
My "problem" of having too many strippers may have just gotten worse

layin low but staying high

So the trolls will have a field day with this one, spouting venom that only they can understand or give a shit about. Have fun losers since I won't read a disgusting word that your sick little twisted minds come up with. So enjoy talking to nobody but yourselves and the other trolls.

If you're not a troll but are tired of my DS drama, feel free to move on to another thread. Plenty of other drama going on elsewhere.

For the rest who have been nice about sharing legitimate thoughts and experiences with me, here's what happened. I'm trying to figure out what's going on.

I mentioned to rh48hr last night at Hi Liter that I am hoping that the DS will have a change of circumstances and text me some day about getting back together. I didn't really expect that to ever happen or even if it did I figured that she'd be long past her teenage years when it happened. I miss her but I have moved on.

What a prophetic discussion. The DS texted me this afternoon. Totally out of the blue. I haven't tried to communicate with her in any way since she dumped me. She sent me a picture from one of our trips this afternoon and said she was looking through the pics and it made her think of me. She asked how I'm doing.

So we exchanged a dozen or so texts over the next couple of hours. The highlights:

She quit working as a stripper because of unspecified shit happening at her club. This happened within a couple of weeks of her dumping me. This shocked me because she was making a fortune at the club and seemed to be doing well. I don't know what happened but it had to be big to get her to give up several thousand dollars in weekly income.

She might go back to stripping at some point but has no immediate plans to do so. She doesn't want to strip anywhere but where she was cause most of the other clubs in her town require extras and, despite what many think, she is not and never has been an extras girl. She didn't say how she is making a living without stripping and I didn't ask. Certainly she made enough to live on for months from me alone.

She has a girlfriend, and apparently had her the last couple of months while we were doing our thing together. This does not surprise me and I think I know who the gf is. She said the gf knew all about our relationship and was cool with it. I think the gf is a stripper who may have her own sugar daddy.

She said lots of nice things about how I always treated her well, and she misses me. She didn't come right out and say it, but it was pretty clear that she wants to see me again OTC. She didn't push to get together but said a couple of times to tell her the next time ill be in her town. That'll be in 2-3 weeks and I said I'd let her know.

I don't think I can stay away from her if she'll have me. I've got plenty of strippers right now but this is my perfect woman. If you've read the stories, then you understand. I want her. I will always want her.

But the little head stupidly offered her more money the night she dumped me. I don't think I'll pay more, at least not much more. The past few weeks with other strippers has made abundantly clear to me how incredibly generous I was with the DS. She was worth it, and I don't regret it, but I think I would regret paying any more than I used to. She never mentioned $ in our texts and neither did I, so I don't know if she might ask for more.

My first thought is that she has the whale who out spent me as a sugar daddy. While this seems logical, and would explain her income without being a stripper, it's far from certain. That guy had some psychological issues and may not have been safe OTC. Plus why would she be texting me if she has him. Sure maybe she wants multiple sugar daddies but that's not her. It's possible but not likely.

The biggest question is why is she trying to get me back after only a few weeks. I was very surprised that she walked away from my money, but she did and she was very firm about it. She shit the door completely upon any OTC relationship with me. Why the sudden apparent change? As usual, I don't understand women. I think I understand strollers but not really cause they're women too.

Anybody understand what's going on?


  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Did you go to Bourbon Street yet?
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Most likely, she dumped you because she had a boyfriend or sugar daddy. Now the sugar daddy or boyfriend has dumped her, and she needs you again.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Hard to tell, her stories sound more and more odd and since you don't give us the entire story it's hard to pinpoint everything.

    She doesn't sound savvy enough to save all the money she made so she either has a sugar daddy and is contacting you to give her "multiple" daddies or maybe she thinks she can survive soley on your donations. Maybe she just doesn't have a plan at all, strippers are that stupid sometimes. Stupid enough to quit while making good money thinking they can go get a normal 9-5 job and expect to make close to what they made stripping, when they fail, they sit on a couch all day smoking weed instead of going back to stripping.

    She will always stay in touch with you, you're her back up plan. You might be her plan "D" but she's going to keep you on a leash (albeit a long one) just incase she needs you to bail her out someday.

    I have this piece of shit married girl who dragged me along for years who allegedly left her husband and moved in with a new guy... But she is still texting me. Why? Because she's keeping me on her leash, she knows when things flame out with this new guy she's hoping she can use me as her lifeline. As far as I know I'm her ONLY lifeline, just like for all you know, once the whale leaves YOU may be the only lifeline for the DS.

