
Dance count

Wednesday, December 30, 2015 6:46 PM
I'm sure this has happened to most on here. You finish your session of lapdances and the dancer has decided she gave one more dance than what you recall her giving. What do you guys do when this happens, do you just capitulate and pay her, or do you protest, and additionally, does whether or not you liked the dances, the dancer, and enjoyed the service provided factor in to your decision on whether or not to just give in and pay for the extra dance you didn't receive.. I had one of my favorites pull this shit on me last night and just gave in because she is one of my favorites, but it always pisses me off. Most dancers are to smart to try to add two extra dances to the dance count, but I've had many many times where they'll try to sneak an extra one in there though, and I hate that.


  • anon4231
    9 years ago
    I usually confirm the dance count throughout the string of lap dances to keep specifically this from happening. Just as annoying is when they sit with you for the last minute of a song, and try to bill that as a dance - I've protested that one before.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Since I learned how to count recently it really pisses me off. And I seldom get more than five dances in a row, often just two, so I do not encounter this very much. The last time it happened to me was over two years ago and she also failed to come through with what she promised in VIP. I did not pay the extra and called her out in my TUSCL review. By name. Over three years ago I met a very hot dancer who gave great lap dances. We developed a nice rapport and when I returned the next day I told her I had $100 for her, let's get some dances ($10 each). Her dances were very good and I would have been happy with eight or nine (but not seven) and was happy when she gave me ten outstanding dances. But I would be cautious trying this again.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Sometimes it depends on how much I enjoyed the dance or how well I paid attention to the count. I do remember one time I was very sure of the count and when I thought the dancer tried to overcharge her I made an offer, I told her I think you are charging me for an extra dance. I can pay this if you want but I will never get dances from you again if I do. She wanted repeat business from me and told me she thought she did x dances but since she wanted to stay on my good side, she said she would be ok if I just paid for w dances since I was so sure. Usually I just agree ahead of time to do say 2 dances for x amount and nothing more and confirm the song count after each song, well the price first. It's a lot easier to avoid with regular dancers.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    Most clubs I frequent take a cut of each dance. It's either pre-pay or sufficiently supervised. I don't think I've ever disagreed with the club's count, but if I felt the club was playing me I'd stop going to that club. Also, I wouldn't expect the club to budge on their count.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I have only had it happen once. I had done two dances (my norm is in even numbers 2, 4 or 6). She said we did three. I was planning on tipping her an extra 10 anyway so it wasn't a big deal from that point, but I didn't get anymore dances with her and pointed her out in my review. Recently I've had the opposite happen where the dancer didn't charge me for the number we had done. I honestly had lost count and when I asked she gave me a number I knew couldn't be correct but I had lost count so I couldn't say anything. Then I kept count after that and I knew I we had done four more and she only said we had done two. So when we were done I tipped her an amount that was appropriate for what we most likely did. I can't complain about a ROB if I'm a ROPL.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    It happens occasionally, I dispute it, if necessary I talk to the manager. There's only been one time ever, I paid for the amount the dancers claimed and I told the manager that this club had thieves working for it, that I would tell all that I knew that never come to that club period.
  • sp
    9 years ago
    If one of your favorites did this to you, it is time to find a new favorite!
