
The System, would it be better suited to casino or lounge bar hookers?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
A question for Rick Dugan:

Now you've taught us how to maximize OTC options while traveling. Some have gone on to name this The System. Two of it's components are not sitting at the stage and not doing booth dances.


Have you ever considered that this might be even better suited to getting dates with lounge bar hookers, or even casino hookers?

I've been thinking about this because of Las Vegas. But then there is also this Wendover Nevada, right on the Utah state line:



Just one strip club, and no legal brothels. But they probably have casino girls. Lots of things like this right on state lines.

Ever tried The System in a casino or lounge bar?


Buddy Guy


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Buddy Guy is a great guitarist. Inspired SRV
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    @CrazyJoe---> " I think you just make up shit because you're really not doing the things you say you do on here"

    For sure, not hard to look at the responses and see who is doing the exact equivalent of SW-style lying & posing.

    Completely agree guys. MANG i tell you this board has some idiots.

    Go windee da poo on her honey pot and eat dat good good

    Sucking the devil's dick


    My newest raview

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Thanks mikeya02 for that info. I had not known that, but now that you've told me I can indeed see the stylistic similarities.

    Anyone try to deploy The System with hookers in a casino or lounge bar? The situation could have advantages over strip clubs, as you go directly the hotel room with her.


    James Brown, There Was a Time
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I've tried the system last time I was at a Tim Hortons, it didn't go over too well.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I think RickyBoy tuned it for greasing bouncers and striking managers.

    Fuck that faggot RickyBoy!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Tim Hortons?


    For me at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, it works. Women go for a guy in a suit.

    I know it is horrible and not something to encourage. But it works in strip clubs, in retail stores, and even walking across the Stanford campus.

    I don't like it myself, but I can't help but see the results.

    Anyway, anyone try the approach of waiting for girls to approach in casino or lounge bars?


    Emerson Lake and Palmer
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Ontario Canada, Universal Basic Income!!!!


    I think a basic income guarantee is mandatory. Capitalism is what creates unemployment. And Cecil Williams and the people who run Guild Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco have got it right. Poverty is caused by social marginalization.

    So a corollary is simply this, everyone wants to do well. They want to win the admiration of family and friends. So if they are not doing well, then there must be some social marginalization or disability at work here. But as the main problem is marginalization, then we should not talk about disability, as usually this just means more marginalization.

    And of course it is absurd that people should be accepting psychiatric labels. These are just an extreme form of oppression.

    So for there to be justice there has to be this basic income guarantee, or what amounts to cradle to grave welfare.

    The typical person on welfare takes far less out of our economy than those employed do. And if the welfare recipient is not driving around much in a car, then they are treading far more lightly on the earth than those who senselessly burn up gas and dump CO2 into the atmosphere to do jobs which produce absolutely nothing which people need to live.

    Now welfare takes money out of gov't coffers, but in the US welfare has never been more than 3% of federal expenditure. This is much less than corporate welfare and other expenses directed to the betterment of the middle class in order to maintain political allegiance, or to keeping the poor down. So welfare is a cheaper way to keep our society going than the present state of affairs.

    And then as far as federal accounts, it is the federal gov't which controls the printing press, the furnace, and interest rates which multiply the availability of money by the inverse of the interest rate. Suffice to say, federal accounts and the money supply are all under gov't control, hence it is artificial. It is just a matter of who and what are being served by it.

    So as those who are not doing well are simply the victims of social injustice, we must redress this social injustice.

    1. Stop using psychiatric labels, learning disability labels, or morality labels.

    2. Offer people value producing work, not nonsense just to get a paycheck.

    3. Provide this cradle to grave welfare system as efficiently as possible, and understand that everyone wants to be a useful and meaningful part of our society.

    4. Follow my recommendation and hold parents accountable for exploiting their children, using them to give themselves a adult identity. This amounts to psychological child abuse. So besides criminal prosecution where practical, also prevent disinheritance and offer something like a divorce from one's parents when their is parent v child animosity. Make the parents pay, and pay dearly. Make it so that child exploitation no longer pays.