    It's up to you if you want to accept her call when it comes one day - trust me it will come, hopefully you will have found a better situation by then and you can tell her "eh no thanks." That's the ultimate fuck you that she deserves but you have to be confident enough in yourself to say just that... And be able to live with your decision. Regardless of what goes down, taking her back is not the right decision but like everyone else does, we always don't make the right decision do we?
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Sounds better than nothing...the best story is the story that never ends....
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Meat, no. I'm having too much fun at Hi Liter to make it to BS, at least so far.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "Regardless of what goes down, taking her back is not the right decision but like everyone else does, we always don't make the right decision do we?"

    Well said.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Is anything stopping you from having a frank discussion with her about her expectations?

    It sounds like it's time for you to admit that you like her for more than the pussy.

    Personally, I'd be tempted to take her to dinner and let her talk. If something works out, it works out. If not, it's only dinner. Don't offer her anything else until you find out what she wants. She *might* just want you to give her money for old time's sake.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    What's going on is she's too young has daddy issues and she is also stripper, with stripper issues, and she is also scared to break it off with your money completely. My take on this without the complete unedited story is you need to be careful or she will cause you problems. Myself, I would have nothing to do with her you are doing just fine what do you need this for?
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    There is one other possibility. If indeed the other "whale" is out of the picture, and she HSS quit the club, there are multiple situations at work here. Besides needing your money, it's pretty clear that she remembers, and appreciates now, that aside from paying her, in no way did you treat her like a prostitute.

    Going forward, this could present significant risks for you both. Does she consider you a mere lifeline, or does she see you as the "love of her life?" How does her aborted pregnancy play into this?

    What are your feelings about her? Have you forgiven her? Do you want to rekindle the fire? Remember, you are 50+ and she is only 19 or 20. Aside from the sex, how much do you really have in common?

    Good luck on this particular ride, JS. I think you're going to need it.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Several of us advised not to burn bridges just in case....which I think you avoided. That said, it is your choice. You just need to figure out if the roller coaster is worth the ride and own up to the fact that you were/are smitten by the concept of a young girl being available to you. That was the underlying consistent theme of most of your posts....her complete compliance/surrender. "Dumping" you was her reset of the ultimate rule- "I have the pussy, therefore I get to make the rules". Sound familiar? Good luck.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I started a thread a short time ago about how much shit are you willing to put up with to get the pussy. I think that this situation fits right in.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I think you're asking yourself this question about her right now....

    "Does she want me for ME or does she NEED me because of my wallet."

    That's a hard question to answer and even if you asked her directly, I'm not sure if you could trust whatever answer she would give you. I think she would tell you what she thinks you want to hear.

  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I would see her again but try not to spend more money on her than the usual amount. You already got a couple of strippers on the side. It can be a big money drain.

    I made that mistake with my CF. She got mad at me and weeks later texted me out of the blue. I went back to see her and spent $10,000 in just 3 months. A lot more than what I usually spent on her.

    Must be some kind of psychological trick she played on me, lol.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think jackslash nailed it.

    Meet her for dinner when you're in town with no expectations. Play it by ear. If you're going to cut her pay, you may have to have some awkward negotiations. Spin some Customer Shit about your cash flow due to the divorce or something.

    Be ready to walk. You have the power.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Well, he has the money, at least. She decided exactly when it was going to end, leaving him a bit heartbroken, and even though he knows it may end the same way again, she's decided it's going to start back up. Many years ago I went through the same thing with an ATF, was thrilled but very cautious when she returned, but haplessly went along and eventually she did exactly the same thing to me again. What I learned is: if you were hurt pretty good, and can see things getting set up for a repeat but badly want to go along with it anyway, you're in too deep.

    At the moment, my reading of this whole situation is: she wasn't nearly as enamored with the earlier engagement as JS thought and simply bolted when she decided when she was in a position to, and now that her situation has changed, she'll play the same scenario over again. Still, everyone's entitled to make their own mistakes, I certain did exactly the wrong thing when faced with a similar choice some years back, so I wouldn't begrudge JS his mistake
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    John, you mentioned she has a girlfriend. Is this just a "friend" friend or is she maybe exploring a lesbian relationship? You also said that you two were just texting, so I'm wondering if that was really your redheaded DS on the other end or maybe her girlfriend stringing you along. A similar situation happened to me years ago, when a girl from Florida visited her escort friend in the Twin Cities and got a hold of that escort's phone list. Next thing I knew, I was getting phone calls from an escort I didn't know and didn't contact.

