
Question for the women of TUSCL (including tumblingdice)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo
Papi_ChuloMiami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

No doubt the female form is a beautiful one to be admired by all including other females.

You as a ho, I mean female (damn auto-correct) – you as a female; are you into women and if so are you lesbian; bi; or straight?

For dancers/former-dancers in particular; did you interest in womens; if you have one; start or strongly intensify when you became a dancer and were around all those sexy bitches and sexually-charged atmosphere?


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Avatar for sclvr5005

Lol I hope jerikson40 is OK. Any sightings of her over on SW?

Avatar for NinaBambina

I'm not a ho so I'm declining to answer. :)

Avatar for Dancer_

^ I wish I could tell the same about myself but since I am now, here we go, lol - nope, I am straight, Although when I was doing bachelor parties, we had girl-on-girl show, idk if that counts. I guess I wouldn't mind to hook-up with a girl out of curiosity. I even googled gay/lesbian clubs in NYC but blah, I chickened out. Maybe I will download tinder and we will see, haha. I do love lesbian porn a lot though.

Avatar for tumblingdice

Papi,why do you insist on hurting my feelings?

Let me do a little profile on Papi Culo.

A pock faced white Hispanic.

Social outcast.

Yearns for the day he meets his father.

Earns less than 40k per year.

Sister no longer talks to him.

Avatar for FullPress

Papi. Turn about is fair play so I wish I could slay u with a comeback. But I am Too tired. Me? Not gay and I would not even describe myself as bi, even though it sounds cool. I am attracted to men exclusively IRL (yet have had sex with two women who are civvies, years ago) and don't fantasize or even imagine myself with a woman for anything more than fun. I think being gay or bi must go far deeper than sex.

It's very strange. I can easily have sex with a professional girl but I need to be VERY attracted to a guy to have sex with him. I need chemistry, respect, gonzo attraction and to almost swoon. But with a professional girl? No problems 90 percent of the time. Of course the gene pool of pros is a pretty nice gene pool.

Avatar for Dougster

Yeo, just because Nina bounces around in guys ducks for living it doesn't mean she's a ho. Denial is also just the name of a river in Egypt.

Avatar for lopaw

I think we all know where I stand on the sexual orientation spectrum.

Avatar for Clackport

This is gonna get feisty. I'm gonna sit back and watch the show.

Avatar for NinaBambina

Dougster says, "Just because Nina bounces around in guys ducks for living it doesn't mean she's a ho."

Dougster, I don't know too many guys with ducks. I definitely would never go inside of a duck and bounce around in it - that would make me a psycho like you, not a ho.

Your mind trascends the "dirty" threshold now. You are clearly a very lonely, twisted old man who probably lives alone except for the company of a few dozen ducks for you to "bounce around in" while you dwell over strippers who wouldn't touch you with a 20 foot pole while you simultaneously look downwards at your belly and frantically try to find your dick.

Go play with your ducks. And no, I won't be joining you when it's time for you to bounce around in them.

Avatar for Dougster

^^^ I must hit pretty close to the mark to get her that riled. Or maybe she's just off her SSRIs.

Avatar for NinaBambina

It might have seemed that way because I slayed your pathetic life, but I'm not riled at all. In fact I'm quite calm. I were any calmer I'd be meditating.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

"Your mind trascends the "dirty" threshold now. You are clearly a very lonely, twisted old man who probably lives alone except for the company of a few dozen ducks for you to "bounce around in" while you dwell over strippers who wouldn't touch you with a 20 foot pole while you simultaneously look downwards at your belly and frantically try to find your dick."

That was my favorite post in quite a while. Thank you Nina.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

“... Was I close Papi ...”

I think you are looking into a mirror w/ your hick psychological analysis


Avatar for rockstar666

Double standard here. Lots of women say they're not gay or bi, yet have fooled around with other women once or twice. But if a guy does that with another guy even once, he's considered gay/bi by other men.

That being said, I only have only had one dancer who I've gotten to know well who was strictly heterosexual. And about half my civvy girlfriends have admitted to having sex with a woman at least once.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

For those offended w/ my “ho” reference/comment; don't take anything written on-here too literally – I def was not trying to call anyone a ho and just being-facetious/ball-busting in a “ boys will be boys” kinda way

[except for tumblingdike; he be a trailer-park ho :)]

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

@ FullPress;

Thanks for your insights as a ho, I mean female (I gotta get this auto-correct fixed dammit) – but seriously – the female mind def works in mysterious ways and def often very different than the male mind – so your thoughts and explanations I find intriguing and even educational.

