
How many strippers are actually full fledged lesbians

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
Sunday, December 6, 2015 8:36 AM
So I had a favorite. Really good GFE. Anyway went to her club after not being there for a while. We started where we left off (talk about great customer service remembering exactly what I like)

Before we were done with our dance she asked me "I need a favor I want you to get some dances from the new girl"

I wasn't particularly attracted to new girl (fake rack) but I figured what the hell one dance.

After it was over, I sat back at the bar next the ex-CF and then new girl rolled up. That's when ex-CF went full on butch.

This is a pretty girl usually very feminine, but her mannerisms and speech totally changed to acting very masculine and dominant.

Needless to say twas a big turn off for me. I like girl on girl more than the next guy, but with straight girls I guess.

Anyway, she used to tell me about the girls in the club and damn near all were lez or bi.

So what do you think the actual ratio is for just full lesbians dancers.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    No way to know for sure because there is no way you can believe anything a stripper tells you but my gut instinct says many are bi or bi curious but very few are die hard lesbians.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Actually not too many. I have come across about 10 self confessed real lesbian dancers in my SC travels. Plenty more claim to be gay to get into my wallet, but the truth comes out in the lapdance area - that's where I find out if they really know their way around the female anatomy.
    Way more dancers are bi than gay. Bi, gay or straight all works for me as long as the dances are good.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I'd go with lopaw as the expert, but my impression agrees with hers and shadowcat's ... a good number of bi and "bi when I drink or to impress guys" girls, few all-out lesbians
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    Dancers tell you they are gay to get into your wallet. My ATF told me she is bi but prefers women to get into my wallet. Kind of funny how that works.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    @motorhead- yeah these women know just what to say in order to separate us from our cash as quickly as possible.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    In my observation, and also as written about in the Spectator, in San Francisco's clubs the number is high. It kind of works out for them though, as they deal with women off the job, and with men it is P4P.

    But I do think this is more in the clip joint kind of clubs, non-GFE, 'extras' mode.

    I feel that these Lesbian Dancers are pretty easy to identify if you just interact with them some, you can see that they are not really interested in men.

    We talked about this when I first registered and Lopaw and some others went ballistic. Hopefully she still has me on ignore.

  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @SJG. I'm going to agree with you on this. I feel that the number of lesBian dancers are actually way higher than we PL's think. Sure they will take dick for money but end of the night going home to be with their girl friend.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I think it definitely depends on the region. You will tend to have more (openly) gay dancers in San Fran or NYC than in a place like Tulsa or Nashville. Dancers and their sexuality will be reflected largely by how liberal or conservative the city that they work in is.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I'm in South Carolina / Georgia. You'd think in the bible belt they would not be so much. So apparently all the lesbians in town are strippers :)

    Not an issue I love naked women regardless of orientation, just started noticing the high concentration of them dancing out here.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    No way to know for sure because there is no way you can believe anything a stripper tells you but my gut instinct says many are bi or bi curious but very few are die hard lesbians.

    You also can't believe anything Mr.Scat says
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think many of the strippers in clubs are attracted to men but not necessarily the men visiting the strip clubs. I do remember one bi dancer who was one of my favorites back a few years ago. I saw her 2 or 3 weeks ago and she said hi to me. A dancer I am friendly with knew her too, told me she was married, etc. She got a job as a nurse or something and was visiting the club as a customer. She was still hotter than most of the dancers in the club. I remember at the club she used to work, watching her approach other dancers some of the guys thought she must be lesbian. She told me she was bi. She is apparently married now. I assumed it was to a guy. It was nice of her to talk to me. I had fun in years past talking about which dancers we both thought were hot. We had similar interests.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    @GACA - you sure that this dancer wasn't telling you that all the girls are gay just to hurt their business?
    If it is indeed true, it might just be that rare case of a concentration of lesbians in a small area outside of known LGBT cities...... in which case I might have to make a move out that way :D

    Lol - for you, seeing a hot girl act all aggressive and dominant is a turn off, and for me its a huge turn on.
    Go figure ;)
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    I know two that I trust what they say, and neither were lesbians, as they went both ways.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @Lopaw. This stripper never told me she was a lesbian. Buy her mannerism and actions toward the other stripper made it very obvious. Again, she generally has a very feminine persona. Well I saw her get supper masculine acting ie pulled the girl by arm towards her, started to spit "game" like a dude, completely man acting is all I can say.

