heavier and bigger than a spinner. Not a huge step, but still not the same. His girls were too tiny for me, and mine were to big for him.

Of course, there's no consensus. HWP sounds too clinical. Average is boring. And I agree my girls are skinnier than average. They just aren't little tiny spinners. And athletic is not fully accurate. Barbie to me suggests the doll which has DDDD fake looking tits, not what I'm into.

I'm gonna stick with GND (girl next door) until a better label comes along.
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