
fav #2 cock blocking fav #1, solutions?

New York
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 5:28 PM
I dont know how to handle this without burning bridges. My fav #1 is the most loyal stripper to me in the club. She will spend every free minute she has sitting with me for hours ITC, for free, plus free non-sex OTC time (last time we went shopping for stripper clothes, she paid for them). VIP room she is incredibly dirty without asking for tip $. A DS. Fav #1 is supposed to work every day but is flaky, never graduated HS, has some drug and daddy issues, and I know she wont be around one day soon but I love her to death with all the free attention she showers me with. Fav #1 makes many poor financial choices around me to my benefit. Fav #2 has a college degree, day job and rarely works weekdays. I probed her about her day job and she was for real using industry words that can't be made up. She could be as dirty as #1 in VIP without asking for tip, but I am not sure since Ive limited with my gestures how far #2 will go with me in VIP, because if #1 and #2 talk in the DR about what they do with me, I want #1 to remain as #1 if she runs down the list of what we did compared with #2. #2 expressed a hint at unknown type of OTC in the past but IDK if it was SS. Fav #2's native language isn't english so we have communication problems often. #2 spends only a fraction of the time #1 does with me talking. #2 is a bit more about the $ than #1 but it might be cause I havent spent so much time with #2 so far due to #1 sucking up all my time. Fav #1 confronted me on why #2 sat down next to me the moment #1 got up to goto the DR to prepare #1's stage rotation. I told #1 its a SC and I "bought dances from her before". Knowing #1's schedule, I come in on days #1 wont be working and get dances from #2 to keep #2 as a spare for when #1 leaves but I need to handle this more gracefully. #2 will sit down with me any opportunity she gets the moment #1 leaves for the DR, BR, to LD another customer, or for the stage. Its a bit annoying since if #1 is in the building, i dont want any other stripper that night. If #1 isn't in the building I want #2. I am afraid of Jr HS drama between #1 and #2. If #2 detaches me permanently from #1, then what? #2 works only 1-3 days a week, #1 works 5-6 days. I suspect #2 might cut off the VIP room fun once she detached me from #1. If I tell #2 outright "I came tonight to see #1", are me and #2 "over"? I dont want a "baby I understand" and #2 will never look at me again. How do I politely get #2 out of my seat when I want #1 there? Or do I get up and go sit with #1 leaving #2 at my original seat? How do I say "bye" to #2 politely when I want to go over to #1? Or, this I care much less about since #1>#2, how do I tell #1 I want to spend time with #2 without fucking up what I have with #1? Do I say I have to goto the bathroom (which isn't true) to #2, wait there a minute or 2, then come back out and go sit down with #1? Now that I think of it, the bathroom/DR trick is how some strippers (but not #1 and #2) end talking with me because its not a good earner for them $ wise but its not a "nice" thing to say and do since its SS/customer shit. They figured out I am there to talk or "drink", and not buy dances. Dancers get no kickback for drinks in my SC. I've had a case where a new to me dancer (Sally) stick shifted and let me play with her clit during a LD, but Sally came around a 2nd time later that night, and I was with a former #1, a minute later I went to the bathroom and on the way Sally came upto me, tried to sell more dances, and I said "I came to see former #1", Sally said "baby I understand" turned around, and it was over. On future visits, Sally never spoke to me again, never looked at me, skips me at front row, never stops at my table the way she did the first time when I got stick shift and clit play for free. I one more time got a LD from Sally. She turned herself around at the bar when she saw me coming towards her, then I said her name from 2 feet away, she acted she didn't hear me. I touch her arm, she finally stopped pretending she didn't hear me. Her first words were "are you going to buy a dance?", I said yes, and she only airdanced from 5 feet away, no contact. I dont regret at all pissing off Sally now that I know how jealous or crazy she is, but I dont want another Sally to happen with #2.


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Quite the dilemma my friend. I would offer #1 a tip so she doesn't get shitty when you want to spend time with #2. Offer #2 an even bigger tip when #1 is there. Money should theoretically solve everything.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    My old #2 would have been my #1 but she was fired/quit, and I met my ATF. Then #2 was reinstated and I spent some quality time with her ITC as I was cultivating my ATF. Then it turned out my ATF not only was friends with #2 but they were intimate! The whole time, #2, who knew my ATF was her lover, was very respectful about getting dances from me as was I about dances with her, but in the end everyone knew about everyone else, and the last time I went to my ATF's apartment #2 was already there and the 3 of us had a good time. So it all worked out. If your #1 is being jealous, that's HER problem as long as you still treat her right. Your #2 should be respectful but I don't blame her for hustling you for cash anyway. There's nothing worse than a jealous dancer so if they can't play nice together, YOU have to decide which girl you want and let the cards fall as they may. In my case, fate was very kind but it usually gets ugly.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I admittedly zoned out towards the end of the lengthy fact scenario. But I've got the gist of it. My practice to manage many favs in one club is simple. They all dance for other customers so I can dance with other strippers. Everybody plays with everybody in a strip club. We are all adults so we just work it out. Everybody gets a part of my money, and I don't tolerate jealous childish bickering. If anybody is overly possessive and refuses to play nice after we discuss it then I dump them. But I have an exception to this rule for a DS. We spend most of not all of my time itc together. This is usually easy cause I pay them so much they're happy to be mine exclusively. Only time I had a problem with this was when the DS had another whale, but even then she'd choose me over him if forced to make a choice. In this situation, I'd try having an adult conversation about this and tell both girls to grow up and play nice. If you won't do that, or if it won't work, then Id dump #2 cause #1 is clearly better. Yes you'll lose the back up if/when the DS disappears but there are plenty of strippers out there. Just find another. And you might be better off finding a new #2 at a different club. Playing silly games like only coming when one is working and not the other will eventually backfire and result in horrible drama.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    If a "no sharing s88" situations comes about, and you choose #1, and #1 disappears one day... I'm sure #2 will take you back, money makes a lot of people forget a lot of issues!
