Is this wrong?

layin low but staying high
I need opinions of the ethical nature of my planned course of action.
I took video girl shopping for Christmas. She chose this gorgeous sexy outfit that really turns me on. It is stunning.
I took pictures of it and wrote down the name, bar code etc. I said that I wanted to go back and buy her the same thing in another color cause I really loved it.
That was customer shit. As soon as she left I texted DS I and II to check their sizes. I'm gonna go back and buy it for both of them.
Is this wrong? I feel kinda bad. And horny.
last commentYou are paying all of them a lot of money for their services. You can buy whatever you want for them. It really doesn't matter because none of them will know about the other unless you decide to do a gangbang with all of them.
I feel bad about lying so purposefully. And vg was excited that I really liked her outfit. Instead I'm imagining what DS I and II will look like in it. I'm a slut.
I hope you're buying one for video girl, too. There are few if any ethics involving interactions with ecdysiasts, so it's impossible to violate them. Sort of like being a lawyer.
Let me get this straight, you're fine with paying all three of them for sex but you have an ethical dilemma about lying to one of them and buying gifts for the others?
Just don't forget to buy her another outfit so she doesn't get mad that you didn't follow up on your promise.
So buy her the same outfit in another color -- and buy that same outfit for the other members of your growing harem. It's Christmas, you have money, and I'm sure VG realizes that you'll be spending money on other girls, too.
And, yes, you are a slut.
Lying is wrong in context.
I don't see how your lie would hurt video-girl; you probably lied to protect her feelings and that's a good thing.
One should not always tell the truth if it's going to hurt someone – e.g. if you see a guy running and hiding somewhere and you saw where he hid; then 2 minutes later you see a dude w/ a gun come up to you asking-you if you saw the guy and where he went; is it “right” “to tell the truth” and tell the guy with the gun where the dude running from him is hiding – invoke your inner-Juice and you shall find the answer.
Papi good thoughts. I did lie to protect her feelings. But there was more customer shit. She asked while sucking my dick if I did this with other strippers. I said no she is the only one. Can I also fit that one in the "lying to protect her feelings" exception?
gawker, that is very funny. And true.
Oh yeah I'm not planning to buy vg another one. It was expensive and I already was very generous with her. I was going to tell her that they didn't have her size if she asks.
“... She asked while sucking my dick if I did this with other strippers. I said no she is the only one. Can I also fit that one in the "lying to protect her feelings" exception ...”
Absolutely – plus are you the only-one for her – fair is fair – we are all adults.
I kind of got around this dilemma in the past by buying each girl I was seeing OTC a Victoria Secrets gift card.
They surprised me with their new outfits. Well worth it.
JS69, I think it was good move. I could learn a lot from you.
Nothing wrong with that at all. last year I bought my two favorite strippers matching Nike jogging suits one blue and 1 purple. Never thought twice about. Looked on facebook and instagram and they both were wearing them.
John, yes, you are a slut. Embrace it and have a great time.
Just give her some PL shit and lie. Do we have a new term for the glossary?
Gawker is right. There are very close parallels between the ethics of strip clubbing and the ethics of practicing law.
" She asked while sucking my dick if I did this with other strippers. I said no she is the only one. Can I also fit that one in the "lying to protect her feelings" exception?"
John you did good that is what should be called Stripper Shit Boomerang or SSB
You claim to be a lawyer and I accept your claims.
Project this behaviour to legal matters you may undertake for clients in real estate transactions, contract negotiations, family law arbitrations, or even criminal cases.
You are taking privileged information you have obtained from one stripper and then using it to your own personal advantage to gain favours from competitors of that stripper.
Then, you dare to ask us if this is ETHICAL?
You only reinforce my long held contempt and disgust for lawyers.
You claim to be a lawyer and I accept your claims.
Project this behaviour to legal matters you may undertake for clients in real estate transactions, contract negotiations, family law arbitrations, or even criminal cases.
You are taking privileged information you have obtained from one stripper and then using it to your own personal advantage to gain favours from competitors of that stripper.
Then, you dare to ask us if this is ETHICAL?
You only reinforce my long held contempt and disgust for lawyers."
Ace comment! ;)
I love JohnSmith69's flair for the dramatic! Take a minor issue that most people wouldn't think about in any depth, obsess about the issue as a way to frame the story, and put some words on the page!
It's brilliant! It's the bee's knees!
Farmerart, you are allowing your contempt for the legal profession to cloud your judgment. While I made the analogy between the ethical practice of law and buying clothes for a stripper, that statement was obviously facetious. Nothing about buying clothes for a stripper is even remotely analogous to the attorney client duty of confidentiality. Put differently, my whore's choice of clothing is not "privileged information" in any rationale sense of that phrase.
Hate lawyers all you want to. You've obviously had some personal experience that means you will never change that view. But if you want to be taken seriously, at least state a rationale argument.
I'm more interested in the fact that you were able to get in physical contact with a web cam girl than anything else you said. Where'd you find this?
Video girl? Do you mean a girl who does web cam sessions? Or do you mean one who maybe dances in music videos?
Anyway, about those outfits, no nothing wrong. I say you should set yourself up as an independent dealer and stock a supply at wholesale prices. At a minimum, this is what I intend to do.
And as far as flattering them, you have to do this, and they love it.
I got a line on you - SPIRIT