Coffee any one?

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STANTON ( — Stanton is trying to shut down a Vietnamese coffee shop, where officials claim bikini-clad waitresses serve more than java and juices.

The city filed a lawsuit against GZ Cafe last month in Orange County Superior Court. The business advertises online as a place that serves coffee and smoothies by women in bikinis.

One customer, who did not want to reveal his name, said he witnessed nudity when he was there. “The first time I went there, I seen their tops drop – the bikini tops. They dropped.”



last comment
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago

I'd go there but coffee sometimes upsets my tummy. Do you think they'd throw some carrion in a blender and make me a smoothie?

avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
They need some coffee shops like that in Denver
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
My gosh. Good thing the cops are trying to protect the locals from accidentally seeing uncovered titties. No telling the damage that could result from naked boobies.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
It's terrible people smoke in that place! Second hand smoke has proven to be dangerous! If there are any strip clubs in the area, they might be using the politicians/police to make trouble for this coffeehouse.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I lived in Stanton for a couple of years back in the 70's. It's not great but OK.

Here are some photos of the girls at the cafe.…
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Nice pics SC! I think I need some coffee...
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
A thread on Vietnamese coffee shops and no replies by SJG?

That's like having a thread on gun control and no replies by Alucard.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Thanks for the info. Thanks for the pics shadowcat. The girls in those pictures look exactly like the girls who work in San Jose's Viet Coffee Shops. Most of the girls who work in those places work there because the DON'T want to do anything like sex work. So whereas for me my early experiences with Vietnamese girls are all with refugees working in AMPs, these Coffee Girls have been in the US since they were very small, if not born here. They are materialistic and parent pleasing. They serve coffee and tea, but this is all they do.

Now yes, it is possible that the allegations are true. But I would not take them at face value. People are always saying that the Coffee Shops are full service. And maybe this is true in Vietnam. I don't know, and it doesn't really matter. Part of the problem is that this persistent rumor is usually being spread by Vietnamese people themselves. Amongst them the Coffee Shops are very controversial.

For example, some years back I met one 29yo Vietnamese girl customer. She had brought an older Chinese male coworker with her, just to show him Vietnamese Coffee.

So she said to me, "At this coffee shop can you sleep with the girls?"

Immediately I looked all around to see who might have overheard that. What if they just heard part of it and thought the idea started with me?

The girls all know each other from high school and they know many of the male customers the same way. Vietnamese culture is conformist and parent pleasing. So they don't do anything like that.

Now yes, there is an Asian only Vietnamese AAMP circuit, but they exchange girls between San Jose and LA, because the young hotties don't want to be recognized.

There are also some new style AMPs which I call no-see-'em shops. You can't window shop. You have to pay first, and they promise to refund your money if you are displeased. But of course that all gets into territory you don't want to go.

So I don't like these sorts of shops, but I do notice that the girls on the average are younger and better looking than at the regular AMPs. But they are rotated in. With the last one I did, she proclaimed to me, "I just came here from Vietnam 5 days ago", spoken with a perfect San Fernando Valley accent.

Those girls probably live with the boss, and they are just here to make money. Where as at the standard AMPs the girls live locally and drive around in cars and try to have balanced lives, just like everyone else.

As far as the Coffee Shops and the skimpy attire in Shadow Cat's pictures, yes it often is just like that. But remember, these are young girls with lots of vanity, and they can be pretty silly. If one girl is doing it, it's not that hard to get the others to play along. Often the boss lady buys the outfits, and so it is like she and the others are daring a girl to put it on and parade around in it. Sometimes they will wear chemises, but no panties. But then sometimes the shops and the girls have been cited by PD. But these girls are really silly.

Also remember that these are zero alcohol places, and they are ethnic places, and most of the people know each other, and they are Asian. So it is a lot more gentile than an American strip club.

Now when the attire gets to be less, then the people running San Jose will say you need an adult entertainment permit. But this is just a legal trap.

When Coffee Shops have girls really wearing see thru with no bra or pasties, or less, then they usually are white girls, girls who have been strippers.

Coffee Girls make good money plus tips, and its all under the table. The favorite car for Coffee Girls is a high power MBZ. In civilian relationships these sorts of girls could really be difficult.

It is all vanity, materialism, and social conformity.

But as far as sex work, I have never seen it. Not saying it is impossible, but I have never seen it. And often SJPD has behaved reprehensibly by furthering rumors to scare people about crime and "gang's.

The Coffee Stand idea is new. They have one in Fremont. It is possible girls are flashing there for tips. All the more so if the girls are not Asian.

But the Coffee Shops I am used to don't go that far in nudity. No flashing, no touching or OTC.

Just some beautify girls who can be quite flirty and dateable, but they are conformist, materialistic, and sometimes stuck up.

Don't believe everything you hear from police or official sources.

The second hand smoke issue is a real problem. But for here I would say that the source of the problem is to be found in San Jose City Hall, not the coffee shops. The compliance level with the no smoking laws is improving.


ELP: Pictures At An Exhibition…
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
Heaven forbid someone might accidentally see some titty or skin. I'm sure whoever in the city brought this up did so because their "religion" morally objects. You know this all starts with the morality police. These are the same people who get their friends to go to the liquor store for them so they won't get seen and have a secret S&M dungeon in their house
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I don't drink coffee but if I lived there I might start.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
You're right seaboardrr.

These days Catholics are talking to Protestants, Muslims are talking to Jews and Baptists are talking to each other in liquor stores... ;-)
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
That's hilarious. I was raised Methodist in a dry county. When my dad would run to the county line to restock the bar (remember those big wooden bars with the cushions around the top everyone had in their house in the 70's) his baptist friends would have him bring back liquor for them so they wouldn't be seen there.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
avatar for maiwiew
9 years ago
I just left that place two hours ago. The pictures Shadowcat posted are very old. Back when the place was still in Garden Grove. Check out their yelp (make sure to see the Stanton location) or Instagram page for the current girls. Funny thing is that there is probably more Latina girls working there than Vietnamese. They seemed to be wearing more clothes than usual I bet the article scared the owners.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Sometimes these Coffee Shops have had run in's with LE, and Cities have insisted on no bare asses and no real titty showing. It is like that now in San Jose. But not all the shops follow all the rules all the time.

And then just some of the owners never seek to push the risqué limits, they don't see that as part of their business model. Also, some shops have outdoor areas and so this requires the girls be more covered.

But on the whole, if you can function in the world of materialistic, conformist, and stuck up girls, you can have lots of real nice choices for civilian dating.


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