
Question about getting sex from civilian MILFs

layin low but staying high
A few nights ago I'm at dinner with free girl. I look over at her and say "I want to fuck you ten different ways." 15 minutes later we are in the hotel room, she's nude, and she's on the bed on her knees waiting for me to enter from behind. My point is that I know exactly how to transition a stripper date from activities like dinner to time sex.

But how do I do this with a civilian MILF? For example, say we're on the second or third date. We are having dinner together. We finish and I'm ready to fuck. I think she's ready too, but that could just be the little head. He lies. The question is how to I get her back to my place to for first time sex? Her place won't work with many of these MILFS because they have kids. After the first time the precedent is set and this becomes much easier. But how do I best get her in a position to fuck her for the very first time.

Here are the the ideas that I have so far.

1. Invite her back to my house for a glass of wine and to try out the jacuzzi hot tub. We are always nude when I go with strippers to the hot tub, but I could offer to take the MILF by her house to pick up a swim suit if that were necessary to make her feel more comfortable. Or I could skip the hot tub and just make the wine invite.

2. Invite her to dinner at my house so we are already there after dinner.

3. Suggest that she come to my house to see something that we were discussing at dinner. I'll have to work on what this something is.

4. How else? I'm sure there are lots of other possibilities.

And whichever one of these I choose, should I tell her that I'm not trying to trick her into sex and sex is not required? I think I could say that with a straight face while sounding very sincere, even though of course sex is my primary goal. The point of this would be to make her comfortable and put her at ease.

Sorry if this sounds very basic and simple but I haven't dated a civilian in a very long time. And while they share some characteristics with strippers, MILFS are very different I think when it comes to sex.


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    one more question. some of these MILFS live in towns about 30 min. away from me. How do I transition to sex with them if we are a 30 min drive from their house. I could suggest their house, but only if they don't have kids at home. Or I could ask them to drive to my town for dinner so we are near my house after dinner.

    And is it better is I drive her rather than us both driving?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    One more. Is getting a hotel a realistic option for ca ivilian if I'm a decent drive from my home? I'm afraid that getting a hotel for sex might turn her off because it would feel likes its a paid transaction.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think you're on the right track. With most civiliansuccessful the trick is to say "let's go home and fuck" without saying it. A girl likes to think she has options to leave, which is fine.

    Cooking for her at your house is arguably third date. It's also fairly "romantic ".

    I think for hotel you'd want to establish you were getting one ahead of time. "It's a long drive and I'd like to be able to have a few drinks, so I think I'll just get a room".

    On that note "come back to my place for a drink" is a classic that works. Maybe you've split a bottle of wine and shouldn't have any more and still drive home. If she lives thirty minutes away and comes to your place for more drinks, she's spending the night.

    The hot tub isn't the worst idea for the wilder ones. You can joke about normally doing it naked and see how she reacts.

    The main thing is to just be playful. Make it more "we could fuck if we wanted to, wink" over "I want to fuck you now".

    The pretense can be very thin. She knows what she's saying yes to if she comes home with you. It can come up organically in conversation.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    JS69 you are overthinking this. Women are women you have to treat them all alike. You don't treat dancers any differently .......well maybe you do.......but I don't and it always works for me .
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    You could do it like a certain poster on here does, Wait for her to fall asleep and enter her from behind. LOL
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Twenty-five - that got a belly laugh from me +1

    John Smith - Really? What age are we talking? You've read the myriad discussions here about how the young women we love to fuck have grown up watching porn on their computers, having sex in Middle School, think blow jobs aren't sex, and have none of the hang-ups with sex the way older generations have. Do you think this doesn't apply to non-strippers?
    One of my stripper friends has a younger brother that I've gotten to know. He's 20 years old and is a good looking kid who scores big time with 18-20 year olds. He's disappointed if he doesn't get a blow job the first time he's with a chick. He expects to get laid every time. My point, fully realizing that you're not a handsome 20 year old stud, is that if you're targeting 25 - 35 yo milfs, nothing you say or do will surprise or offend them. Be bold! Be yourself - your best self.
    Fuck them in the mouth, you big stud.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    JS - the saying goes - a guy goes out with a girl hoping he'll get lucky. The girl already knows if he will get lucky.

    How the date goes along through the evening will let you know what's on the table. If she's having a second or especially a third date with you she's thinking of sleeping with you. Suggesting going back to your place is not uncommon and she might even suggest it.

    She knows if she wants you in her pants. You have to make sure you don't do something to change her mind. Do dates where getting close is possible. I'll take a girl bowling. It's a kick back atmosphere, and it shows you're a fun guy. I'm pretty good at it so that gives me an opportunity to put my hands on them to position them to throw the ball correctly and when they pick up a spare or throw a strike I usually get kisses of gratitude. Once you get the first kiss it leads to more kisses which then leads to returning to my place for more kissing and more fun.
    I've gotten laid on first dates doing this. The first time I did it, I wasn't thinking of it as a strategy to get laid just something fun to do. So the next time I had a first date opportunity I did it again with the same result.

