Dancer Drinks
Aspiring Global Hound
I figure there have probably been threads on this in the past but...
From Subraman in another thread:
"I know some guys here are almost militantly anti-dancer-drinks, but I think a lot of that is resentment over high pressure tactics (and how awkward saying no makes them feel)"
I am not a fan of "dancer drinks." I can understand that some customers like the "shoot-the-shit" side of things. I like a dancer to try harder than the 'wanna dance' routine, but I really just want to know what is or isn't on the menu. What really pisses me off are mandatory dancer drinks. You take a dancer to the LD area and next thing you know there's a f-ing waitress asking you what drink you'll buy the dancer. WTF? That $25 dance is now going to cost me ~$40. Are you kidding me?
Other thoughts?
From Subraman in another thread:
"I know some guys here are almost militantly anti-dancer-drinks, but I think a lot of that is resentment over high pressure tactics (and how awkward saying no makes them feel)"
I am not a fan of "dancer drinks." I can understand that some customers like the "shoot-the-shit" side of things. I like a dancer to try harder than the 'wanna dance' routine, but I really just want to know what is or isn't on the menu. What really pisses me off are mandatory dancer drinks. You take a dancer to the LD area and next thing you know there's a f-ing waitress asking you what drink you'll buy the dancer. WTF? That $25 dance is now going to cost me ~$40. Are you kidding me?
Other thoughts?
I haven't been in a drink hustle club in many many years, but from the comfort of my keyboard,it seems to me like this is another case where a lot of what guys are feeling is self-inflicted. The waitress is counting on you conflating this situation with a "real date" kind of thing, and of course you feel like a cad refusing a drink for "the lady" (and believe me, she's no lady, or I wouldn't have picked her). But why is this any more difficult than telling the waitress, No thanks, I'll let you know if I change my mind", and then turning to the stripper and telling her "I'd rather spend my money on dances with you, than overpriced drinks to the club" OR "I sent her away just because I didn't know if you wanted anything, and don't need her standing here... Want to do two shots of vodka?" Etc Etc.
Maybe if I actually went to one of these clubs I'd understand, but right now, I can't understand why you'd feel the slightest bit uncomfortable dismissing the waitress out of hand, just like at any other bar or restaurant where you don't want anything, and then turning to the stripper and explaining yourself or working out which drinks you'll order so that you don't end up buying her a $30 drink without knowing it, etc
This doesn't mean that I never buy dancers drinks. I buy dancers drinks, food, weed, whatever they want if I'm into them, if we're having fun, and if I think they genuinely want it, then I'll buy them whatever they want within reason. But if they don't want it, or you don't want to buy it, just say no. Only guys who don't understand strip clubs can be coerced into buying drinks for dancers that they don't want to buy.
Although, I'm going to be selfish here. If the choice is being paying a higher door charge or me paying a VIP wristband charge (essentially another "door charge" X2) or the dancers losing a bigger percentage cut of their dances versus guys like the OP who can't say no, thereby subsidizing me and people like me who can say no. Well, suddenly I don't feel bad. ;). Amirute? ;)
The club has to make money some how.
In all seriousness, I think they should just raise the damn door charge for everyone. My 2¢.
Well, I can certainly see why old folk would irk you. But you must be mixing up your old guys -- I didn't say "it's called being a gentleman", and in fact, would never use such a douchey phrase. Nor did I say anything about "Being haggered(sic) into buying a potential hoe a drink isn't nothing like being a gentleman". In fact, the entire point of my post was that you should just tell the waitress "no thanks", and not confuse your VIP with a "real date", so no reason to feel bad.
Tiburon-->"There are no "ladies" there, just tramps looking for a buck."
So, you're basically saying the same thing I did? " (and believe me, she's no lady, or I wouldn't have picked her)" Are you sure you were replying to me? Or replying to something you imagined I said?
@Dominic: first of all IMO this wasn't about not being able to say no, it's the overhead of having to deal with it. Second, at least in the club I'm mainly referring to, saying no makes the dancers pissy, so it's a lose-lose situation. When your chooses are drink hustle or no pussy...
1.some clubs charge more for a dancer drink
2. I don't have any idea how much alcohol there is in the drink of its a mixed drink
Also I bought an underage dancer a drink one time(unknowingly) and the bartender took it away after someone said she couldn't have it.
That's a good question. I find it interesting though how strip clubs have changed over the years.
A bit before my time, but I'm guessing that when the first "Go-Go Clubs" like the Condor Club started having topless dancers, it was to attract customers and increase liquor sales.
Now, dances make money for the club and free booze could be the enticement for customers. Times change.
1.some clubs charge more for a dancer drink
2. I don't have any idea how much alcohol there is in the drink of its a mixed drink"
That would irritate the hell out of me, and on top of that, my assumption would be that special dancer mixed drinks are close to alcohol-free. My head would explode if I ever went into the kind of club you described, I'm looking for a pretty straightforward experience (drinking with the girls) and I'm not sure how NOT to feel like a complete sucker in a place like you describe.
In those types of places, can you just wave the waitress away, then walk up to the bar and just order two shots? That's what I did last time I was in Vegas, just told the stripper we're doing shots not mixed drinks (I had to dismiss my first stripper because she didn't agree), and most of the time got the shots myself at the bar
The places I have not been to yet where this is well documented are those San Gabriel Valley clubs, where it is a few ounces of fruit juice.
I have no problem spending money of a girl if she really wants that. But usually she doesn't, but just can't say so.
But I also do understand that the clubs need to make money or they cannot stay open.
1.) Saying no.
2.) Giving the girl cash instead.
3.) Or sometimes going along with it.
But also, I have personally found that waitresses can be lots of fun by themselves. Often there are not clear rules about what they can and cannot do. Waitresses can be lots of fun to talk to, and sometimes it can go beyond that. I have found that treating waitresses like dancers, can work wonders.
Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall, World's Biggest Pipe Organ……
In most clubs they try to get the custies to buy drinks and thus the 2-drink minimum stuff (which hardly ever gets enforced IME) and waitresses constantly going-around asking if you need a drink (particularly if they notice your drink is empty or almost empty) – in these clubs a simple “no” often suffices but PLs need to learn how to say “no” in strip-clubs.
Then there are scam clubs where it’s almost impossible to get away from the drink hustle and it’s almost as if you are basically forced to buy a drink in order to get any time w/ the dancer – these clubs often have dancer-drinks that are 2x the normal custy drink-price and the dancer-drinks may not even have any alcohol – the club pressures the staff and dancers to get custies to buy these price-inflated often no-alcohol dancer-drinks and often times the dancers will get a cut – these clubs are not the norm but def exist and usually the best one can do is not frequent these places (I have a place like this near me and I only step foot inside of it 1 or at max 2x/year b/c of the rip-off drink hustle).
Is it not possible to find a dancer on the floor who doesn't want a drink? I actually find that *most* don't want drinks as they would rather have the $$ go to them (they know PLs only have a fixed budget for the club, and drinks come out of that budget). I find most dancers to be professionals (surprise, I know) and if I let them know I'm not buying them a drink since I want to buy dances and tip for time, they are all cool with it. I've never had one "get pissy" on me. YMMV.
Personally, if I found a dancer to be pissy (or no pussy, in your case) about not getting a drink, she's get exactly one dance from me, with no tip, and I'd make a note about her in my database to never get any more dances from her again. To me, it's the same as when dancers *ask* for a tip. They will get the tip, once, then I make a note in my database, and I never buy from them again.