  • pistola
    8 years ago
    Buy them dances at the same time and tell them you like them both and see them different times of the day. Honesty is the best policy with dancers because they deal with guys bsing them all day.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Suggest a threesome
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    pistola is right. Just be honest; even with dancers this usually is the best way to go.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    CHESS said it best, but in the end the whole thing seems to defeat the purpose of clubbing. My ATF gives the "silent treatment" if she is free and I ignore her. Her record is over 2 years. My solution is to get dances with whom I want and as these women are basically interchangeable, I let them stew in their own juices. The idea you only get great treatment from dancers you have a relationship with is insane.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    99 problems and a dancer ain't one..
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I've missed out on a lot of fun in the past being "loyal" to my ATF; now that she's retired I like having only regulars and no ATF. Skibum said it when he called them "interchangeable" because even though I'm VERY picky, there's always a new girl available, waiting for me to make into a regular if I so choose. Getting hung up on a dancer you're not living with is a losing proposition.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Why the fuck would you pay extra money to dancers just to get them to not act like petulant whiny children? I overpay strippers for sex but even I'm not that pathetic.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    That's a lot of drama in the OP with his faves. The whole point of dancers is it is a NSA** relationship. I wouldn't even put up with that much drama from a wife or a girlfriend. If he can't handle 2 dancers in the club with dances, good thing he's not dating any of them (because it would be worse). Oh wait, too late! Normally I go to the club to relax. I don't go to get stressed out. Rethink your approach until you actually like the drama. **NSA= No Strings Attached. Part time girlfriend, without the full time hassle.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    What I do in this type of scenario: 1. Tell #1 that I'm hers for the night, don't sweat it if other strippers come sit down while she's gone, just come right back and I'll shoo them away. 2a. If #1 and #2 are friends, tell #2 I have an appointment with #1 that night, but she's free to hang out and drink with us (which they often take me up on) -- all $ is spent on #1, the girl I have an appointment with, period. 2b. If #1 and #2 aren't friends -- your situation -- tell #2 that I have an appointment with #1 that night and that she'll be coming back soon, but I'll make plans to see her (#2) again soon Being transparent and direct has improved my club experience 1000%. I think if you sit there passively while the girls interact in whatever negative way around you, you deserve the drama.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    He specifically said he wanted to keep #2 as a backup. Youre suggestions aren't helping in that case. Me personally I don't give a shit because they are all interchangeable so this wouldn't bother me to begin with.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    chess, my suggestions are specifically how I keep #2 as backup while keeping #1 rewarded. Being transparent and having them play by my rules, rather than having them stress and/or get jealous over my wallet while they cattily work things out between themselves and build resentments between them, has consistently led to the best outcomes for me. I always set up the prime directive with the girls, the appointment is sacred, if I make an appointment with you I am yours for the trip (and expect you to be mine), and if I've made an appointment with someone else, that still applies. Sorry, not my fault, I have to follow the appointment rules. Obviously enough, there's always the chance that #2 will get insulted and go away forever... but I think the chance of pissing off neither of them, while maximizing your own fun, is to be clear, transparent, and (if you agree with it) set up some appointment ethics in their minds.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^Then he needs to be direct like Subraman and JohnSmith69 are suggesting he be.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    fav1 and fav2, you set it up that way. s88. SJG
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I've used the approach Sabra outlined many times. The scenario isn't exactly the same, since that's my approach from the start and it prevents tension from building in the first place, but I've not once had a problem. Its sometimes interesting to see the nature of the relationship between the two dancers change in front of you when stripper #2 decides she'd rather hang out and drink on your dime than try and hustle. They can go from competitive to cooperative pretty quick.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" The scenario isn't exactly the same, since that's my approach from the start and it prevents tension from building in the first place, but I've not once had a problem." Yes, that's definitely true for me, too -- that's why I keep emphasizing how much more I enjoy SCing now that I feel in control, I don't have to sneak around behind one dancer's just to see another, don't have to sit there uncomfortable while a dancer berates me or another dancer for me wanting a dance with her, etc. That's why I preach like the converted. You set your rules up front, it's likely you'll just relax and enjoy your way through your SC time. You sit passively back and let the girls set the rules, you'll end up writing posts on tuscl about "how in the world do I get myself out of this terrible situation".
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