Another what does it mean?...

Hello all, new here. To keep a long story short. Been hitting clubs for about 3 years now but about 4 months ago I started seeing only one girl itc exclusively. We had a really good relationship and yes I spent a fairly significant amount of money on her. Due to work and traveling I have not been able to get back there in about 1 month.

Weve spoken everyday on the phone or text since we met but I was never particularly interested in an otc relationship.

Here's the question. In the last 2 weeks all on separate occasions. She has asked:
-to pick me up from the airport
-meet me a couple hours before her shift
-go for coffee
-go for dinner
-go to the movies twice
-go to a concert
-to meet up when she was on her way back from a family gathering
-and two nights ago flat out asked if we could give dating a try

I'll admit it has sparked my interest . She is sweet and I do care about her. However I am afraid it may be a hustle just to get me back to the club.



  • clubdude
    9 years ago
    Tell her you're slowing down on going to the club, and see what her reaction is. I'm thinking she'll start contacting you less and less after that. On the other, hand if she says "cool now we can hang out more", I'd start making a move.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Just so you know, 99.9% of all strippers wouldn't do any of that for free.

    You're getting a good deal.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    What's the age difference b/w you and the damsel?
  • Raizo1212
    9 years ago
    Sorry meant to post that. I'm 27. When we first met she told me she was 26 but it was about 3 weeks into knowing her that she dropped her stage name and told me her real age which is 33.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Good News: No dancer would suggest all that stuff if she didn't like you.You can probably fuck her for free.

    Bad News: She likes you and you'll get caught up in a web of SS. She'll break dates, She'd fucking other guys (and/or girls). She'll hit you up for money even as she's fucking you for free. She'll break your heart.

    Bottom line: Eyes wide open. I've BTDT and when you have the right mindset a dancer who likes you is a huge ego boost and hopefully also great sex. but if you think she'll be a normal g/f I'll just say you're in for a really difficult time if you're not prepared. It WILL be hell, but not without some fun times.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    No stripper would do all of that just to get your business. Rockstar's crystal ball vision is exactly right as to what the future now holds if you continue with her. If I was you I'd go for it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    It’s good if a dancer likes-you; and it’s bad if a dancer likes-you


  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    There’s a reason why often times dancers end-up hooking-up w/ losers; yeah “sometimes” it’s by choice; often by default – the straight-edge life of most custies rarely jives w the life of a stripper – do a Google search and educate yourself by those who’ve been there.

    It’s like wanting to buy a Corvette b/c it’s “sexy” then one realizes all that comes w/ it (sky-high insurance; poor gas-mileage; uncomfortable ride; reliability issues (at least in the old days), etc).

    Not saying it’s not doable; but as rock said it’s not like dating a chick that works in an office.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Papi, not a Vette as they are easy to live with. Try a 40+ year old Lotus, Ferrari, or Lamborghini....they are as much a challenge as any dancer, and both will consume more money than you'd ever admit to your wife.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… No stripper would do all of that just to get your business …”

    Agreed – but perhaps she sees a good-thing and sees him as someone that can take care of her and provide for her – not saying she may not be attracted to him; but it could be a variation of a gotcha.
  • Raizo1212
    9 years ago
    Thank you all. I appreciate the advice and anymore if someone else has any. Another thing I'll add is that she told she was in school when we first met. I was skeptical becuase I had heard the student line a few times. However as time has gone on she has proven time and time again that she is legitimately in school. She is entering her fourth and final year and says that she has every intention of leaving the club once she is finished. In fact the only time I have seen her otc is when I've driven her to school.

    Not sure what I'm going to do but I will be sure to post an update. Thanks you all again.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… I will be sure to post an update. Thanks you all again …”

    LOL – that’s not the way TUSCL works – expect a couple of dozen more posts as we debate this amongst ourselves – if you are done w/ this thread I suggest you go to “My Profile/Message Notification” and disable that option so your email will not get blown-up.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    BTW - has she already hit you up for $$$ for "emergencies"

    And why are you so sure she *is* in school - just b/c you drove her to one? - don't underestimate the lengths to which many dancers will use deceit.
  • Raizo1212
    9 years ago
    Hasn't asked for money as of yet. All I have given her was what I spent at the club.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Not worth it. Might as well date a civi your own age or younger.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ that's a good-point - if you can date similar girls in terms of hotness then why date a stripper unless one wants a ride on the wild-side - and if you are normally not able to date women w/ similar hotness then that is something to consider as to why she would date you (not trying to be a dick - just keeping it realz)
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Bavarian - "Just so you know, 99.9% of all strippers wouldn't do any of that for free."

    Uh yes they will. Unless I am just extremely lucky and keep running into that 0.1%

    Stripper Swagger. If you shuffle through the deodorant section at Wal-Mart it's usually hidden behind the Ban Glide Sticks. Put some of that shit on your body and your dick will grow 2 inches and give you infinite confidence.

  • Experimental
    9 years ago
    I'll tell you what it all means. It means a 33 yr old stripper has targeted you as her exit strategy.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ Yep, fuck cosmetology school, I'm just gonna get wifed up by one of these mofo's in the club! lol
  • pistola
    9 years ago
    You text her this 'Listen babe, totally flattered that you think of me in this way. But we're not anything yet. We need to hang out and figure out what that is. You just tell me when youre available for drinks outside the club. Otherwise Im just a customer and youre just a dancer and Ill hang out on my own time. Youre call.' Youll be f#cking that crazy b on the reg within the week.
  • pistola
    9 years ago
    The more you tell a woman no the more she wants to bone you so you say yes to her. Simple mathematics that they dont teach in school.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Believe it or not, this one likely wants to actually date you. She's mid 30s, and I guarantee she doesn't bank like she used to.

