
Can you UN-Customer yourself?

Monday, April 4, 2016 10:36 AM
I know many times these discussions on here people like to leave sarcastic comments but I am asking this seriously. Once you have become a good regular customer for a favorite dancer can you and have any of you had success in UN-CUSTOMER yourself? I am asking this because I have read on here many times that once a dancer sees you as a customer it is very difficult to get OTC from her because she is afraid of losing a great"Customer". Is there a way to reverse this and be able to get OTC? I would appreciate serious comments and advice.


  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do OTC if you're a customer of hers. The simple way to un-customer yourself is to stop spending money on her.
  • ididthisonce
    8 years ago
    Yes to changing the status to UN. Happened only three time in nearly 30 years for strippers. Twice again for escorts. I am just an average guy but they liked me. Go figure? JH - lightning does strike ever once in a while. I didn't do anything really different other than became friends with them.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    I don't understand the thought process here and this is the first i have heard of it. If you asked me how to get OTC from a dancer it would be to become her regular and allow her to be comfortable with you. She will know you won't kill or rape her and your not a cop, to keep it simple. I've had too many OTC girls to count over the years and I have almost always became there regular customer first. the only negative I can see would be if you are really popular with a lot of girls at her club a girl may think word would get out that she hooked up with you.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"I have read on here many times that once a dancer sees you as a customer it is very difficult to get OTC from her because she is afraid of losing a great"Customer". You and I must be reading different tuscls... I've read that on here never. And, like butterman, I find the entire notion perplexing. I do 100% of my otcs with girls i've at least seen a few times, if not become a regular first. Not only do you not need to "un-customer" yourself, i'd say there may be an advantage to being a great customer. now, if you were asking about seeing the girls otc and having sex with them for free, that's different. I've scored that a handful of times.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I've NEVER had a dancer who was afraid of losing me as a customer. Some might have been pissed when I stopped buying dances, but they weren't about to give me OTC to get me back. In fact, I 'fired' most of them because all I wanted was OTC in the first place. I had no personal interest in them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I think something may be getting lost in translation – TUSCLers more often use the term OTC to mean P4P outside the club; not usually in the context of dating a dancer like a civvy OTC. The OP needs to clarify what he means by OTC; P4P OTC or civvy-dating (free) OTC.
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    I took it to mean go from p4p fucking to free. Only had one honey brush that and I quickly changed the subject.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    PM SJG for advice in sweeping her off her feet from the front-room to free-OTC
  • jayhawk123
    8 years ago
    I mean in this situation to go out with favorite for free. Not P4P for free but to go out and have dinner and talk and do fun things non sexual. I have read on here before that once you get too many dances from her she will ONLY ever view her as a customer and you will not ever be able to hang out with her outside the club for free as a friend because she will look at it as losing a customer and thus losing potential money at work
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IMO – with rare exception – most dancers will only see you as a custy whether you spend $$$ on her or not. Sure – the more $$$ you spend on her the more she’ll see you as a custy; but that does *not* mean if you don’t spend on her then your chances of free OTC dating go way up. Dancers go to strip-clubs to make $$$; PLs go to have their needs met – subsequently PLs are the ones that often develop emotions and dancers rarely do; IMO. What’s the age difference b/w you and her – can you score w/ similar civvy girls outside the club – if not – you have your answer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    w.r.t. your original post about not spending ITC – that’s usually in the context of P4P OTC – i.e. if a custy spends a lot on a dancer ITC; then the dancer is already making the $$$ she wants/needs w/o having to see the PL OTC.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    When I was single and much younger, I took a two dancers that I met ITC out on civvie dates. The first one was casual vacation fun, but the second got real briefly until it hit home that I just couldn't handle dating a dancer. Now all of this was 15 years ago, but I don't see why it couldn't happen today - if anything, the girls today are less professional than they used to be and they are still people too. But in both cases, they were the ones who let me know that they were interested. Also, in each instance, things moved out of the club entirely after first contact. Net-net these were one-off events that I did little to bring about. I never had any luck when I did the pursuing, which was rare in any event after my experience with #2. I'm guessing that if she hasn't expressed genuine interest by this point then you're SOL. Be honest with yourself too though - if she is out of your league if you met her in a sports bar, then she is out of your league regardless of where you met her or how many pleasant conversations you've had. Just be careful as you move forward. Dancers pockets are often filled by guys who mistake faux affection in the club for a spark of something genuine, or who believed that something could form if these girls really saw them for the great guys that they are. Don't be that guy who leaves his heart and wallet on the VIP room floor chasing after some girl who really doesn't give a shit about you and doesn't want to UN anything with you. Good luck!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ great post RD - please add it to the Appendix of The System :)
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    Ok Jayhawk I think your asking how to get out of the customer zone with a stripper like you would want to get out of the friend zone with a civie girl right? Honestly I don't know anyway to do that..LoL.......just so you know anytime we reference OTC it's usually P4P.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    Once a customer always a customer. But that shouldn't have any affect on P4P OTC.
  • Eagle1191
    8 years ago
    It really all depends on the dancer, you and the age difference however some dancers prefer not to seek anything from the club other then a paycheck as they do not want to mix business and a relationship. I have asked one of the ladies I have gotten to know what her thoughts on this were once when the club was dead and we were just relaxing. She told me that dancers do not look at customers for dates(free dates not P2P, or OTC P2P) due to the fact most guys don't actually respect a dancer and are just looking for the fun aspect the club provides. Many guys also start to make demands or want the dancer to "change their ways" as they do not see dancing as acceptable as a job and not wanting other guys to get what he does(wanting her to be exclusive to him). Usually dancers also do not really see customers as dating material cause they are at a strip club to enjoy woman for their body not look for someone to connect with. Strippers do date people they met at the club but from both sides theres already some "trust" issues due to where you met and how you got together, it is not impossible to seriously date a stripper but it does not happen often.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I have def met many a dancer that have said they would not date a guy that goes to strip-clubs - just as most of society looks at SCers w/ disdain so do most dancers it seems (but of course many/most would not say that to our face; can’t bite the hand that feeds you).
  • Eagle1191
    8 years ago
    Papi you would be surprised on how many dancers actually hate the customers, I myself have seen dancers have that slight face twitch to keep up that false smile a few times when certain people approach them. Its kinda funny to see the mask come off at times as you can tell who the dancers really can't stand, also nice when you surprise the dancer by standing out in a good way.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ it's not an easy job - one would assume dancers that actually enjoy stripping and dealing w/ PLs are the minority if not the very-small minority.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Personally, I don't want to un-customer myself. There's no such thing as as "free" with regards to most strippers. Either you're paying them cash for their company, or you're paying in complexity while getting dragged into their drama (which, on average, is great). In my opinion, if you're doing both then you're getting ripped off.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    You can un-customer yourself, or civilianize the relationship. But the issue is always going to be, why did you not do this at the earliest opportunity. And also, girls experienced in the sex biz are actually even more immature in ordinary relationships than those who don't have such experience. SJG
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