She forgot to mention going to strip clubs. :)

Atlanta suburb
She doesn't expect it to pass, but a South Carolina lawmaker has introduced legislation to force men to jump through the same hoops to get Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs as women do to gain access to abortion services.

South Carolina state Rep. Mia McLeod, D-Columbia. South Carolina Legislature
"I purposely tried to make it as invasive, as intrusive, as hypocritical and unnecessary as possible to make the point," state Rep. Mia McLeod, a Democrat from Columbia, said Tuesday.

McLeod — a lawyer and public relations specialist — told NBC station WCBD of Charleston she wants to make sure men in the male-dominated Legislature know what it feels like to have their reproductive rights targeted.

Under the full bill, which was prefiled Thursday, a man seeking Viagra, Cialis or any other drug intended to treat ED would have to:

Cool his heels for a 24-hour waiting period.
Submit a notarized affidavit from at least one sexual partner affirming that the patient has experienced symptoms of ED within the last 90 days.
Be examined by a state-licensed sexual therapist to make sure his ED isn't "attributable solely to one or more psychological conditions."
Attend three sessions of outpatient counseling within six months, "including sexual counseling and resources for patients to pursue celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice."

"Oh, I don't think it'll pass," McLeod told WCBD. "I really just want to broaden the discussion and get people thinking about and talking about some of the issues that women face who are seeking legal abortion services in this state."


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    A pill to make your penis hard and going into a woman's womb and removing a fetus. Those are definitely analogous medical issues. This sort political childishness is one of the reasons that the legislative branch of government is so ineffectual.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I can kinda see what she's talking about. There definitely is a double standard in the medical field between men and women.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Frankly, I think what she is doing makes a lot of sense, and it should to you as well. A lot of those men have no concept of a a woman's reproductive rights. They are very ready to prevent abortions. OK, fair enough. But, are they equally ready to deal with the consequences of this: the need for affordable health care, affordable child care so that the mother can work to support herself and the child , and paternity laws with teeth? Right now unwed pregnancy is viewed as just punishment for the woman. There is no such thing as an illegitimate child -why should a child who had no part in the action that led to his/her conception be branded for life.

    My daughter had a baby out of wedlock. She was lucky! The father didn't bail. They tried to make it work for three years and finally reached the conclusion that they wouldn't work, but they would share a commitment to their daughter. They remain friends. Unfortunately, that outcome is all too rare - witness all of the single mothers that a lot of you are happy to "support".

    Rep. McLeod doesn't expect, or even want that bill to pass. It will require the legislature to debate and hopefully come to understand the issues.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I can see the point she is trying to make also.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    What Ms McLeod is doing is a publicity stunt but I'm with ATACdawg here.

    Three words: Robert Lewis Dear

    I would like it if we found a way to make abortion unnecessary, but I am Pro-choice as long as you have unacceptable amount of child abuse in our country, which often repeats as a feedback loop when abused kids breed indiscriminately and abuse their kids. We had a case in Detroit where a woman killed and stuffed two of her children in the freezer. Cases that get exposure like Caylee Anthony are the tip of the iceberg.

    As far as Mr. Dear goes, the shooter at the Planned Parenthood Clinic who was shouting "No more baby killing" was married and divorced multiple time, abused his spouses and girlfriends, and had children with his former wives and out of wedlock that he did NOT support (while using the Bible to justify his actions). My point? Part of the problem, not the answer. Lets be clear that he's a fringe idiot and not the mainstream of the Life to Right movement. ( To be fair, I think Robert Dear is the right wing cousin to Theodore Kaczinski aka the Unabomber on the left, not from an ideological prospective but from the off-the-grid loner who festers his rage to the breaking part standpoint)

    We need to cure the mindset of 'this is the woman's problem'. We're talking our future here. I get the opposition to abortion, I also get the conservative opposition to a cradle-to-grave welfare state. Once you get past that the question remains "Do communities have the resolve to assist young mothers to raise their children to be responsible citizens?" Look at funding for education, the vanishing safety net for families in need and the shrinking opportunities for the middle class and I would say the answer young mothers are being given right now is the resounding sound of doors being slammed in their face and in the face of their children. I believe it is unacceptable for our society to act his way. So it may be a carnival road show, but I salute Ms. McLeod for doing what she can to raise the general awareness of this issue.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Why abortion is under the purview of the US Government is just another example of liberals trying to legislate private areas of our lives and getting involved in our personal business. Conservatives want the government to butt out of our personal business to which I say "YES"! It's a pity in this case, walking the walk seems beyond them. I think religion is the culprit and religion has no role in government.

    Mia McLeod would have made a brilliant conservative if women ran the government! She gets to the heart of the hypocrisy of men.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Absolutely support her broad point. Good for her.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I happen to think abortion is murder except if it's self defense to save the life of the mother.
    However I can understand how people think it's more convenient to kill unborn babies if it's more convenient for them. They don't care what I believe.

    A number of people believe it's ok to kill grown up people too. I don't agree with that either. They don't care what I believe either.
  • Timbuck12
    9 years ago
    Hey rockstar, I'm not trying to start a political war here, but you do realize all those hoops and requirements the article is taking about were enacted by conservatives and not liberals, right? Seems to be the polar opposite of staying out of one's personal business---at least in this example.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "A pill to make your penis hard and going into a woman's womb and removing a fetus. Those are definitely analogous medical issues. This sort political childishness is one of the reasons that the legislative branch of government is so ineffectual."

    I normally don't comment on political threads because I don't see the point but I'll make an exception.

    Viagra and abortion are 100% identical in one important way: they are both things that the government has no business regulating beyond ensuring their safety.

    Don't like abortion? Don't get one! But the government has no business passing ridiculous regulations that are only designed to make abortions harder to get. She's just trying to demonstrate the ridiculousness of the other side.

  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Hey rockstar, I'm not trying to start a political war here, but you do realize all those hoops and requirements the article is taking about were enacted by conservatives and not liberals, right? Seems to be the polar opposite of staying out of one's personal business---at least in this example."

    Brilliant point!

    This is why I'm a libertarian and not a conservative. Conservatives say they want the government out of our lives, but many want it in our lives when it comes to regulating things they don't like. Libertarians say they want the government out of our lives and they mean it!

    I consider myself a "realistic libertarian" who thinks the government should pass regulations to prevent out and out fraud or things that directly impact others. In other words, you can mostly do what you want on your property but you can't dump a big pile of stinky trash in your front yard that destroys my (and my neighbors') property values. Beyond those minimal regulations the government should butt out.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I was a little obtuse on my sarcasm: my point was conservatives hate when government interferes in our privacy unless they have a moral/religious objection to what you're doing. This includes not only abortion, but same sex marriage, drug use in a safe environment, and some less savory practices as well. In these instances, conservatives are very happy to intrude as much as they can get away with.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Rockstar666, the bill will never pass and it is not intended to. It was introduced to show the absurdity of what so many, mostly well off white males like JS69, are doing trying to restrict abortion access.

    I agree with the political statement this S.C. legislator is making. Women need to have control over their own bodies, and without interference!

    And if JS69 does not understand this, then may his cock fall off. Or just deny him his Viagra, as that amounts to the same thing.

    I had looked for previous threads before starting my own. Sorry I missed this one.


    about Elon Musk and investing in yourself:…

    Viagra restrictions:…

    Marriage and Family, a thread which never got the consideration I had hoped for:…

    And then of course it was Comrade Engels who showed us that marriage and prostitution arose together, being two sides of the same coin:……

    Extending ColdnShallow's thread:…

    Adelitas Way - Adelitas Way [Full Album] [2009]…
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