Can you translate this SS??

After spending some time with a dancer on the floor (GFE) and getting LDs, I notice that it's getting late, so I tell her 2 more dances, which she does, for the last dance she flashes pussy for the last minute (drops her thong), which is nice considering it’s a bikini dance. I pay her. We sit for a few minutes of petting, and then I go to leave. She kisses and hugs me. So far this is all pretty normal for a dancer at this club. She asks what time it is.
Tl;dr BEGIN --> Now comes the part I need help with. It's 2AM (the club closes at 2:30) and she says, "I made my goal tonight, so if it's okay with you, I'm just going to go sit in the dressing room for fifteen minutes then leave." --> END
I just disregard this as it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't she need to say 30 minutes, in order to not pay a house fine? Whatever. I figured either she meant the clock's ticking, if you want some more dances, better get them soon/now. Or I figure she's trying to saying 'don't stalk me or follow me home, you leave now, then in 15 minutes once it's clear your gone, I'll have the bouncer walk me out and leave.'
The reason I'm posting this is: I was reading the archives. Now I'm confused. So was she trying to pitch a ride/dinner@wafflehouse/P4P . . . and it was over my head? I'm still thinking 'no' and it was either undecipherable/drunk SS or one of my first hunches was right. I have no emotional involvement with this woman. I treat it as business and pure entertainment (she does it for the money $$) and she's out of my league. And I consider the dancers cunning creatures, so best not to get involved in any way, nor should I underestimate them, as the sad stories in the archive show. WTF did that SS mean?
What say TUSCL?
Thanks in advance,
PS: I'm not looking to be coddled by TUSCL, so don't hold back on account of my feelings. I have to learn this at some point. If you want more information about the night, just ask.
Tl;dr BEGIN --> Now comes the part I need help with. It's 2AM (the club closes at 2:30) and she says, "I made my goal tonight, so if it's okay with you, I'm just going to go sit in the dressing room for fifteen minutes then leave." --> END
I just disregard this as it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't she need to say 30 minutes, in order to not pay a house fine? Whatever. I figured either she meant the clock's ticking, if you want some more dances, better get them soon/now. Or I figure she's trying to saying 'don't stalk me or follow me home, you leave now, then in 15 minutes once it's clear your gone, I'll have the bouncer walk me out and leave.'
The reason I'm posting this is: I was reading the archives. Now I'm confused. So was she trying to pitch a ride/dinner@wafflehouse/P4P . . . and it was over my head? I'm still thinking 'no' and it was either undecipherable/drunk SS or one of my first hunches was right. I have no emotional involvement with this woman. I treat it as business and pure entertainment (she does it for the money $$) and she's out of my league. And I consider the dancers cunning creatures, so best not to get involved in any way, nor should I underestimate them, as the sad stories in the archive show. WTF did that SS mean?
What say TUSCL?
Thanks in advance,
PS: I'm not looking to be coddled by TUSCL, so don't hold back on account of my feelings. I have to learn this at some point. If you want more information about the night, just ask.
last comment"Don't stalk me..."
Methinks you underestimate yourself. Is your money green? I think she was trying to set something up for after work. Now whether she wanted a ride, a meal, or a lifetime companion, we'll never know, but I suspect you're a better customer than you give you yourself credit for
Thanks gawker.
2:30 is when alcohol can no longer be served in many states. All bars close down. Some bars have to close earlier due to having gotten in trouble with the state liquor board.
Thanks Prohibition!
The 200 bucks in 3 days does sound like a subtle OTC floater.
the 200 comment could be construed as a hint that she is looking for a way to pick up extra cash somehow whether she realizes she is throwing out a suggestion or not. She might mean if you want to buy extra dances, she needs the money. No idea what was discussed or if other OTC hints were given. She might have just been blabbing the truth that she needed some extra cash not mentioning the reason. could be anything from a car bill, medical bill, clothes for a kid or whatever. If she thought, just do a few extra dances per night, get 200, that could be it. no idea if she does extras.
I scheduled the 12/18 visit on 11/13. On 11/13 she asked if I could come back (in 2 weeks). No. But I said I'd be back on 12/18. She asked how I knew I'd be out in precisely 5 weeks, as 5 is an odd number. Easy. My birthday would be earlier that week in December and the 12/18 SC visit would be a present to me.
Here's some of my sanitized post from the 11/13 from stripperweb: BEGIN --> Probably the nicest compliment was I was told I was (srsly) her single best, most respectful, easy to talk to, fun customer in her 4 years as a dancer. "Where did you come from and can they send more like you!" I'm confident I can enjoy myself now even with my normal direct approach, which she thought was a nice change of pace from her typical customer. She told me she felt she could trust me -- with back turned to me while dancing -- not having to count out the money I gave her -- being able to leave her drink with me -- respecting her boundaries, etc. --> END
The $200 reference was actually earlier this week (2/5). So that wasn't the same night, sorry I was mixed up. I took Esta's suggestion and "fired her." Then she upped her hustle game after seeing me spend on 2 other dancers. She came up behind me when I was with a 19yo baby stripper and whispered in my ear "I see you like variety, can you save me one dance, please?" It sounded so hawt, so I did get some dances with her later. Being a Monday, I had to head home early, so cut her off around 10:30 when she had to go to stage, which caught her off guard / surprised her. I was with her maybe 30 minutes total. So who knows if she was planning to anything else. She hugged and kissed me, then I left.
She was the one who gave me the impromptu LDK, then let me titty suck her, then she stick-shifted me to completion, while she nibbled my ear.
I think her budget crunch is from her DUI and her car having been impounded (she got the car out of impound on 12/18 at 4PM, after not working for 10 days and not having the money to get it out sooner). My ego says, she might have remembered I was coming in that night. Or maybe it was just random chance, and I'm reading into it to feed my own ego. Who knows. I think I agree with most, that she wasn't really fishing for OTC/P4P. She's just fishing for money ITC in general.
That's kind of three visits (11/13, 12/18, and 2/5) all mash together in one post. I hope it's not too confusing.
Thanks for everyone who responded,
The other chat about needing $200 was probably just her attempt to see if you would bite and pony up as much cash as possible. Sorry if I sound negative - but anytime I hear the "I need money for rent, car payments, etc." I start to shut down as I hate that shit. If she can't manage her cash - that's her stupid problem - and unless she says "I will do what you want otc - for $$$". I still don't care about her problems - but I appreciate that willingness to earn the extra $$$.
BUT some dancers don't do that. I think she would have been more direct with you if she wanted to do OTC. I think she was just giving you a heads up on what she needed hoping your 4th visit with her comes sooner than later.
Confusing, yeah I thought it was confusing too that's why I shrugged it off at the time. Frankly she's kind of dumb so I don't expect everything she says to make total sense all of the time anyway.
I was just curious to see if I could float the SS to you guys and gals to see if 95% of you (4 sigma) thought it was a OTC or P4P offer. You never know these days. If it had, quite frankly, I would have expected more directness on her part. And for the record, I wasn't looked for nor hoping for OTC. Nor would I have taken her up had she offered. I was just confused and looking for clarification from TUSCL.
Like most SS I assume it's designed either to feed my ego or separate more $$ from me - both amount to the same thing. Quite frankly at that point I needed a break from her and I assum she the same. Plus I'm no whale but it's not a high end club nor an expensive COL town nor did she 'make bank' from me IMO. But she did alright $$-wise.
Thanks everyone.