    Bottom line - she already is thinking about fucking you,.just don't do anything to fuck it up.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    A roofie in her wine.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    James great suggestions thanks. It sounds like you've done this before. You should post a story.

    Jestrite, maybe I'm over thinking. But I haven't done this in decades. I'm sure it will become second nature soon enough.

    25, my thinking exactly. Although I thought I might wait until the 4th date to fully implement the San Jose Guy System for Raping Women in Their Sleep

    Gawker, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm talking about MILFS aged 42-52. I haven't been able to figure out how to get 25-35 yo civilian women. I don't think the MILFS the age I'm dealing with are nearly as slutty as their younger counterparts.

    rh48hr, makes sense. I'm horrible at bowling but I'll try to come up with something else.

    Jack, that's part of the SJG System for Raping Women in Their Sleep. As noted above, I'm going to save that until perhaps the 4th date.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    My understanding of it is that SJG has updated and revised the Bill Cosby model using his immense sex appeal instead of drugs, he then has them read one of his manifestos till they fall asleep and that is when he pounces.
    Or you could implement the SJG system of possibilities, it goes like this "If you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, anything is possible"
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I feel like there was a big jump in sluttiness for girls born after 1980 vs before, with a bit of a transition phase for girls born around 1980.

    As an example, those who grew up with porn are less likely to freak out at the idea of a threesome or anal. That may say no, but older ladies may be more likely to freak out.
  • HonestT
    9 years ago
    Just ask her if she "wants to watch Netflix and chill."
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    James that makes sense. But the ones I can get easily were born late 60s to early 70s. I was born too early.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Just ask her if she wants to come over and see your etchings.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    What I have noticed with MILF's is that if you get through a second or third date, the odds are good that you're going to get laid. I was simply amazed at how easy it was when I re-entered the dating market at 30 after my first marriage ended.

    I don't know if asking a girl to drive 30 minutes after dinner to get to your house is reasonable though, especially if she also has to drive back home later (or in the morning) and be up in the morning. I always found dinner at my house to be a good way to score when things got to that point.

    As far as any protests of innocence, don't bother. Unless she's a moron, she already knows what you want. If she agrees to go to your house after a second or third date, then either she intends to deliver or, at the very least, she is on the fence. Just have some good alcohol on hand (I always used a nice bottle of red or, for the hard liquor drinkers, some potent yet yummy apple martinis) and keep being a cool cat and the rest will work itself out.

    good luck!
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Try whatever worked on your ex wife. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Jestrite50 wrote:
    " JS69 you are overthinking this. "

    Absolutely Correct!

    And rickdugan talks about second or third date.

    With women nowadays it is unlikely that you will make it very far into the first date without them jumping you. And then with MILF's, they move even faster. If you don't call them, they call you at around 9pm and announce that they are coming over.

    And then as always we have twentyfive, a strictly short range sort of a guy.


    A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procol Harum
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Like I said SJG
    The SJG system of possibilities, it goes like this "If you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, anything is possible"
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 is greatly underestimating the preferred cruising speeds of today's civilian women, and especially of MILF's.

    I'm not sure what twentyfive is doing, maybe analyzing snail tracks?


    Muddy Waters & The Rolling Stones - Hoochie Coochie Man - Live At Checkerboard Lounge
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Tell her you want to show her the basement at your moms house.

    Works for SJG...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    How many people believe like I do that if were only his mother, then Ed Kemper would be a likeable character?


  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    A couple of suggestions. First off - as was mentioned several posts earlier - she knows what she's going to give up already. There aren't many things you can do to change that. At this point - she's basically in charge. It's up to you to not screw up - as that's when she will begin to take certain things off the table.

    Since these are moms - it's worth noting a few things. If she's going to dinner with you - think about what she must do in advance. Depending on the age of her kids - she has to find a babysitter - and pay the sitter. If it's a weeknight - the homework must be done. The dog needs to be walked. She must also get herself all dressed up and looking hot for you. Simply said - if she says yes to a date - she's already considered all the preparation and she's decided you are worth it. That says a lot already - so you are doing very well!

    If you get a room - you might be sleeping alone. But she might come back to get fucked - and leave. There is nothing that she will do without considering how it will effect her kids - so don't be disappointed if she doesn't cuddle after.

    The best thing to do is be relaxed - make her feel relaxed - and make sure she laughs a lot! She might be super stressed - from dealing with the stress of her kids lives and school pressures. If you make her feel relaxed and desired - and appreciated - she will love it! Tell her how great she looks - and let her know that you appreciate how much she's done just to get there - and you will be in great shape!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "With women nowadays it is unlikely that you will make it very far into the first date without them jumping you."

    Yeah that's the way it happens. The last one crawled under the table and gave me a blow job during desert.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Rick and cash man thanks for the helpful suggestions
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Damn John. Just ask for a table near the kitchen. Then after dinner bend her over the table and fuck her right there in the restaurant.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    After tonight, just tell her you are a personal friend of Clubber. She will rip your clothes off wherever you are, so be careful.
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