
Holy crap! Bungles do it again!

Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
Did you all see the way the Bengals snatched defeat from the jaws of victory? I'm a Steelers fan, but I feel sad for Marvin Lewis! Those two guys should be gone next year.


  • ime
    9 years ago
    Marvin Lewis has no control of that team. What a moronic display the Bengals put on to give that game away.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Boomer's comments on the post game show was spot on. Marvin Lewis needs to control his players. The loss is on the head coach. Time for him to go along with those players. It's an embarrassment for organization.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    That was an embarrassingly ugly way to end a football game.
  • sshrfrsky
    9 years ago
    Ill take a disciplined decent player over top talent shit head any day.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I can't really blame Lewis. He could have, and probably did, preach to his team about staying in control of their emotions. In the game, however, two guys on the field between the lines, chose to do two very selfish things that cost their team the game. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out in the off-season.
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    I've been a Bengals fan for all 33 years of my life and this is the first time I'm embarrassed to say that.

    Burfict should never have been in the game at that point and Marvin Lewis should be fired for allowing his players to keep acting like thugs.

    My fellow fans were equally embarrassing in the stadium tonight. The is no excuse for throwing trash onto the field or cheering when a player gets hurt.

    I despise the Steelers, but I hope Antonio Brown is ok. The Steelers deserve to have a healthy team to face Denver next week after putting up with the shit they faced tonight.
  • snowtime
    9 years ago
    Unbelievable finish. I did not care who won, but it is obvious the Cincy coach cannot control his players. I feel bad for the long suffering Cincy fans.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    I can blame the coach for the stupid play calling at the end. You are in field goal range. make then use all their time outs. Don't handle a wet ball any more than needed. AND, make sure the players KNOW the Steelers will be going for the ball! Dumb lead to dumb and dumber!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I understand that a head coach can't control his players once on the field - but Vontaze Burfict was out of control earlier before the penalty. Lewis probabky should have sat him - but that's 20/20 hindsight
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Sad to say, both Burfict and Jones are immensely talented players with self control issues. Should Burfict have been pulled by Lewis? Maybe, but Lewis would have had to justify it to ownership later, and wasn't it Burfict who had picked off the pass and apparently ended the Steeler's chances? Lewis was in a no-win situation with that decision.

    On the other side, I thought McCarron was a totally class act in the press conference. Even though he looked like he wanted to cry (and who could blame him?) he supported his teammates and said all the right things. I could like the guy if he wasn't wearing a Bengals uniform.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    As a Steelers fan, I feel very fortunate to be moving on.
    Whodey- I appreciate what you said about Antonio Brown. I feel the same about Giovanni Bernard. I hope he's ok as well.
    I'll be the first to admit I'm not a Bengals fan but I never want to see any player get hurt. The hit by Shazier was led by the crown of the helmet and should have drawn a penalty.
    As a Sun Devil, I wish we could disown Burfict.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    It shouldn't have had to come down to that, if the Cincy RB has simply held on to the ball, Cincy wins.

    Marvin Lewis not having control of his players/his players not respecting him is nothing new, that's always been the case. Carson Palmer "retired" for a year because he had zero respect for Lewis. Chad Johnson wanted out of Cincy because of Lewis. I think Marvin is a arrogant prick. Having said all that, he doesn't deserve to be fired for this. The RB is at most fault. You also have to remember that Cincy was playing with their backup QB AJ McCarron. I'm gonna repeat that, AJ McCarron. Pittsburgh should have spanked them.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    9 years ago
    I'm a lifelong Steelers fan and even watched it in Pittsburgh to be around other fans. I'm in so much shock, I can't enjoy this win as much as I should. I look at teams like the Bengals and Browns and wonder if there isn't some force in the universe that ensures they lose in the worst ways possible. I just watched Tomlin's and Lewis's pressers, and both of them appear to be in shock.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    I'm glad I had some spare 13 gallon trash bags to use as barf bags. I agree with clubbers analysis- handle the wet ball as little as possible.97 seconds left, Bengals ball on ~ Steelers 28. PIT has 2 timeouts left. Say they call one of them right away. Okay, wait till ref starts play clock, take a knee within 25 seconds. Now maybe 2nd and 11, 72 seconds left, Steelers take last timeout. Rinse, repeat, now 3rd and 12 47 seconds left. With no timeouts, play clock is 40 seconds. 4th down, 7 seconds left for a field goal attempt, or just let the clock run out. Marvin Lewis has demonstrated poor clock management on prior occasions.
    Yes, clackport, had the Bengals held on to the ball, they would have won the game. That still doesn't erase the issue of 2 (or more) powder keg, meltdown in waiting individuals. If no loss of control incident at Paul Brown Stadium, what then at Gillette Stadium next week ?
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Minnow - there are problems with your math. First, the Steelers had all three time outs. Second, the clock doesn't start running after a timeout until the ball is snapped. If you take a knee you waste only a few seconds. Three knees would have taken no more than 10-12 seconds if that. Maybe they still kick a field goal sure, but they can't run out the clock unless they get a first down which he was trying to do. He put his trust in his running back and sometimes it backfires.
    It's easy to second guess a decision when it doesn't work, we all have done it. Doesn't mean if they did it your way the Steelers don't come down and get a miracle touchdown. Besides there were plenty of other plays throughout the game that helped determine the outcome.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Pacman Jones posted this after the game.


    His dead ball personal foul was the one that put the Steelers in field goal range. He needs to eat some humble pie. He's lucky to even have an NFL job given his past history both on and off the field.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    @motor - I agree on Pac. Boy that was a nasty hit on A.Brown and hope he will be able to play next week. I am not even a Steelers fan.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    @rh48hr- My bad, that's what happens when one stays up past their bedtime to post on tuscl. (Team with ball does have 25 seconds to run play after ref starts the play clock.
    Getting back to team discipline: I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Vontaze Burficts' stunt after his interception whereby himself and (4?) other Bengals ran off the field towards the locker room in an apparent celebration. That only served to exacerbate the wrong tone, as events later showed. The hero of the moment, became one of several bums when he made (and got called for) a late hit. Fifteen yards alone might not have been enough for the Steelers, but it sure didn't help the Bengals cause either. While Leon Lett won't get knocked of the list of the top 10 premature victory celebration (he's the Cowboys defensive lineman who recovered a fumble in 1993 SB, was running ~60 yards for an apparent sure TD when he started showboating prior to crossing goal line only to have ball knocked away from him for a Bills touchback.)
    V. Burfict now has a place on that list. He should have just handed the ball over to ref, returned to sideline, and cheered for his team to hold onto the frigging ball, and either run the clock out, or kick a field goal, Marvin Lewis just keeps having to eat a bigger donut each year. (0-7 playoff record now as head coach.)
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I believe it is finally time to let Marvin Lewis go. He's been the head coach for entirely too long with really nothing to show for it.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    "Let Marvin Lewis go"?

    It's way past time to kick Lewis the fuck out. What was displayed last night was a complete failure of leadership. None whatsoever.
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