    It won't be a smooth ride, but you can consider at least getting coffee.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Funny when a PL meets a dancer and considers her his 'exit strategy' from his nowhere marriage, and she sees him as her 'exit strategy' from dancing. It probably won't end well.
  • rogertex
    9 years ago
    Raizo - congrats, you got advice from TUSCL nobles and almost all "Green lights"

    clubdude - green
    bavarian - green
    papi - green
    rockstar - green
    js69 - green
    shailynn - green
    Experimental - some pause - but green
    pistola - racing circuit green
    jamesSD - green

    This is rare. Let us know how it goes. Good luck and live the moment.
  • Ugluck75
    9 years ago
    She obviously likes you and wants to date & is not trying to just get you back at the club. If you like her I'd go for it. I'm dating a stripper & they are people too even though they tend to have loose morals and strange quirks but I am having a blast with her. Just be willing to put up with inevitable stripper drama that will ensue.
  • rogertex
    9 years ago
    ^ "loose morals" - why does this apply to girls and not us boys.
  • Raizo1212
    9 years ago
    I'm convinced now that there are at least some genuine feelings. Just have to figure out if I'm willing to go through the head ache lol.
  • mrrock
    9 years ago
    Don't do it. Strippers will use you up and toss you aside when they are done with you. Save yourself the hassle and just see her in the club and date a civi.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    I say green light to you if the juice is worth the squeeze.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Lots of people post questions like this.

    I mean, once you know the girl a little bit, you know her as well as most civilians do before their first date, and such dates can easily turn into overnighters. So beyond a point, there is no speed limit.

    So if she is fucking your for free, even spending time with you for free, she is your GF.

    If she refuses this, then she is not your GF and is not interesting in being such.

    If she is your GF, but you still want to give her money, just for her well being and because you have it, then she is your mistress. In many ways this is the best arrangement.

    If she is your GF though, this does not mean that things will go well. Most civilian relationships end, or they lead to something far worse, ~marriage~.

  • gammanu95
    9 years ago
    She's 33? It's for real. She hears her inner clock ticking away. Just know, she's probably looking for an LTR. Go for it, if you can handle that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… We had a really good relationship and yes I spent a fairly significant amount of money on her …”

    It could also be she does not want to lose his generous influx of cash – so she is going out of her way – hard to know for sure but something else go keep in mind.
  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    You listed things she has asked you to do just in the last 2 weeks. I didn't see anywhere if you did ANY of those things. If you did for free then she is really into you or is trying to get you on her hook then once you are hooked on her and are willing to do just about anything for her she MAY start asking for money or for you to see her at club. I hope she is just really into you with no alterior motives. If she is you are lucky because I have not had this kind of luck.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Women test guys. If they can too easily push you around, then you've failed. But that should already be obvious just by looking at what it is like for such guys.

  • Raizo1212
    9 years ago
    To date I had declined all of her requests. It was only today that just out of curiosity I met with her for an afternoon coffee. I feel things went well. Only expense was of course purchasing her coffee for her. Other than that we chatted for a couple hours and that was about it.
  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    That is a good start. Like I said just be careful the hook doesn't get too deep that you can't say no IF she starts trying to drain your wallet
  • Raizo1212
    9 years ago
    Also, I've never had sex with this girl. When she would message me after I saw her at the club and I thought it was going to lead to sex I would decline. I myself have my own fear of attachment and didn't want to get too deep.

    One more piece of info. Basically how she got the hooks in me in the first place. Like I said originally been clubbing for about 3 years and never had any urge to come and see the same girl just was having fun.

    It was a Saturday night, pretty busy. I had talked to her once earlier in the night but declined as I had just arrived. However an hour later or so we crossed paths again and I asked her if she wanted to go.

    Spent about 2 hours in the vip with her, drank, laughed. Finally I had to go as my friends were waiting at the casino for me.

    This is when it happened. I was standing at the bar sending a text when I felt a hand on my shoulder thinking it was another girl I kind of ignored it but I turned and it was her again. She grabbed me right there and gave me a deep passionate kiss and that's how she got me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    None of us have a stripper crystal ball and can’t predict their intentions for sure – but past history posted here says 99% of the time at best it was a good P4P “relationship” and often times filled w/ and ending in drama.

    These chicks; particularly the more experienced ones; def know how to hook a guy and keep him hooked for a while.

    Again – it’s not my place to say for sure it won’t work-out; but at least be aware of the different variables at play when dealing with dancers that way you can perhaps see things coming rather than become stripper road-kill.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Another variable is that strippers that got their shit together may be much less apt to mix business w/ pleasure and see custies OTC – so perhaps why many stripper OTC relationships don’t work out may be b/c it’s the more fucked-up strippers that are willing to OTC.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    You know guys, there are dancers with their heads screwed on straight, who like US despite our flaws. Granted, they probably represent < 1 out of every 10, but they do exist. Only one way to find out, and that is to go for it. Good luck, man!
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