    Not like when straight girls interact with each other at all. It was weird only because didn't know she was a lesbian. But she did use to tell me about all the other girls who were hooking up with each other.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Blah blah blah
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Bi is way common. More likely the " I fuck chicks but only date dudes" bi.

    I know of exactly one legitimate lesbian stripper. Plenty who have dated women but also dated dudes.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Bi girls that fuck girls but date guys are a dream come true.
    We get sex w/o the drama and BS of dating or getting involved.
    It's the absolute best arrangement possible.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    My anecdotal survey says 10% of dancers are strict lesbians, 40% are strictly heterosexual and the rest are somewhat bi, in that they'll fool around with other women besides just for entertainment value for men.
  • occurious
    9 years ago
    It's much more acceptable these days for a girl to be bi so in general I think there are more girls that bi in any given population however a stripper already is accepting of an environment that is out of the norm so they are much more likely to accept advances from another girl and enjoy both sexes. In old days this would be called having loose morals but in really it has nothing to do with morals, it's just being more inviting to experiences and trying things.

    I also think that there is a psychological effect of having to deal with creepy guys all day long that drives some strippers to less creepy girls. The corollary to this would be that many strippers are drawn to guys that are bad for them because they are mentally beaten down by the guys they have to do deal with in the clubs.
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    A stripper once told me, discussing a coworker, that she was "gay for pay". I thought it was a funny comment but with a lot of truth as the almighty $$ rules for these gals.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    well for the first time ever just before thanksgiving a girl without my approval unzipped my pants and started playing with me. Before that she constantly kept talking about making her pussy fatter. SO I don't think I've met a lesbo stripper yet. I'll keep on the lookout.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    When a dancer starts discussing her preferring women pr being bi she ends up off the list. Huge turn-off. If I want to see girl on girl action I can stay home. With wife being bi, as were my last 2 girlfriends I have seen enough g/g action the last 30 years t o be tired of it. Sunday night I even snuck out of our playroom to watch the 4th quarter of the Patriots debacle.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    I fucked a stripper that was married to another woman
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    A higher percentage of strippers are lesbians than in the general population I think. A lot of straight girl's dancing careers are cut short by a jealous boyfriend. A lesbian stripper's girlfriend is much more likely to accept that it's just a job.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @ilbbaicnl touchè on that observation. .getting props for that
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    This is very hard to figure out. I know that my ex-volleyball player favorite admits to experimenting with the lesbian lifestyle, but I think she's really bisexual. I've known a couple other dancers similar to her on that basis. How many are true lesbians, though? I can't see how there can be that many.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I think that there are more than you may realize. If you think about it a gay woman who can act interested would be a good fit- she would have no sexual interest in the clientele, no baby daddy drama. She'd go thru the motions, make the club $$$, then go home. No drama. A stripclub manager's wet dream.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    When I worked at Hustler, the club was dead and the only girls that were real money makers were me one other dancer there. She only had one customer, he only came in like once a month because he lived in PA, but he'd spend thousands upon thousands on her, as well as renting out champagne rooms for his friends. Idk how long he had been coming to see her, I started working there after he became her regular.

    In the dressing room she and I chatted once and she told me how badly he wanted to be her boyfriend and how even though he doesn't come in much, she says she talks to him every day to make sure she keeps his business. She is a lesbian and had been in a serious relationship with her gf for years.

    My close friend is "bi" but pretty much leans like 90% towards girls so she might eventually just start identifying as a lesbian. She was bi before she started stripping, and I think she's become less interested in guys since. Lol
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