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I usually just pay her whatever she says it is. I then make a mental note never to get a dance with her again. Luckily it's only happened to me 5 or so times.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    It happened to me recently. I told her i would pay it but she would never get another penny from me. And we had discussed OTC during the dances. After she got dressed she rushed over to me to apologize. I told her to fuck off.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I've been lucky it hasn't happened to me yet. I had them under count (she said 5 and I'm pretty sure it was 6) but not over count.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    This has not happened to me in a looooong time, maybe measured in decades. So I can only hypothesize about what I'd do, things are different when we're standing there together, all steamed up, since my Cheap Bone is the one thing in my body that can sometimes overrule my Bone Bone. If you're picking up what I"m laying down. Anyway, I do think the old saying, "never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity" often applies in the strip club, too. I realize that some girls do use over-counting as part of their business model. I think my level of protest would depend on the vibe I'm getting from her. At one extreme, if the vibe is at all matter-of-fact this-is-part-of-my-business-model, I'd dig in for a fight. On the other extreme, if it's my ATF, who is drunk (if she's my ATF, we've been drinking) and who has been blowing me away time after time (and she wouldn't be my ATF if she hadn't been) while undercharging me for it (ditto), then I would NOT be so foolish as to fuck that all up over something that could very well be a mistake. Over $20?? At most I'd politely point out that I counted differently, just so she knows I'm keeping track, and then pay her
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Happened twice to me. First one she tried to say I had more dances than I said. I told her to fuck off she was a lying skank and a bunch of other demeaning things I probably shouldn't repeat here and told her she was a lying cunt. Suffice to say security came and I told them the story and I'm not sure whether they believed me or not but the fact that I seemd to have made her "cry" was the main issue and i was told to leave. I didn't pay a dime for the dances though. The second time she miscounted but in my favor. She said she only gave me 4 dances when it was six. I didn't complain and gave her $80 in ones. At least I think it was $80. I didn't count them. But I do know it wasn't more than $80
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    At my club, the dancer tells the bouncer the number of dances before we start, so there's never any question. I've had dancers try and short change me like counting a half song as #1, but that's actually pretty rare. With the ROBs I'm usually happy enough to part company a minute early anyway. If I had any major dispute, I'd talk to the bouncer; they all know me.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    My favorite strip club has implemented a computer system where the dance count starts at the first complete song after the dancer checks in with the bouncer. Each song thereafter is logged until the dancer tells the bouncer that she's done and the system counts to the last complete song. Not impossible to game, but pretty darn reliable. The flip side is that my ATF used to give me a lot of uncounted dances. Now that it would cost her money to do that, not so much.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    @ATACdawg that sounds pretty cool. Where is this club located? I'm willing to travel there just to do that.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Fantasies Nightclub, in the south end of Baltimore on Pennington.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    What happens when you both lose count? In that case I just ask is $$ OK.
  • IHearVoices
    8 years ago
    That happened to me once at IR (both of us losing count). I had an honest guess, but gave her a tip on top of it to cover any margin for error. She deserved it, so I was cool with it. If a chick tries to ROB me for songs, it depends on where I am: if I'm at a hip hop/urban/black club, I likely know the songs and can run them back to her. If I'm at a club where I don't recognize the music, I try to pay more attention to things like the DJ talking or sound fades (most every song will have a fade at the end of each song). The majority of the time, women will check with me after every song. When girls try to ROB me, it's usually for money: they'll try to say the dance prices are higher than they normally are.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    It being the holidays (time of the OP) there seem to be more ROB reports. If there is a dance-counter then I say let's go check w/ the counter and this usually rectifies the dancer's math-skills. In mixed clubs is not as hard for me to tell when one song ends and another one begins; but in the black clubs it's harder to tell so harder for me to keep track – thus my M.O. is to tell a dancer to let me know every-time she is starting a new-song that way I can keep-count and she knows I'm keeping count (b/c a custy can also make a mistake in count).
  • Jdflyer2
    8 years ago
    Depends on the situation. First time with a dancer, or club I only occasionally go to? I'm going to dispute it. Dancer I've been with multiple times before? I'll let her have it -- she's probably cut me a break at some point in the past, and I'm not messing up a good "working relationship" over $10-20. Club I'm a regular at? Depending on my mood I'm either fighting it, or I'm telling the bartender/manager what happened, and they'll usually make me whole in some other way (e.g., comp my drinks for the disputed amount).
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I've always suggested front room friendliness instead of letting girls "sell dances" to you. Front room you can lead it. Lap dancing used to mean a girl sitting on your lap in the front room. Booths and back rooms are mostly a way of letting the house take a bigger cut. I say they are a chumps game. And then when seeking the backroom, just use it for when your pants are going to come down, after you and the girl in already into a heavy makeout session. Pay for a block of time, not by the song. When I have ended up letting girls sell dances to me, I always prepay and don't ever convey that it is to continue beyond what I've paid for. If you want more than that, just take her home with you. SJG
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