
Strip clubbing over the holidays

layin low but staying high
What changes if any are you going to make stripper wise during the Christmas and New Years holiday's?

For me, three of my girls (DSI, DSII, and free girl) are on,lengthy trips. Video girl would be glad to fuck me every night, but frankly my wallet and the little head could use a break. So I think I'm going to date Gingerbread, and just wait til my other girls get back.

I was also thinking of going to a strip club on New Year's Eve. Has anyone ever clubbed on New Year's Eve, and if so what was it like?


  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    New Years Eve sucks. All the strippers are out partying. It's one of the worst strip club days of the year.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I don't go anywhere on New Year's Eve because places are too crowded and drivers are too drunk. Over the Holidays I have some family coming to town and some strippers lined up to come to my home. I need to juggle them so family and strippers are not at my house at the same time.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I went to my favorite club today and it was kinda slow. My Latest favorite made it worth the trip and I am going to meet her again on Wednesday. At that time we will discuss further plans including my 74th b-day next month. I know I won't be hitting any clubs on xmas or New Years. That will just be spent with family.
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    I'm very interested on people's input on new years eve cause I've been thinking about working then since I'll be close to work
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Hell no. Even if I didn't have a family, I would not be clubbing on New Year's Eve or anywhere near Xmas. It seems that I keep setting up shop in areas where LE likes to run DUI checkpoints during the holidays, especially on nights like New Year's Eve. I'll get my fun in earlier this week, at least a few days before Xmas, and then sit tight until the holidays are over.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I've never clubbed over midnight on New Years, but a few years back, one of my buddies and I partied on New Years Eve at a strip club until about 10:30 or 11pm. Place was rockin', plenty of beautiful girls, but we had to leave to meet his girlfriend at a regular bar over midnight. No complaints at all about the quality of the girls or the party atmosphere, but it was a bit too typical-nightshift-high-hustle vibe for me
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    And beyond NYE, I'll say again -- this is my favorite time of year to party at the strip club, I'll be making it in to strip clubs probably 2-3 times over the next couple of weeks. It's the perfect storm for PLs who have the flexibility to make it to the club: strippers dying to make both rent and Christmas gift money, plus dead-slow shifts because so many PLs are tied up with their families or on vacations these next two weeks.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Rickyboy makes a lot of sense in his comment about clubbing during the holidays. Better off holding tight at home until they're over. Save the money and be more efficient with your time and do it after the New Year. The mileage tends to go up anyway since the dancers tend to focus more on their job performance. During the holidays their mind is so distracted with other things that I find the service to be hit or miss and not as consistent.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I have family obligations for.Christmas eve and day. NYE my friends are having a party.

    I'm in the fence regarding the weekend between, but told my CF when I saw her Friday I may not see her again until 2016.

    I do expect the thirst to be real for the girls the week after new years.
  • ellocohombre
    9 years ago
    I'm not religious at all,but I think Christmas should be spent with family. Any club that is open does not have any Morales.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Meat72--> "During the holidays their mind is so distracted with other things that I find the service to be hit or miss and not as consistent."

    Is that just theory? My experience, year after year, is exactly the opposite: strippers desperate to make money, plus lack of customers to give it to them. BEST TIME OF YEAR! I always way up my frequency of trips, from once or twice a month, to 2-3 times over these next 2 weeks.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I am in raging agreement with Rick's points about alcohol checkpoints being far more numerous near the holidays, for those of us who indulge (overindulge) in the clubs. But I take the train to the city, and taxi/Uber/Lyft around the city to the clubs, so not an issue for me. Even when it's not near the holidays, I'm almost always over the legal limit when I leave the club, so try to never drive.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I'll go this week to pass out my gifts, and probably next, but not on NYE. While *I* don't drink and drive, way the fuck too many other people do, and I ain't sticking myself in that situation.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I have no plans on SCing Thursday or Friday, but you can bet the house that I'll be out Saturday since it'll be my last chance to go down here for about six months. New Year's is also a no-no, even though I'll be in New Orleans. The plan that weekend is to hit regular clubs/bars on NYE and NYD and then SC on 1/2.

    Holidays seem to be hit or miss in my limited experience: Follies on Memorial Day was nice, not so much with Tootsie's (or Vixens) on the 4th of July - which somewhat surprised me since 7/4 was a Saturday (especially in the case of Tootsie's, considering many dancers aren't from here).
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    To be clear, I wasn't talking about SCing on the actual holiday -- I won't be there Christmas or NYE. But day before, after, couple days after that, whatevs, all will be great
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    I'm thinking about hitting a couple of Indianapolis clubs shortly before Christmas, either 12/22 or 12/23, and a couple of Battle Creek clubs (i.e., both of them) right after Christmas while visiting family there. Then I'll take a break from clubbing until about the second week of 2016. I never go to SCs on 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, or 1/1.
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