    Seriously, John, I wouldn't even consider going to dinner with her. She's burned you once already -- and bad. What's to stop her from doing it again? Especially if she finds another wealthier and probably more pliable sugar daddy to spoil her rotten?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks for all of the advice. I'm going to have dinner with her, and have a frank discussion about everything. After that, I don't know what will happen. It can never be completely like it was again, and I'll be a lot more careful and cautious if we do it again. But she is my perfect woman. We all know that it's gonna be hard for me to pass that up. But I do have it really good without her, so the result is not necessarily a foregone conclusion.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "I started a thread a short time ago about how much shit are you willing to put up with to get the pussy. I think that this situation fits right in."

    I get that. But in determining how much shit you will put up with, you have to consider the quality of the pussy. The better the pussy the more I'm willing to pay in cash and shit to get it. All pussy is not created equal. But no matter how good it is there are limits beyond which I won't go.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS69: "But no matter how good it is there are limits beyond which I won't go."

    If you do nothing else eight, keep *that* in mind.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Is her friend hot, too? Just sayin'..... ;-)
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    to bubba267 I hear you, but after many years of chasing, and only sometimes catching, I abandoned the pussy rules for the Golden Rule unfortunately JS69 is still living by the Pussy Rules and until he wises up it wont change for him. In case you didn't know the Golden Rule is as follows: the one who has the gold makes the rules.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Rech, thank you for that sage advice. I've been waiting for you to acknowledge the reality and incredible virtues of a dream stripper. It's heartening to see that you have become so wise.

    Obviously I realize that I'm obsessed with my DS. But even Superman has kryptonite so give me a break. I might surprise you. Then again I might not.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    It's good to acknowledge that you are obsessed with her, because you might be letting her lies slide to live up to the fantasy world that she has helped you create. She has successfully hustled you. When she dumped you, it was most likely because she found an even bigger spender who obviously did not last too long and she now wants you back. But be careful, because it seems like you have a strong physical and emotional longing for while she seems like she is 1) dishonest, and 2) having major problems running her life properly. #1 and #2 don't mix well with an escort stripper/sugar baby/DS/whatever you want to call her.
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    Perhaps I freaked her out with my request that she fuck my buddy rickthevulture. But going back to that John Smith loser? That's just crazy.

    Regardless, you better not bother your ex-DS, lest you wake up to find a lion wearing a suit with a vulture wearing a suit on his shoulder pointing an AK at you.

    Then it's wildebeest time buddy. I'll take the choice cuts and leave the rest for rickthevulture. ROAR!
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Is the girl friend a lesbian relationship. I wonder if DS hooked up with kind of bull dyke that is fucking with her head about stripping and fucking for money. That would kind of explain everything. I don't see how she'll stay away from making that easy money for too long.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    It could be a fellow lesbian from the club.
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    John Smith's ex-DS is not a lesbian attracted to other female hairless apes. Sometimes I make her watch me fuck other female hairless apes or other big cats, but that is just because I'm a badass lion that wears a suit.

    John Smith's ex-DS is a slut for BSLC. ROAR!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    She is bi, and enjoys men and women equally, although lately she has been trending more towards women. A girlfriend who is a stripper also avoids many of the hazards of a stripper having a boyfriend.
  • mrrock
    9 years ago
    Ok since you wanted me to start posting after our meetup here goes. I think she's been living off your money and money she made as a stripper. She's now run out of said money and needs to refill the bucket. As we were talking about last night, no matter how nice these strippers are for a while they are all about the money. If your money run out, so do they. If it's flowing they are down.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I almost skipped reading this thread, I'm glad I didn't. You treated the DS unbelievably good, and then she dumped you unceremoniously. I personally would tell her to kick rocks. Regardless your life needs to be made into a movie, this shit is just too good.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Ranukam, I'm thinking of writing a book -- "My life with Strippers." Then I can sell the movie rights after the book is a best seller.

    MrR, thanks for posting. I hope you'll stay. I agree it's all about the $. Except for free girl it's always about the money with strippers. The DS obviously needs my money now whereas she didn't before.

    I'm gonna hear her story before I decide anything but I'm not sure that being all about the $ is a bad thing. I've always known it's all about the money for her. I have no dilutions that my perfect 10 19 year old has ever had romantic feelings for me. She likes the orgasms I give her to be sure but lots of men and women will do that for her. What sets me apart is the money I pay her to do these things.