Avatar for Dougster

Right, Nina, you weren't riled. Makes total sense just like how bouncing around dicks to make money doesn't make you a ho'. We so believe!

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

“... Double standard here. Lots of women say they're not gay or bi, yet have fooled around with other women once or twice. But if a guy does that with another guy even once, he's considered gay/bi by other men ...”

That is def a valid point/observation – but in my small-mind I don't think everything applies equally to men and women.

In the context of sexuality in particular; a woman is often considered a work of beauty per se; an object of desire – whereas a man is not seen that way for the most-part, IMO – in my small-mind I can def see a straight woman finding another woman very beautiful and even liking and wanting to touch her body; but I can't see a straight dude feeling/thinking that way (except for tumblindike of course :)).

Per Elaine Benes:


Avatar for NinaBambina

Dougster, just because you edited and re-posted your warped lonely man thoughts doesn't make them any more effective or comedic. Give it up, I'm just not that into you. Go fumble around with that little nub you got down there. It'll help you pass some time.

Avatar for Dougster

^^^ and the rile continues.

Is it true Nina work as a stripper in Detriot? That could sure explain the guilt she feels about bouncing around on those dicks. Or l, given that it is Detroit, might it be a little more than that?

Avatar for Clackport

I got my chips and salsa now. This is getting good.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I think Dougster's new nickname should be "Little Nub."

Avatar for NinaBambina

Dougster (aka Nubster) are you aware that the club I work at is the ONLY non-extras club within Detroit city limits? Are you mad because I make so much money or because I won't fuck you?

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Yeah Nubster is a lot better. Wish I'd thought of it.

Avatar for Dougster

Maybe I'm being too harsh on Nina. She could be a Detroit stripper who really doesn't do extras. I mean what are the chances a stripperweb girl would lie about that?

As for how riled see got here when I mentioned maybe just do to her anxiety disorder. Good thing she is able to pay for those mess without doing extras!

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Damn – my thread has become “the Nina” thread LOL

Avatar for NinaBambina

Nubster, you're talking about ME get "riled" yet you can't even compose a sentence properly at this point, let alone stop talking about me.

Sorry, Papi. Nubster is star struck.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

No worries – but I'm kinda surprised since Dougster rarely gets into it w/ any other TUSCLers


Avatar for Dougster

Nina: " I still struggle with anxiety. It has physical effects on my body. I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember, so I assume I'll have it my whole life. "

Yep, I should back off. Won't want to be responsible for aggravating the physical effects she feels due to her anxiety disorder. Even if it's tautology that a girl who bounces around on guys' dicks for money is, indeed, ho!

Avatar for NinaBambina

You can keep going Nubster. You'll never give me anxiety, but even if you did, It's OK - I have a xanax. Fire away.

Avatar for Estafador

Plenty of gay clubs out in NYC. Not hard to find them. Went to one due to being mislead by a friend. lot of hot chicks, but none of them were into penises.

Avatar for tumblingdice

Estafador,go back to sleep will ya.

The Doug and Nina show.Classic.

Nina,lets get down to brass tacks here.You're a no count stripper,correct?You pay the rent by playing with old man cock,correct.What is so far fetched about what Dougster says that you go off the map and lock horns with him?Is there something we don't know?

Avatar for tumblingdice

Baby Doll you can tell us,were family here.

PS:It's Friday night,why aren't you in the club shaking your "Quote",Money Maker".

Avatar for JamesSD

I had a pet duck once, briefly

Avatar for NinaBambina

So did my friend Joey. He had a duck and a chick.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I'm glad I read this thread. It's a classic. I almost missed it.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I like the AFLAC duck - I'd like to go clubbing w/ him

Avatar for sharkhunter

I once had a pet duck too. It escaped one day though. Is this a thing for people who live in rural areas in Ohio and Michigan?

Avatar for mikeya02

Girls like guys with big ducks

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I often pet my duck – and my duck loves it even more when dancers pet it

Avatar for mikeya02

A duck walked into a strip club. He ordered a lap dance. He says "put it on my bill"

Avatar for just_the_nuts

PAPI is vibing his inner juice

I love ho, fuck bitches

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... A duck walked into a strip club. He ordered a lap dance. He says "put it on my bill" ..."


Avatar for motorhead

The damn autocorrect on my iPhone keeps making the word "fuck" into "duck". My TUSCL reviews turn out all fuzzy and adorable.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

You guys need to stop ducking around or else you gonna get band!

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