You guys have low standards. The lowest quality / clean talent I see out there is $240 (adjusted $200 locally, since Cleveland is a shithole). Personally I'm not tapping below that. Or just source p4p from the SC.
I think the rate operates inversely with the desperation of the whore. Some girls - with a major habit - will do anything for $20. Whether they have a disease filled blood stream - is a negative aside to the cheap rate.
Of course - I'm sure there are some "tunnel bunnies" who aren't really "she's" who will probably be even cheaper...
Not $50 but $60 and she had the amber rose body from head to toe....except she was darker skinned slightly bigger lips (love them big black lips), shorter and not shaking her ass on 3 different men....AT THE SAME TIME lol. Smashed her real good too. And feeling her head was like petting a short trimmed puppy. SO adorable. Did I mention she was hot for $60. Sometimes you find those lucky diamonds in the ruff.
In AMPs, it is usually $60 for the house, then $120 for the girl. It used to be more that the friend price for the girl was $100.
On the street, lots of them now are also basically escorts, so the price is higher.
But can it be lower? I would guess somewhere. The easier it is for the girl to set it up and make it happen, the lower the cost might be.
Low cost P4P is usually the most out in the open, and hence the most likely to get busted.
Some years ago I took note of a real hot looking black girl who drove her car into an East San Jose supermarket parking lot. Her demeanor and painted up face suggested to me that she might be looking for dates.
Yes, she was, she did a few in about 30min. Probably the cost was low.
As she would not be there regularly, she was getting guys who probably would not have that much cash on them.
last comment$500
At the end of the day, a fuck is just a fuck
Inflation sucks.
Here you can definitely find 15 minutes for $80 on BP, but I'm not enough of an expert to know of that can include FS
Of course - I'm sure there are some "tunnel bunnies" who aren't really "she's" who will probably be even cheaper...
I wonder if that is how women feel when they find an unadvertised shoe sale - lol!
In AMPs, it is usually $60 for the house, then $120 for the girl. It used to be more that the friend price for the girl was $100.
On the street, lots of them now are also basically escorts, so the price is higher.
But can it be lower? I would guess somewhere. The easier it is for the girl to set it up and make it happen, the lower the cost might be.
Low cost P4P is usually the most out in the open, and hence the most likely to get busted.
Some years ago I took note of a real hot looking black girl who drove her car into an East San Jose supermarket parking lot. Her demeanor and painted up face suggested to me that she might be looking for dates.
Yes, she was, she did a few in about 30min. Probably the cost was low.
As she would not be there regularly, she was getting guys who probably would not have that much cash on them.