Panthers got a major dis after the game and guess what, it was on point
“We don’t have to say nothing," Ward said. "We let them do all the talking. We let our pads talk. We talk with our helmets and our shoulder pads. They could do all the media talking, you know what I’m talking about? We’re not about that flashy stuff. We’re about that grind, putting in that work. Grind it. Work. That’s how you get the ‘ship." Then Ward laid the hammerblow. "They want to be famous. We want to be champions," Ward said. "They want to be rappers and backup dancers. We want to play football.”
I knew the Panthers were going to lose they came in thinking that something was owed to them but they got their young whippersnapper butts whipped by a bunch of old guys, haha ! I love trash talk after the game its so much better than providing bulletin board material.
It had been quite cold recently. But Saturday night it started to warm up for the first time since last Summer. And today I can see indeed that Summer is here. It's going to be warm around the clock now. Say goodbye to our polar ice caps. And the stadium could be below the high tide line pretty soon.
I know most of you guys didn't get to be at the stadium yesterday. So here's some great video footage I took:…
Grand jury probe into Santa Clara Stadium Authority and Santa Clara City Manager Julio Fuentes with allegations of destruction of evidence:…
To one that's your right to disagree just that the Panthers brought this on themselves with all of their chest thumping before the game so I see it differently I call it poetic justice.
They may have i really didn't pay a lot of attention to the build up, but Bronco's always run their mouths so it's no suprise, and I don't care about either team. Though it is funny to be in NC and watch everyone be sad.
A little bird told me that since 1985, 8 teams came in to the Superbowl with the best defense in the NFL for that year, and they went 7-1. The team with the best offense went to the Super Bowl 5 times (IIRC) and were 1-4.
That's why the smart money took Denver and the points.
Being here in Atlanta, you would think I would want the Panthers to win....nope. All the showboating, trash talking, antics by Cam Newton totally turned me against him/them. "We just havin fun" amounted to poor sportsmanship. He didn't like the shoe on the other foot too much.
last commentI know most of you guys didn't get to be at the stadium yesterday. So here's some great video footage I took:…
Grand jury probe into Santa Clara Stadium Authority and Santa Clara City Manager Julio Fuentes with allegations of destruction of evidence:…
That's why the smart money took Denver and the points.