Woman charged with lying to police after taking photo of dead body in strip club
Detroit strip clubs
I wonder if this will be how I go. As I lie dying, a stripper takes a photo of me with her phone.
No freakin' way. I'm shocked. Shocked I say.
"In my time of dying, I want nobody to mourn. All I want for you to do is take my body home. Well, well, well, so I can die easy. Strippers gonna make my dying bed."
Nick Glunt can be reached at 330-996-3565 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @NickGluntABJ.
In other news, how bad must Nick Glunt's nicknames have been in middle school?
Also, +1 to Rech. Alas, many strip clubs have two things that kill people's judgement: alcohol and attractive women. Poor guy is dead because he couldn't make the right call -- which is a good reason to just have some basic rules for yourself that you always follow, such as: if you're in a fight, regardless of who is right or wrong, GTFO. In fact, in two of the stripclubs I know of, doesn't matter who started the fight, everyone involved goes.
Brilliant advice. Just leave the scene quickly and quietly. Live to "fight" or "fuck" another day. No drink or snatch is worth dying for.
You should state in your will that in your passing you shall be taken for one more VIP session.
And w.r.t. leaving right after – I personally think that would be more dangerous – most 2:00 AMers seem to occur in the parking-lot or not too far away from the club (as in the thug following the victim away from the club).