    5. And for those who insist on calling the poor lazy or immoral, know that this is how Capitalism works. It is the family where this starts, with the designation of a child as the blacksheep. Those who denigrate the poor are just doing what their parents did to them. So the poor and marginalized need to start standing up for themselves rather than submitting. They and all of us must start engaging in public advocacy and non-violent civil disobedience.

    6. And then since the New Economy and Libertarianism are really just the old Social Darwinism and Eugenics Movement, saying that the poor are not fit to compete, we all need to be prepared to do more than just be non-violent. We don't want to be like Anne Frank's father, hiding in an attic waiting for the Gestapo. We need to be ready to engage in guerrilla warfare, the use of lethal force, and without taking prisoners. Unless we are willing to do this, then we are helping the eugenicists who say that we are not fit to live. Gandhi and Jesus lived in violent revolutionary times. They were only able to accomplish their works because others were maintaining the constant threat of lethal violence on a large scale.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Mr. IME, thank you for replicating my post and bumping this old thread!


    Beethoven's 9th
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    This thread hasn't aged well. 😂
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Casino and Lounge Bar hookers meet that important criterion of F2F first meeting. Especially with the former, you can usually session with them without using a motor vehicle, just up in the hotel. Yeah, so it is good, similar to engaging with strip club dancers, except that you are in that car free and stripper shoe friendly utopia.

    As far as relationships with them, its just like it is with women everywhere.

    Most of the time mature womanizers seem to want to be giving them money. It keeps it in the ambiguous middle of that Marriage-Prostitution continuum.

    And if you are just meeting her and open and honest, I am sure that a preliminary makeout session is likely.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ All talk, no action.

    You posted this in 2015. Have you done anything in real life with respect to it since then?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    SirLap, I have sensitive and all encompassing responsibilities, obligations, and commitments. I will never betray the security of these.

    I actually have posted a great deal about my life experiences on this board. But no I don't take questions.

    Here online I can exercise the judgement about posting about things I have done. Usually I do this to illustrate some larger point. But no, I don't say things just to win approval from imbeciles.

    I can post something here because it is online, and so I can draw the line in how far I go, and I can still keep my f2f life safely firewalled off, and safely defended too.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ All talk, no action. That's all you do here. It has nothing to do with winning approval from anyone. It also has nothing to do with your personal security. You're simply "san_jose_guy" here which means you are anonymous, moron.

    You simply don't interact with strippers, ever, and you can't admit it because you'd look stupid, anonymously, for talking like a know-it-all.

    You're just a PL poser. All talk. NO ACTION.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    "I have sensitive and all encompassing responsibilities, obligations, and commitments. I will never betray the security of these."

    Whatever, Batman.
    Just show up in the medication line when you're asked, and don't hide your Seroquel under your tongue.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    LOL back in 2015 san_jose_creep had no problems posting (ad nauseam) about his escapades and debacles with AMP whores in real life. I'm talking dirty details here.

    And now he claims privacy and firewalling off what he does (or doesn't) with strippers?

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    THis is online, not f2f, so I can draw the line where I feel that I need to. This is what makes it possible for me to post here.

    I have very sensitive responsibilities, and they could go in directions I am not used to.


  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Yes, this is online, so you can make all the excuses you want to avoid not having stripper interactions in real life.

    And so you can post but not have any action.

    All talk, no action. That's all you do here. It has nothing to do with winning approval from anyone. It also has nothing to do with your personal security. You're simply "san_jose_guy" here which means you are anonymous, moron.

    You simply don't interact with strippers, ever, and you can't admit it because you'd look stupid, anonymously, for talking like a know-it-all.

    You're just a PL poser. All talk. NO ACTION.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    "I have very sensitive responsibilities, and they could go in directions I am not used to."

    ^^^ yeah and you're anonymous on here too. You're known as "san_jose_guy" so it doesn't matter how sensitive your responsibilities are.

    You just don't have anything to report on real stripper interactions. We all know this. 😁
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The System, as Rick does it, it's just paying hookers for sex.

    But deployed better, it would work nicely with lounge or casino hookers, when you are checked into the upstairs hotel.

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