    But if she is willing to go back to giving me a perfect GFE, and if she is not going to try to coerce more $ from me, and if I can trust her at least as much as any stripper can be trusted, I'm not sure that I see a downside. Sure I know that she can and will dump me when's she wants to, but that is true of every sexual relationship, paid or romantic. I can walk any time I want too. So I'll be wiser, and more on my guard, but to reiterate -- she is literally my perfect stripper. A perfect 10 for me in every category. If she's not trying to rip me off, it's hard for me to see how I can say no.
  • mrrock
    9 years ago
    Hmm for some reason my last comment didn't show. Anyways, as we were saying last night strippers are about the $. She's probably run out of money since she quit stripping and now needs to refill the well. But hey, she's your DS and she wants to resume...go for it!!!
  • mrrock
    9 years ago
    I'm not sure why the posting for me isn't working through the mobile version of tuscl. Anyways, you asked me to start joining in here so here I am!!!

    As we were discussing last night, strippers are ALL about the money. Your money runs out they disappear. You keep it flowing and they are good to go. My guess is that your DS has been living off your(possibly others) money since she quit dancing and has now run out. The comment "I was going through photos" was a better way to reach out to you because it makes you think that she's thinking of you and comes across better then her basically begging saying "I've run out of cash, do you think we can restart things?".

    Even though this is most likely the case, she IS your favorite of all time(I've got mine too which I don't know if I'll ever quit unless I HAPPEN to find someone and get married) so I say go for it!!!
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    1. Don't let any trolls discourage you from sharing. I find your tales entertaining and encouraging and read them all even if I do not comment.

    2. Sounds like you have a firm grip on reality. She is running out of money and wishes to re-open the spigot. If you wish to spend, take every opportunity for moments of rapture. Be always prepared at a moments notice for it to end. All it will take is for her to perceive the opportunity for a bigger, better deal elsewhere -- then it is Groundhogs Day all over again for you. As long as you are getting what you want for what you consider to be a value -- I say go for it.

    You and I each probably have less than 10,000 days to live -- maybe under 5,000 days we will be well enough to fuck 19 y/o strippers. Spend every one of them wisely. Have a happy life!
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Holy shit! I would not want to piss off that Rickthelion dude. Stay out of his path.

    That's hilarious shit, I don't care who u are.
  • mrrock
    9 years ago
    My replies aren't showing up :(
  • mrrock
    9 years ago
    Ok sorry guys for the multiple nearly identical replies. Somehow I had myself on ignore. Not sure if I had done it by accident some time ago( I KNOW I didn't do it on purpose) or I got some kind of glitch with the new version of the site. Either way fixed now! :D
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    It was JS69 playing a prank on you while u were at the Hiliter. He took your phone and placed yourself on ignore.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Meat, that would've been funny. Wish I had thought of it. But I was high. Plus I had to keep Lone Wolf from making a drunken choice of an ugly stripper. Then I had to devote time to worship the body of my new redhead friend. So it was a busy night to pull off such pranks.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    "But if she is willing to go back to giving me a perfect GFE, and if she is not going to try to coerce more $ from me, and if I can trust her at least as much as any stripper can be trusted, I'm not sure that I see a downside...If she's not trying to rip me off, it's hard for me to see how I can say no."

    That's a lot of if's. And for such a small word, it really can come across as the biggest.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    PhantomGeek: Agree. As I said earlier, years ago I went through something similar to what JS is going through. It is remarkable how I used nearly exactly the same sort of reasoning to take her back (and ignore some other minor incidents also). Anyone outside the situation with any sense knew it was just insane rationalization of a guy who was over-invested emotionally, but for me, I just lied to myself about how there's no downside. But JS69 gonna JS69, and count me among those who enjoy his stories, and now I know they'll be lots more :)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think Nina's post was spot-on, and worth repeating since she's got the opposite-side perspective:
    It's good to acknowledge that you are obsessed with her, because you might be letting her lies slide to live up to the fantasy world that she has helped you create. She has successfully hustled you. When she dumped you, it was most likely because she found an even bigger spender who obviously did not last too long and she now wants you back. But be careful, because it seems like you have a strong physical and emotional longing for while she seems like she is 1) dishonest, and 2) having major problems running her life properly. #1 and #2 don't mix well with an escort stripper/sugar baby/DS/whatever you want to call her.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @johnSmith: your problem of being a homo also seems to be getting worse.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I'm looking forward to the reunion story.

    It's going to be dinner followed by a worship session. We just need the details.

  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    It could be a more interesting worship session if the dinner was on her -- literally. Sugar baby/DS as the buffet table.
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