
Announcement regarding DS III Candidate

layin low but staying high
If you follow the soap opera, not that 18 is DS III. It's undeniable.

What makes her a DS?

Incredibly beautiful 18 yo youthful face and body

The perfect balance between petite and thick. The best of both. In ten years she'll be fat but at this age she's perfect

Blond, pale skin. My fetish.

Exotic looking face, very unique and seductive.

Very kissable lips.


Great deep kisser.

Inexperienced, extremely teachable.

Firm natural large B cups


Turned on by all things oral -- on bioth sets of lips and on her breasts.

Can cum from just normal fucking, especially after some oral love.

Every bit as real, as mutual, and as uncovered as with the original DS.

Complete GFE in every possible way. No limits. Perfect GFE is not an exaggeration.

No interest in anal but she'll give me her ass if I want it.

Oral skills of a Hoover.


Everything I could possibly want in one. Again. I know it seems implausible but it's true.

Trusting. It's so rare. She trusts me, and her trust is well placed.

It's not even close. 18 is DS III. And I couldn't be happier even if SJG gave up gravy and became a stoner.

She made the first night experience up to me. She's reliable enough to do this with. There will be challenges but nothing that my subtle parenting skills can't handle.

She's bi sexual.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    bisexual? is your other DS the same? You could do a threesome if they both like each other. The major downside is less attention and too much to handle at twice the cost. I remember a bisexual favorite of mine. We sometimes talked about which other dancers we thought were hot.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    DS III will be my first threesome. Arrangements are already under way. But it won't be with the DS. The sensory overload would give me a heart attack.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Your parenting skills I don't know John that turned a little creepy.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Sorry abut that. It was weed's attempt to be cute.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    That's good news (on the DSIII front).
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    You should have said, your cat herding skills I think that would have been a more appropriate metaphor.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    DS III in the building baby! Welcome to the.party DS III.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, when are you going to get tired of this? I mean, is fucking strippers and getting high all you do?


    Philip Glass Akhnaten

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Of course fucking strippers and smoking weed is not all I do. I also get blow jobs.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    He'll probably get tired of it around the same time you stop posting your endless moronic drivel and ill informed manifestos SJG. At least he is doing what he says, instead of things you dream of in your mom's basement.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    And when will Mr. IME start being something besides a troll who posts nothing but non-factual ad hominem?

  • ime
    9 years ago
    Just troll you fuck boy i have done reviews you have contributed NOTHING.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Subtle parenting skills?

    I get it now...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Mr. IME, I'd put you on ignore just so I don't have to see any reviews written by you because I already know that they would be worthless.

  • ime
    9 years ago
    Ontario Canada, Universal Basic Income!!!!


    I think a basic income guarantee is mandatory. Capitalism is what creates unemployment. And Cecil Williams and the people who run Guild Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco have got it right. Poverty is caused by social marginalization.

    So a corollary is simply this, everyone wants to do well. They want to win the admiration of family and friends. So if they are not doing well, then there must be some social marginalization or disability at work here. But as the main problem is marginalization, then we should not talk about disability, as usually this just means more marginalization.

    And of course it is absurd that people should be accepting psychiatric labels. These are just an extreme form of oppression.

    So for there to be justice there has to be this basic income guarantee, or what amounts to cradle to grave welfare.

    The typical person on welfare takes far less out of our economy than those employed do. And if the welfare recipient is not driving around much in a car, then they are treading far more lightly on the earth than those who senselessly burn up gas and dump CO2 into the atmosphere to do jobs which produce absolutely nothing which people need to live.

    Now welfare takes money out of gov't coffers, but in the US welfare has never been more than 3% of federal expenditure. This is much less than corporate welfare and other expenses directed to the betterment of the middle class in order to maintain political allegiance, or to keeping the poor down. So welfare is a cheaper way to keep our society going than the present state of affairs.

    And then as far as federal accounts, it is the federal gov't which controls the printing press, the furnace, and interest rates which multiply the availability of money by the inverse of the interest rate. Suffice to say, federal accounts and the money supply are all under gov't control, hence it is artificial. It is just a matter of who and what are being served by it.

    So as those who are not doing well are simply the victims of social injustice, we must redress this social injustice.

    1. Stop using psychiatric labels, learning disability labels, or morality labels.

    2. Offer people value producing work, not nonsense just to get a paycheck.

    3. Provide this cradle to grave welfare system as efficiently as possible, and understand that everyone wants to be a useful and meaningful part of our society.

    4. Follow my recommendation and hold parents accountable for exploiting their children, using them to give themselves a adult identity. This amounts to psychological child abuse. So besides criminal prosecution where practical, also prevent disinheritance and offer something like a divorce from one's parents when their is parent v child animosity. Make the parents pay, and pay dearly. Make it so that child exploitation no longer pays.

    5. And for those who insist on calling the poor lazy or immoral, know that this is how Capitalism works. It is the family where this starts, with the designation of a child as the blacksheep. Those who denigrate the poor are just doing what their parents did to them. So the poor and marginalized need to start standing up for themselves rather than submitting. They and all of us must start engaging in public advocacy and non-violent civil disobedience.

    6. And then since the New Economy and Libertarianism are really just the old Social Darwinism and Eugenics Movement, saying that the poor are not fit to compete, we all need to be prepared to do more than just be non-violent. We don't want to be like Anne Frank's father, hiding in an attic waiting for the Gestapo. We need to be ready to engage in guerrilla warfare, the use of lethal force, and without taking prisoners. Unless we are willing to do this, then we are helping the eugenicists who say that we are not fit to live. Gandhi and Jesus lived in violent revolutionary times. They were only able to accomplish their works because others were maintaining the constant threat of lethal violence on a large scale.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Mr. IME, the next time you want to start impersonating me by replicating my posts, just PM me and I'll send you my account password.

    But whatever you are on right now, you've got to stay off of it. Just intoxication alone does not do this to someone. Rather it happens when someone is so psychologically addicted to a mood altering chemical that they cannot function without it.


    Beethoven's 9th
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