
Married dancers

Atlanta suburb
Recently a favorite dancer of mine asked me if I would get dances from a girl if I knew she was married and then she added btw I'm not married. I told her no. That wouldn't bother me at all. I know some that are and suspect that many others are too. In fact I have no problem going to VIP with them and doing what ever they are up for. Now I do think that I would have to say no to any OTC gigs and that doesn't have anything to do with morality but rather drama and my own safety.

Then she asked about rings. Rings mean nothing. Some girls take of their wedding rings while working so that it won't run off customers. Some girls wear fake rings to keep guys from hitting on them. The same thing applies to customers.


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I wouldn't mind as long as she didn't talk about him.

    2 weeks ago I was in a club and this Ukrainian girl (gorgeous by the way) was flirting real hard with me. I knew it was all fake but I played along... Then she mentioned her "boyfriend" I wanted to say "way to kill the fantasy dumbass." Needless to say the dances stopped after that.

    You're a fool if you don't think that 75% or more of the girls you get dances from have a boyfriend, girlfriend or are married, but it's their job not to let you know.
  • VeryBigDawg
    8 years ago
    No problem with married dancers. One time a married dancer was chewing her husband out on her cell phone, while giving me a dance. That was total BS.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I don't care if my dry cleaner is married either.
  • K
    8 years ago
    In the club is fantasy. I don't care if she is married. The most it requires is I adjust my fantasy. OTC? different story. I don't want to deal with a jealous SO.
    I have done OTC with married dancers but usually I did not know she was married and ended it when I found out. Some of the Russian and Brazilians have had husbands back home and i thought they were safe for OTC. Now I realize there are more options. I move on to someone with fewer possible problems down the road.
  • rickthelion
    8 years ago
    I don't care if girls are married. If they were married to another lion that would be different. But your stupid country doesn't allow hairless apes to marry lions. Dam hairless ape bigots.

    I also refuse to get involved with any girl married to a rick. I show the other ricks respect.
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    A few months ago, I met a dancer that I had not seen for about 3 years. She is very pretty and also extremely fit. She told me that she had a baby and is now married. I was hesitant at first, but her dances are every bit as good now as they were before. She told me that she still needs a job and with the baby, she needs some flexibility with hours. She told me that her husband is not happy about it, but that she met him in the club, so he lets it happen. Her dancers are good for Charlotte (no extras, but lots of contact with hand and body), so I am no longer hesitant.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    It should come as no surprise to anyone who's read my posts that I don't have a probe with strollers being married. The MILF is married. My ATF is married now, to the guy she was seeing when she was dancing and seeing me regularly. I just found out that a girl who's been eating my cum for six months ITC is married, which probably explains why I've not been able to set up anything OTC with her. :)

    I probably don't know how many strippers with whom I've had sex over the years were married. And that doesn't bother me in the least.

    Jut as long as they don't put me in their phones under "money" from now on.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Doesn't bother me as long as they do their job. I know one married dancer, with five kids no less. Saw her a couple of weeks ago in fact and she is still smoking hot and giving great dances.

    In fact, she and I had serious discussions two years ago on me joining her and her husband for a threesome. It was all set up and one of her kids broke his arm hours before causing a cancellation. Since I don't live in the same town it was hard to set up another meeting.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I would want her to show me something that she'd be good mileage. Otherwise I wouldn't care.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    It would have kinda bothered-me or thrown-me for a bit of a loop when I was a more inexperienced SCer.

    Nowadays the only thing I expect from a dancer is for her to treat me well while she’s w/ me and I’m paying - I don’t have any expectations or requirements beyond that.

    Like shailynn, I too used to be put-off when dancers talked about their S.O; nowadays I let it go-in one PL ear and out the other - as long as her service is good that's the only thing that matters.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    I agree with shailynn.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I agree with cflock
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    In theory, I don't care if she's married. Only if it prevents her from saying yes to OTC, or limits her mileage, then that will be a practical limit on how interested I am.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I agree with Heck
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I agree with StripperWeb
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I think she should band
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I don't care if they're married. It probably enhances the fantasy because she's probably giving you something her husband isn't getting. I don't even care if they are in a gay marriage. My most recent ITC encounter was with a woman in a gay marriage and she did great.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Don't care if a dancer is married.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Actually, I kinda prefer married dancers for extras. They tend to try to keep themselves "cleaner" and don't (usually) try to become your girlfriend. IMO, usually, it is a pure transaction based relationship.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    It doesn't make a difference to me. The world inside of a strip club is quite different than the outside world - and a dancer being married doesn't make a difference to me.
  • magicrat
    8 years ago
    The last couple strippers I've fucked, both have been married. It was a little weird getting a call on my cell phone around 4 am when she had passed out from drinking too much on our OTC date. The second one would do anything ITC but would not do OTC for some reason.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Just gives her more experience!
    I say HAT-UP and go for it!
  • goldmongerATL
    8 years ago
    Married does not bother me except when it is used as a ROB excuse to not deliver in VIP.

    What did bother me was a club in Texas where the girl was the owner's daughter. Nice Mom she had there.

    Of course Follies patrons are probably a bit put off when a certain stripper watches over her daughter and niece as you grope them getting a lap dance.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @goldmongerATL: One local club at one time had a mother-daughter duo working. Mom was the dancer, daughter was the bartender. Rumor has it that mom was quite friendly in the back room.

    I wonder what it feels like to hustle VIPs for your mom, knowing she's gonna be fucking the guy?
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I know who goldmonger is referring to. There are actually a group of 5 of them that drove 90 minutes to work at Follies. 3 of them are related and they are all dancers. I don't know about the mom but at least of the 2 younger ones are going above and beyond in VIP.

    I knew another mother daughter duo at the Columbia Platinum Plus. Mom was jealous of her daughter's looks and daughter called her mother a big whore. They were both whores. Mom got for for stealing money from a customer and eventually married another customer. Last time I heard the daughter was still working there part time.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    As long as the dances are good, I really don't care. I hope the husband doesn't come into the club and kill us all, but that's another story.
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