Tonight at the club

avatar for Phoenix133
Finally got some people! Here are some tips bits of me tonight not the best pics and a few others added in…


last comment
Looking gorgeous. Gotta love a girl that enjoys a fine bourbon.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Very nice.
Nice. You need to get out of your state and into a better club.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
I normally don't comment when the other strippers post their pics here because I don't think they're hot. I'm commenting now because, BABY YOU ARE HOTT!
You have very pretty-eyes and a very nice feminine-figure; hope you did well on your shift.
How can you ever leave work with less than $200, damn those WV coal miners are getting a hell of a discount. Ya move to a bigger market. You will clean house.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Very nice!
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
Thanks ^_^
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
I add a couple more pics toward the end of the night, didn't do too bad.
avatar for nemesisk7
9 years ago
Nice legs especially when you cross them
avatar for nemesisk7
9 years ago
(:… Here is the club I went to in Charleston. It's closed now, thank God. A dump.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
And well tonight I made 270$ wasn't too busy but not dead and the people were actually willing to spend this time. Like I said I usually get the majority of my money on stage I made 80$ in drink and lap dance the rest was all stage money. This one guy who came in got 5 sings with me in total two 1 songs and one 3 song (we had a special on 3 songs.)

Reason why I get most my cash on stage is cause most of the guys I don't think realize how much they are giving you but when you offer dances they know how much they are spending. Probably could have sold more drinks if I wasn't being kept so busy. I rarely ask for drinks cause guys usually just buy one for me after talking for a while.

Not a bad night though as far as places around here go.
The photos are the bee's knees!
great pic's
How can you use the pole when it's wrapped in lights???
Your feet look too small for the shoes.
I'd like to cosign on what ThreeOSU said. Except his last sentence.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
I wear a size 6 I got small feet, and we were taking Christmas pics. We have 2 piles on the stage typically we don't use both some times we do though if it's busy enough
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago

@rech sorry only covered boob pics :(

Again thanks everyone for the feed back ^_^
Nice pics babe! I agree you need to get out of WV.
Stunning! You're definitely underpaid.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
Thanks and yeh not too many big spenders in wv
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Thanks for sharing. you look good. I prefer topless but thanks for sharing.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
@sharkhunter: I'm surethane many would agree with you ^_^ but I'm the type if it's not for my bf and Im not getting paid the clothing remains. (It's also mist of my customers favorite thing about me boy and girl customers seem to favor my tits, funny cause starting out I was very insecure about them. And besides my tit's they love my attitude and the way I dance.)

Might post a short video tease though eventually. With some booty showing.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
My style is usually more slow and sensual. Depends on the customer how crazy I get with pole tricks gor the most part I stick with more floor work with a little pole here and there.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
"...with a little pole here and there."

Sounds like a job for gmd, AKA georgemicrodong!
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
I can understand the whole wanting to see thing too. I know I can't be everyone's cup of tea. Like I know I'm not papi's but I apreciate his nice complement anyway (my eyes are personaly the only think I like about myself ^_^)

Also that's something some managers didn't understand guys wanting to see girls dance before buying one. They tried to pressure girls to sell stuff without dancing first which some cases guys would but for the majority I'd say they like to get a taste of what they are buying first.
You have the right attitude Phoenx. You're not gonna be everyone's type. Me personally I'm into Latinas and Blacks. I will rarely give white girls a second look.

Best of luck to you in West Virginia!
avatar for jestrite50
9 years ago
I thought I commented here but guess I didnt. Sorry. Thanks for the pics. Just curious about why you chose the Phoenix name. Did you dance at one time then quit and come back after a couple years ??? Just curious. But Nice pics and thanks for sharing ! Merry Christmas!
Nice, pics, thanks! Love how those shorts compliment your figure
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
no problem about no tits. Just giving you a hard time, :)
It seems to be what everyone does unless they really do not like you.
jestrite50 I can't answer for her obviously, but for what it's worth / fun fact, the Phoenix is a mythical creature that is reborn by rising from its own ashes. It appears to be her avatar.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
Might have to rethink that Florida trade, Phoen!
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
@jestrite50: you hit it right on the money. I danced under the name cat for a long time then quit for a while. I came back every once in a while. And well seemed like for the most part I was just having crappy luck so I decided to change my name in hopes of change in luck. I liked phoenix cause of the irony about it. Since I kept quitting then coming back much like a phoenix dying then rising back from its ashes.

And I have decided that if I ever work some where where both names are in use I'm going to go as dirty diana
@Phoenix133: "work with a little pole"

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